What Is Neurodesign?

Designers can create more effective and engaging products by working synergistically with users’ brains. Our expert explains how.

Written by Ari Krzyzek
Published on Mar. 04, 2024
A hand holds a lightbulb whose filament looks like a brain
Image: Shutterstock / Built In
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In the fast-paced world of web design, staying ahead of the curve means integrating insights from various disciplines. One such intersection that holds massive potential is the marriage of neuroscience and web design, termed neurodesign.

By delving into the principles of neuroscience, we can create web experiences that not only captivate users but also align seamlessly with the way our brains process information, enhancing the user experience through a deeper understanding of cognitive processes.

Neurodesign Definition

Essentially, neurodesign involves drawing on insights from neuroscience to create designs that align with how the human brain processes information. Its a strategic approach that recognizes the intricate interplay between design elements and the cognitive functions of users.

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Understanding Cognitive Load

Cognitive load refers to the mental effort required for a task. In web design, understanding cognitive load is crucial as users navigate through a myriad of information and interactions. Neuroscience suggests that our brains have limited processing capacity, much like a computer with finite RAM. Therefore, we must aim to minimize cognitive load to ensure a smoother user experience and prevent users from getting overwhelmed.

Simplifying navigation, organizing content hierarchically, minimizing unnecessary elements on a webpage, and guiding users through a seamless flow are practical applications of this principle. If your website has tons of items to display, which is usually the case for e-commerce sites, categorizing them can be a great way to organize and simplify the navigation. Take a look at how Sephora breaks down its navigation bar.

By taking this approach, users can effortlessly engage with our content without feeling overwhelmed, ensuring a positive first impression and increased retention.


User-Friendly Interfaces Work With Brain Preferences

The brain prefers certain design elements that enhance user-friendliness. Neurodesign encourages implementing familiar patterns and interfaces because users can more easily navigate a website if its structure aligns with their cognitive expectations.

Take a look at this template for website layoutLooks familiar, right? If you go to sites like CNN or The New York Times, you'll see that their latest releases are always highlighted with bigger images and larger font sizes, just like the linked layout. News sites know our brains like familiarity, so they stick with this recognizable pattern.

I often tell my clients to take this approach. By ensuring that our work feels familiar, we align our website with users mental models and create intuitive interfaces, reducing the learning curve and enhancing overall user satisfaction.


Attention and Design Focal Points

Attention spans are shrinking. Grabbing and maintaining user attention has become a formidable challenge. Drawing inspiration from neuroscience, we can employ strategies to direct user attention through web design. Check out Coldplays website. Where does your eye go?

Our brains are naturally drawn to certain elements in a design, such as contrasting colors, sizes, or the use of motion. Incorporating these visually appealing and distinctive elements as key focal points can capture and sustain user interest. Just make sure to also pay attention to the page’s accessibility, following the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WAGC), to familiarize yourself with text alternatives, keyboard navigation, and contrast ratios.

Another effective approach is employing a visual hierarchy to prioritize content. Visual hierarchy is a design approach in which you lay out your design elements to show their order of importance. The principle comprises element sizing, color, contrast, alignment, repetition, proximity, whitespace, and texture and style. A properly laid out hierarchy makes important information stand out, allowing us to guide users attention to key elements, facilitating a more intuitive and engaging experience.


Create Emotional Connections Through UX Design

Emotions play a significant role in decision-making and user engagement. Neuroscience suggests that our brains might process emotional stimuli more quickly and memorably than neutral information, meaning that design elements that evoke certain emotions will have a more lasting impact on users. Consider what emotional tone aligns with your brand, then incorporate it cohesively throughout your website to establish a strong emotional connection.

Colors, imagery, and even font choices can also nudge specific emotional responses, influencing users perceptions of your brand or product. Align these elements with your brands emotional tone to evoke specific emotions that resonate with your target audience. This creates a more immersive and engaging user experience.

Apple is a great example of emotional UX design. Its combination of visuals, colors, typography, and copy makes a cohesive vibe that screams out sophistication, class, and intelligence.


How to Implement Neurodesign Principles

Neurodesign is not a theoretical concept, but rather, a practical approach that we can integrate into the web design process. Here are some principles that can help you to implement it effectively.

3 Steps for Practicing Neurodesign

  1. Conduct user persona analysis. Incorporate cognitive preferences into user personas, considering factors like information processing speed; learning style — if they prefer videos, audio, articles, or other media; and visual preferences — which can be done through a survey to obtain information about your potential users’ preferences. This ensures your design aligns with the cognitive diversity of your target audience.
  2. Neuro-informed A/B testing. Create design variations that align with neurodesign principles and test them against existing designs. Analyze user engagement metrics, including time spent on the page and conversion rates, to identify the most effective neurodesign elements.
  3. Continuous user feedback loops. Collect user feedback on specific design elements related to neurodesign principles. Use this feedback to iterate and refine your design continuously. This iterative process ensures ongoing alignment with user preferences and cognitive patterns.

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Understanding Neurodesign for Business Owners

For business owners, the correlation between neurodesign and user satisfaction translates into tangible benefits. A website that is user-friendly and emotionally resonant can lead to increased user engagement, higher conversion rates, and improved brand loyalty.

Investing in neurodesign principles is an investment in the user experience. Websites that prioritize ease of use and emotional connection are more likely to stand out in a crowded digital landscape, creating positive associations that extend beyond the virtual realm.

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