The time indicates for how long a package is in the given state.
Auto-Not-For-Us | 234 | 1: qcontrol, micro-evtd, zipl-installer, s390-tools, partman-prep, s390-dasd, sysconfig, flash-kernel, s390-sysconfig-writer, powerpc-utils, 11: s390-netdevice, x-loader, hurd, soapdenovo, soapdenovo2, iprutils, librtas, bowtie, kissplice, swarm-cluster, 21: cen64, paflib, cen64-qt, khmer, s390-zfcp, libservicelog, servicelog, libvpd, ppc64-diag, lsvpd, 31: princeprocessor, ne10, bcal, rpi.gpio, pftools, libvecpf, wcc, snap-aligner, pdbg, intel-ipsec-mb, 41: libocxl, debos, golang-github-go-debos-fakemachine, libpsm2, gkl, soapaligner, fwupd-amd64-signed, fwupd-armhf-signed, fwupd-arm64-signed, wiredtiger, 51: grub-efi-amd64-signed, grub-efi-arm64-signed, skypat, grub-cloud, ukui-biometric-manager, postgresql-hll, libstatgen, linux-signed-amd64, linux-signed-arm64, pmdk, 61: looking-glass, memkind, shim-helpers-arm64-signed, shim-helpers-amd64-signed, embree, ipmctl, debian-cloud-images, nvidia-settings-tesla-418, mrtrix3, iconnect-tools, 71: lambda-align2, criu, diamond-aligner, golang-github-pzhin-go-sophia, pveclib, libxsmm, arm-compute-library, crystal, ucx, python-peachpy, 81: nvidia-settings-tesla-450, r-bioc-dada2, onednn, mapsembler2, megahit, pmon-update, mecat2, shasta, bmtk, salmon, 91: amdgcn-tools, nvidia-settings-tesla-460, vg, gdpc, python-loompy, qemu-web-desktop, python-pynndescent, mit-scheme, nvidia-settings-tesla-470, kma, 101: smlsharp, optee-client, xir, sptag, xenium, indi-playerone, kallisto, vectorscan, baconqrcode, libobjcryst, 111: onevpl-intel-gpu, xen, onevpl, molotov, libica, picolisp, opa-ff, opa-fm, kore, openssl-ibmca, 121: trafficserver, indi-pentax, elastix, insighttoolkit5, pyobjcryst, nvidia-settings-tesla, python-pyepics, xraylarch, jellyfish1, nrepl-clojure, 131: indi-sbig, xrt, intel-compute-runtime, vart, chibicc, fis-gtm, graph-tool, darktable, golang-gvisor-gvisor, gatb-core, 141: python-cooler, wtdbg2, nvidia-persistenced, nvidia-xconfig, level-zero, ncbi-vdb, olive-editor, nvidia-open-gpu-kernel-modules, q2-phylogeny, libricohcamerasdk, 151: nvidia-cuda-toolkit, intel-acm, libsbig, udm, libvcflib, dials, discosnp, simka, bcalm, mindthegap, 161: minia, nvidia-nccl, rocsparse, opm-common, opm-models, rccl, rocblas, rocm-hipamd, rocrand, sra-sdk, 171: rocfft, hipblas, baler, nvidia-settings, hipsparse, hipcub, rocprim, stdgpu-contrib, opm-grid, yuzu, 181: opm-upscaling, opm-simulators, box64, rocthrust, spades, shards, glusterfs, m1n1, canu, hipfft, 191: nvidia-cudnn, dynarmic, pytorch-cuda, bpfcc, rocsolver, trinityrnaseq, r-bioc-basilisk, wasmedge, swiftlang, dpdk, 201: dpdk-kmods, massxpert, yade, optee-os, tboot, qt6-quick3dphysics, hipsolver, storm-lang, rkcommon, lenovolegionlinux, 211: amdgcn-tools-18, shim, optee-test, rocdbgapi, shim-signed, kpatch, mash, spaln, pgloader, python-msgspec, 221: ipp-crypto, mmseqs2, vdo, roct-thunk-interface, pytorch, libvpl-tools, falcosecurity-libs, qatlib, sysdig, dolphin-emu, 231: pcm, pbcopper, rar, ghdl |
BD-Uninstallable | 456 | 1: fdkaac (1670d 17h 23m, contrib), indi-mi (1047d 9h 12m, contrib), smrtanalysis (1012d 14h 23m), parallel-fastq-dump (968d 9h 22m), rust-sensors (909d 10h 2m), seqsero (784d 14h 12m), kmerresistance (782d 10h 11m), nthash (757d 21h 22m), tipp (736d 4h 32m), bart-cuda (735d 12h 37m, contrib), 11: fsm-lite (734d 16h 47m), plasmidid (728d 10h 56m), shovill (726d 6h 6m), blasr (717d 7h 27m), unicycler (716d 12h 17m), objcryst-fox (695d 6h 52m, sramacher), relion-cuda (672d 20h 22m, contrib), skesa (669d 8h 31m), pizzly (665d 19h 12m), pyhst2 (660d 10h 42m, contrib), 21: scmutils (657d 13h 31m), facet-analyser (646d 10h 12m), rpma (529d 8h 12m), flextra (520d 19h 21m), fastp (499d 12h 1m), freebayes (458d 15h 41m), ocaml-fdkaac (456d 14h 24m, contrib), tensorpipe-cuda (450d 3h 24m, contrib), magma (442d 2h 24m, contrib), flexpart (407d 8h 26m), 31: haskell-raaz ( b1, 398d 21h), haskell-cryptol (394d 15h 12m), libpsml (393d 9h 50m), libmaxmind-db-writer-perl (390d 3h 42m), rust-imperative ( b1, 387d 18h 12m), geogram (386d 9h 56m, contrib), pbbam (376d 16h 12m), ypy (372d 13h 7m), openmolcas (355d 4h 20m), minimac4 (349d 15h 1m), 41: doris (348d 12h 55m, contrib), pytorch-cluster (345d 18h 34m), pytorch-scatter (344d 14h 52m), pytorch-sparse (343d 20h 42m), rsem (339d 14h 51m), libmmmulti (336d 12h 41m), parmed (323d 17h 11m), pysph (319d 12h 46m), cat-bat (315d 16h 31m), proteinortho (314d 21h 52m), 51: rust-vhost-user-backend (305d 5h 53m), promod3 (301d 19h 6m), molmodel (267d 5h 31m), libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl (260d 6h 36m), embassy-domsearch (257d 41m), embassy-domainatrix (257d 41m), embassy-domalign (257d 41m), kleborate (256d 8h 36m), emoslib (253d 8h 13m), ruby-grib (249d 10h 1m, sramacher), 61: jellyfish (247d 10h 37m), crac (247d 9h 51m), libwfa2 (243d 15h 42m), fpzip (233d 17h 12m), sambamba (219d 9h 37m), emboss (218d 18h 52m), odc (217d 20h 44m), eccodes-python (216d 19h 26m), iceoryx (209d 7h 12m), rust-abscissa-derive ( b2, 208d 16h 36m, x86-ubc-02), 71: dioptas (205d 14h 38m), macromoleculebuilder (203d 13h 27m), glgrib (194d 6h 50m), python-fastparquet (191d 17h 23m), oci-seccomp-bpf-hook (188d 10h 22m), psortb (179d 19h 45m), rust-virtiofsd (172d 16h 37m), trilinos (171d 11h 22m), kokkos (171d 10h 12m), qpdfview ( b1, 166d 21h 21m), 81: rust-alacritty (163d 16h 11m), rust-sctk-adwaita (163d 8h 22m), rust-tiny-skia (163d 8h 22m), pnetcdf (161d 18h 50m), srst2 (161d 2h 57m), tirex (157d 21h 52m), libapache2-mod-tile (157d 19h 23m), camitk (153d 12h 11m), q2-cutadapt (150d 1h 12m), q2-fragment-insertion (149d 16h 21m), 91: q2-metadata (148d 15h 9m), q2-dada2 (148d 12h 22m), openstructure (143d 19h 12m), libblkio (142d 9h 24m), rust-loom (142d 6h 54m), libdbd-oracle-perl ( b2, 139d 13h 14m, contrib), gst-plugins-bad1.0-contrib ( b3, 139d 13h 14m, contrib), python-cogent (139d 11h 2m), persalys (139d 6h 12m), texworks (139d 5h 24m), 101: magics (132d 15h 41m), eclipse-equinox (129d 13h 28m), pygrib (124d 18h 10m), numba (121d 6h 42m), plastimatch (118d 17h 41m), cataclysm-dda (115d 10h 41m), rust-repro-env (114d 11h 54m), libsdsl (113d 12h 11m), ntcard (112d 6h 50m), opensnitch (111d 20h 38m), 111: votca (110d 10h 56m), gutenprint (110d 4h 24m), r-cran-dimred (107d 15h 38m), bowtie2 (106d 12h 31m), coq-hierarchy-builder ( b8, 105d 23h 15m, x86-conova-02), ssreflect ( b7, 105d 23h 15m, x86-ubc-02), coq-deriving ( b5, 105d 23h 14m), coq-reglang ( b5, 105d 23h 14m), mathcomp-bigenough ( b5, 105d 23h 14m), mathcomp-finmap ( b5, 105d 23h 13m), 121: mathcomp-zify ( b5, 105d 23h 13m), coq-extructures ( b5, 105d 23h 13m), mathcomp-algebra-tactics ( b5, 105d 23h 13m), coqeal ( b5, 105d 23h 12m), coq-bignums ( b3, 102d 23h 44m, x86-grnet-01), coq-libhyps ( b2, 102d 23h 43m), coq-record-update ( b2, 102d 23h 43m), coq-reduction-effects ( b2, 102d 23h 42m), ott ( b2, 102d 23h 42m), coq-gappa ( b2, 102d 37m), 131: coq-math-classes ( b5, 102d 36m, x86-conova-01), coqprime ( b2, 102d 35m), photoqt (100d 18h 38m), openvswitch (98d 6h 23m), r-bioc-affxparser (97d 16h 53m), r-bioc-chemminer (97d 16h 37m), r-bioc-biocparallel (97d 16h 37m), r-bioc-ebseq (97d 16h 21m), r-bioc-dnacopy (97d 16h 21m), r-bioc-rhdf5lib (97d 16h 21m), 141: r-bioc-rsubread (97d 16h 21m), r-bioc-metapod (97d 16h 21m), r-bioc-graph (97d 16h 21m), r-bioc-hilbertvis (97d 16h 21m), r-bioc-lpsymphony (97d 16h 21m), r-bioc-eir (97d 13h 32m), r-bioc-fmcsr (97d 13h 32m), r-bioc-biocneighbors (97d 13h 32m), r-bioc-affyio (97d 13h 32m), r-bioc-iranges (97d 13h 7m), 151: r-bioc-rots (97d 13h 7m), r-bioc-rhtslib (97d 13h 7m), r-bioc-snpstats (97d 13h 7m), r-bioc-sparsematrixstats (97d 13h 7m), r-bioc-rbgl (97d 13h 7m), r-bioc-rhdf5filters (97d 13h 7m), r-bioc-pcamethods (97d 13h 7m), r-bioc-multtest (97d 13h 7m), r-bioc-dirichletmultinomial (97d 5h 37m), r-bioc-s4arrays (97d 5h 37m), 161: r-bioc-xvector (97d 5h 37m), starpu-contrib (97d 5h 37m, contrib), r-bioc-affy (97d 5h 37m), r-bioc-bluster (97d 5h 37m), r-bioc-makecdfenv (96d 10h 42m), r-bioc-biostrings (96d 10h 42m), r-bioc-monocle (96d 10h 42m), r-bioc-sparsearray (96d 10h 24m), r-bioc-pwalign (96d 9h 12m), r-bioc-delayedarray (96d 9h 12m), 171: r-bioc-rsamtools (96d 9h 12m), r-bioc-beachmat (96d 8h 24m), r-bioc-hdf5array (96d 8h 24m), r-bioc-genomicalignments (96d 7h 32m), r-bioc-biocsingular (96d 7h 32m), r-bioc-deseq2 (96d 7h 32m), r-bioc-genefilter (95d 18h 26m), r-bioc-destiny (95d 18h 26m), r-bioc-glmgampoi (95d 18h 26m), r-bioc-scuttle (95d 18h 3m), 181: r-bioc-oligo (95d 18h 3m), r-bioc-singler (95d 18h 3m), r-bioc-shortread (95d 18h 3m), r-bioc-rtracklayer (95d 18h 3m), r-bioc-cner (95d 17h 33m), r-bioc-scran (95d 17h 33m), r-bioc-bsseq (95d 17h 33m), r-bioc-grohmm (95d 17h 33m), r-bioc-sva (95d 17h 33m), r-bioc-gsva (95d 17h 33m), 191: r-bioc-variantannotation (95d 17h 24m), r-bioc-dss (95d 17h 24m), r-bioc-degnorm (95d 17h 24m), r-bioc-biovizbase (95d 17h 24m), r-bioc-tfbstools (95d 17h 24m), r-bioc-titancna (95d 17h 24m), r-bioc-demixt (95d 17h 3m), r-bioc-isoformswitchanalyzer (95d 17h 3m), r-bioc-deseq (95d 15h 27m), openfoam (92d 18h 22m), 201: sight (92d 15h 21m), astra-toolbox (89d 13h 3m, contrib), tuxguitar (89d 3h 12m), sfepy (89d 1h 48m), gpaw (87d 18h 6m), bagel (85d 11h 6m), itkgenericlabelinterpolator (83d 15h 1m), virtuoso-opensource (83d 13h 1m), rustup (83d 5h 42m), python-iow (82d 15h), 211: metview-python (82d 15h), osmo-pcu (82d 15h), libosmo-sccp (80d 6h 56m), osmo-hlr (80d 6h 26m), r-cran-glmmtmb (80d 3h 42m), ants (79d 8h 26m), osmo-iuh (79d 6h 36m), osmo-msc (78d 10h 42m), r-bioc-gosemsim (77d 16h 12m), libosmo-netif (77d 6h 26m), 221: amgcl (76d 6h 37m, contrib), osmo-mgw (76d 5h 12m), osmo-bsc (75d 20h 42m), libsysstat ( b1, 75d 11h 12m), pgaudit-17 (72d 13h 37m), extra-window-functions (71d 10h 12m), credcheck (71d 10h 12m), bgw-replstatus (71d 10h 12m), first-last-agg (71d 10h 12m), pgsql-ogr-fdw (71d 9h 55m), 231: ip4r (70d 10h 5m), jsquery (70d 10h 5m), pgq (70d 10h 5m), osmo-sgsn (70d 9h 56m), purify (70d 7h 22m), postgresql-debversion (69d 15h 12m), hypopg (69d 15h 12m), omnidb-plpgsql-debugger (69d 15h 12m), pg-auto-failover (69d 10h 2m), pg-dirtyread (69d 10h 2m), 241: pg-partman (69d 10h 2m), cfgrib (68d 21h 42m), pg-failover-slots (68d 16h 12m), pg-cron (68d 16h 12m), pgextwlist (68d 10h 12m), pg-roaringbitmap (68d 10h 12m), pg-rrule (68d 10h 12m), pg-show-plans (68d 10h 12m), pg-rational (68d 10h 12m), pg-similarity (68d 10h 12m), 251: pgfincore (68d 10h 12m), pg-rage-terminator (68d 10h 12m), pg-wait-sampling (68d 10h 12m), pg-snakeoil (68d 10h 12m), fdb (67d 17h 56m), pgpool2 (67d 6h 12m), pgsphere (66d 11h 12m), pgnodemx (66d 11h 12m), pgsql-asn1oid (66d 11h 12m), pgpcre (66d 11h 12m), 261: pgmemcache (66d 11h 12m), postgresql-q3c (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-set-user (66d 10h 12m), pldebugger (66d 10h 12m), pgtt (66d 10h 12m), wal2json (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-pllua (66d 10h 12m), toastinfo (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-mysql-fdw (66d 10h 12m), tablelog (66d 10h 12m), 271: postgresql-prioritize (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-unit (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-numeral (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-pgmp (66d 10h 12m), preprepare (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-semver (66d 10h 12m), prefix (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-plsh (66d 10h 12m), postgresql-plproxy (66d 10h 12m), plr (66d 10h 12m), 281: rust-subversion (66d 7h 16m), r-bioc-densvis (66d 4h 12m), ovn (65d 20h 22m), pg-stat-kcache (65d 18h 16m), kclock (65d 15h 2m), tds-fdw (65d 7h 41m), pgl-ddl-deploy (63d 21h 12m), slony1-2 (63d 18h 57m), osm2pgsql (63d 11h 7m), pglogical-ticker (63d 10h 12m), 291: postgresql-periods (63d 10h 12m), icu-ext (63d 10h 12m), pg-fact-loader (63d 10h 12m), plprofiler (62d 19h 37m), cdo (61d 23h 42m), pg-hint-plan-17 (61d 9h 12m), indi-fishcamp (60d 9h 56m, contrib), rpki-client (59d 17h 26m), pbdagcon (59d 7h 7m), pg-repack (59d 6h 37m), 301: pg-squeeze (58d 14h 16m), pglogical (58d 13h 16m), pgpointcloud (57d 10h 12m), postgis (57d 56m), haskell-happstack-hsp ( b2, 56d 12h 14m, x86-conova-02), haskell-hsx-jmacro ( b1, 56d 12h 12m), haskell-idna ( b2, 56d 12h 11m, x86-conova-02), haskell-publicsuffixlist ( b3, 56d 12h 7m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-reform-happstack ( b2, 56d 12h 6m, x86-conova-02), haskell-smtp-mail ( b2, 56d 12h 5m, x86-csail-01), 311: haskell-soap ( b2, 56d 12h 4m, x86-conova-02), haskell-soap-tls ( b2, 56d 12h 4m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-web-routes-boomerang ( b1, 56d 12h 1m), haskell-web-routes-happstack ( b2, 56d 12h 1m, x86-grnet-01), haskell-web-routes-hsp ( b1, 56d 12h 1m), haskell-web-routes-th ( b1, 56d 12h 1m), mumax3 (55d 10h 2m, contrib), hwloc-contrib (52d 11h 56m, contrib), sepp (52d 8h 55m), pdns (51d 10h 12m), 321: pycuda (50d 20h 40m, contrib), deal.ii (50d 20h 26m), r-bioc-rhdf5 (50d 17h 42m), ospray (50d 8h 46m), libatomic-queue (50d 7h 12m), pytorch-vision (49d 22h 42m), metview (49d 18h 42m), pg-qualstats (49d 15h 12m), haskell-byte-order (48d 21h 12m), tomopy (47d 16h 46m, contrib), 331: pyzoltan (47d 16h 2m), rust-liblzma ( b1, 46d 18h 7m), rust-niffler ( b1, 46d 18h 7m), haskell-serialise (45d 6h 6m), haskell-cborg-json (44d 15h 37m), haskell-dhall (44d 11h 22m), scilab (43d 23h 26m), paleomix (43d 11h 56m), haskell-status-notifier-item (42d 18h 2m), libjogl2-java (41d 11h 56m), 341: theli (41d 11h 37m), bpftrace (40d 8h 26m), itkadaptivedenoising (39d 20h 56m), haskell-gtk-sni-tray (39d 11h 42m), osmo-bts (39d 6h 26m), plpgsql-check (37d 15h 16m), taffybar (37d 6h 56m), eccodes (34d 9h 52m), rocr-runtime (34d 7h 37m), rust-winit (34d 4h 42m), 351: scamp (32d 17h 22m), pandoc-filter-diagram ( b3, 32d 16h 35m, x86-grnet-01), pyvkfft-cuda (32d 10h 57m, contrib), rust-piz (31d 19h 17m), ocaml-containers (31d 18h 26m), ocaml-oseq (31d 18h 12m), rust-histogram (31d 17h 42m), pgsql-http (31d 15h 12m), postgresql-rum (31d 13h 37m), rocminfo (31d 5h 56m), 361: gloo (31d 1h 27m), gloo-cuda (28d 26m, contrib), rna-star (27d 12h 2m), ocaml-multicore-magic (26d 15h 42m), ocaml-dscheck (26d 15h 42m), trimesh (25d 15h 55m), pgauditlogtofile (25d 14h 42m), orafce (25d 14h 26m), r-bioc-edger (24d 22h 7m), r-bioc-limma (24d 22h 7m), 371: r-bioc-genomicranges (24d 22h 7m), blender (24d 3h 36m), centrifuge (23d 22h 42m), r-cran-tmb (23d 22h 42m), ocaml-multicore-bench (22d 7h 39m), pbseqlib (21d 7h 56m), gromacs (20d 3h 22m), pgvector (19d 15h 16m), abyss (19d 14h 6m), vsearch (19d 11h 36m), 381: rust-palette (19d 5h 52m), rust-palette-derive (19d 5h 52m), rust-rust-ini (19d 4h 56m), gnudatalanguage (18d 13h 32m), rust-pep508-rs (18d 7h 27m), rust-pyproject-toml (18d 7h 27m), tdigest (17d 10h 22m), ariba (16d 23h 22m), sdml (16d 13h 27m), rust-upstream-ontologist (16d 52m), 391: rust-ognibuild (16d 52m), rust-buildlog-consultant (16d 52m), slurm-wlm-contrib (15d 4h 56m, contrib), r-cran-wgcna (15d 2h 54m), r-bioc-alabaster.base (14d 18h 12m), r-bioc-alabaster.matrix (14d 17h 37m), timescaledb (14d 15h 22m), mobilitydb (14d 13h 31m), r-bioc-dropletutils (14d 10h 56m), postgresql-16-age (14d 9h 12m), 401: eztrace-contrib (12d 2h 42m, contrib), powa-archivist (10d 22h 5m), h3-pg (10d 18h 6m), seqan-needle (9d 18h 7m), pdns-recursor (8d 15h 27m), ecmwflibs (8d 11h 42m), unrardll (8d 4h 12m, contrib), pgrouting (7d 13h 7m), fckit (6d 17h 57m), pg-catcheck (6d 11h 22m), 411: eckit (6d 11h 22m), metkit (5d 19h 26m), openmpi (5d 18h 42m), unifrac (4d 14h 31m), upstream-ontologist ( b2, 3d 14h 33m, x86-ubc-02), ectrans (3d 10h 26m), python-skbio (3d 4h 52m), mayavi2 (3d 4h 42m), python-orjson (2d 19h 12m), pmix (2d 17h 12m), 421: postgres-decoderbufs (2d 15h 12m), ceph (1d 19h 6m), coq-menhirlib (1d 18h 6m), coq-hott (1d 18h 6m), coq-dpdgraph (1d 18h 6m), coq (1d 18h 6m), aac-tactics (1d 18h 6m), coq-serapi (1d 18h 6m), coq-equations (1d 18h 6m), coq-ext-lib (1d 18h 6m), 431: coq-hammer (1d 18h 6m), coq-unicoq (1d 18h 6m), coq-stdpp (1d 18h 6m), elpi (1d 18h 6m), coq-elpi (1d 18h 6m), coq-unimath (1d 18h 6m), flocq (1d 18h 6m), paramcoq (1d 18h 6m), coq-iris (1d 17h 56m), coq-interval (1d 17h 56m), 441: coquelicot (1d 17h 56m), coq-relation-algebra (1d 17h 56m), mathcomp-real-closed (1d 17h 56m), coq-simple-io (1d 17h 56m), coq-mtac2 (1d 17h 56m), mathcomp-multinomials (1d 17h 56m), mathcomp-analysis (1d 17h 56m), coq-corn (1d 17h 56m), coq-quickchick (1d 17h 56m), fiat-ecmwf (1d 15h 46m), 451: atlas-ecmwf (1d 15h 46m), cctbx (1d 12h 22m), python-upstream-ontologist (1d 9h 7m), python-pycddl (1d 9h 7m), metaeuk (17h 56m), cp2k ( b1, 16h 12m) |
Build-Attempted | 93 | 1: rust-colorful (536d 16h 29m, tried 2 times, x86-csail-01), openjdk-11-jre-dcevm (536d 16h 13m, tried 3 times, x86-csail-01), btllib (536d 15h 29m, tried 2 times, x86-ubc-02), gjh-asl-json (536d 14h 35m, tried 2 times, x86-grnet-01), ippsample (536d 14h 24m, tried 4 times, x86-ubc-02), hyperspy (536d 14h 21m, tried 2 times, x86-grnet-01), ncbi-igblast (536d 14h 17m, tried 2 times, x86-ubc-02), rust-effective-limits (536d 13h 55m, tried 2 times, x86-grnet-01), rust-kvm-ioctls (536d 13h 54m, tried 3 times, x86-grnet-01), rust-libsensors-sys (536d 13h 53m, tried 2 times, x86-grnet-01), 11: prometheus-libvirt-exporter (536d 13h 14m, tried 2 times, x86-conova-01), seqan-raptor (442d 11h 46m, x86-conova-02), rust-compound-duration (423d 9h 59m, x86-conova-01), rust-cid-npm (409d 9h, x86-conova-02), quorum (354d 16h 47m, x86-conova-02), bbhash (353d 9h 43m, x86-conova-02), devicexlib (328d 11h 49m, x86-conova-02), bifrost (321d 19h 30m, x86-grnet-01), gtsam (317d 17h 25m, x86-grnet-01), bustools (312d 9h 44m, x86-grnet-01), 21: endless-sky (306d 12h, x86-ubc-01), libmath-int128-perl (305d 10h 3m, x86-csail-01), rjava (299d 8h 39m, x86-conova-02), prody (282d 20h 28m, x86-conova-02), patat (270d 7h 21m, x86-conova-02), hepmc3 (267d 10h 29m, x86-conova-02), rocm-compilersupport (264d 4h 55m, tried 11 times, x86-conova-02), rust-static-alloc ( b1, 264d 3h 28m, tried 5 times, x86-conova-02), gatk-bwamem (242d 8h 26m, x86-ubc-02), dpaste (240d 17h 48m, tried 3 times, x86-grnet-01), 31: cpptraj (192d 13h, x86-conova-02), scm (191d 17h 34m, tried 2 times, x86-grnet-01), fp-units-win (165d 19h 29m, x86-conova-02), rust-tiny-skia-path (163d 8h 14m, x86-conova-02), lmms ( b4, 149d 19h 31m, x86-csail-01), rocalution (140d 21h 31m, x86-grnet-01), abinit ( b2, 136d 6h 3m, x86-conova-02), ruby-mpi ( b4, 136d 5h 8m, x86-grnet-03), rust-clone-file (135d 8h 11m, x86-grnet-01), liggghts ( b1, 129d 9h 51m, x86-ubc-01), 41: elpa ( b1, 128d 15h 30m, x86-ubc-02), coot (119d 1h 9m, tried 2 times, x86-grnet-03), vienna-rna (118d 13h 16m, non-free, x86-conova-01), ruby-cbor (105d 5h 7m, x86-grnet-01), tracy (102d 9h 22m, x86-ubc-02), openturns (86d 6h 24m, x86-grnet-01), flye (82d 14h 33m, x86-conova-01), halide (75d 15h 15m, tried 4 times, x86-ubc-02), pocketsphinx-python (75d 5h 10m, x86-grnet-01), python-rosettasciio (73d 4h 38m, x86-ubc-02), 51: openmm (72d 13h 26m, x86-conova-02), libunwind (63d 23h 40m, x86-conova-02), abpoa (57d 8h 41m, x86-grnet-03), liquidsoap ( b3, 54d 6h 23m, x86-grnet-01), rust-apr (50d 5h 19m, x86-conova-01), ugene (48d 13h 10m, x86-grnet-03), rust-liblzma-sys ( b1, 46d 17h 15m, x86-grnet-01), nwipe (41d 14h 26m, x86-grnet-01), haskell-arithmoi (39d 21h 36m, x86-ubc-01), justbuild (39d 15h 54m, x86-ubc-02), 61: fsearch (39d 12h 54m, x86-ubc-02), vst3sdk (38d 21h 40m, x86-conova-01), pcp (37d 10h 28m, tried 3 times, x86-conova-01), onnxruntime (37d 9h 50m, x86-ubc-02), chasen ( b2, 36d 18h 52m, x86-conova-02), gforth ( b4, 36d 18h 46m, x86-conova-02), libisal (35d 22h 40m, x86-conova-02), rust-systemstat (34d 10h 53m, x86-conova-02), ocaml-iter (31d 18h 45m, x86-conova-02), libvmod-selector (27d 6h 32m, x86-grnet-01), 71: simbody ( b1, 25d 5h 7m, x86-conova-02), micropython (24d 9h 35m, x86-grnet-01), memcached (24d 6h 52m, x86-conova-02), g-golf (20d 6h 52m, x86-conova-02), prime-phylo (18d 12h 42m, x86-ubc-02), rust-tiny-dfr (18d 6h 47m, x86-csail-01), meli (16d 10h 29m, x86-conova-02), p4est (15d 7h 28m, x86-ubc-02), xmrig (14d 23h 44m, x86-ubc-02), epics-base (14d 14h 7m, x86-conova-01), 81: faketime (13d 13h 36m, x86-conova-02), python-cassandra-driver (13d 12h 48m, x86-grnet-01), rust-associative-cache ( b1, 13d 7h 47m, x86-ubc-01), rust-imagepipe (12d 10h 44m, x86-ubc-01), ccls (7d 4h 59m, x86-grnet-01), tinyarray ( b6, 6d 7h 16m, x86-grnet-01), python-feather-format ( b2, 5d 14h 7m, x86-grnet-03), python-sfml ( b1, 5d 14h 2m, x86-grnet-03), pyfribidi ( b3, 1d 18h 3m, x86-ubc-02), shotcut (1d 14h 54m, x86-ubc-01), 91: bornagain (1d 10h 41m, x86-ubc-02), gcc-snapshot (1d 9h 3m, x86-grnet-01), python-escript (11h 58m, x86-ubc-02) |
Building | 1 | 1: chromium (5h 45m, x86-ubc-01) |
Dep-Wait | 1 | 1: tiledarray (667d 12h 44m, tried 3 times, x86-grnet-01) |
Failed | 121 | 1: ecere-sdk ( b4, 1153d 17h 35m, x86-ubc-02), python-rocksdb ( b1, 767d 1h 57m, x86-ubc-02), rust-generator (760d 18h 2m, x86-grnet-01), qiskit-terra ( b3, 660d 16h 5m, x86-ubc-02), freeart ( b2, 657d 14h 58m, x86-conova-01), afnix (639d 4h 53m, x86-grnet-01), traildb (481d 20h 54m, tried 2 times, x86-grnet-01), gitlab-ci-multi-runner (473d 19h 33m, tried 2 times, x86-ubc-02), segyio ( b1, 351d 9h 41m, bunk), python-cramjam (304d 14h 3m, x86-conova-02), 11: liboqs ( b1, 256d 13h 52m, x86-conova-02), gdis ( b2, 245d 14h 38m, x86-ubc-02), gabedit ( b3, 245d 14h 37m, x86-ubc-02), alien-arena ( b1, 245d 14h 12m, contrib, x86-ubc-02), whitakers-words ( b1, 237d 16h 55m, x86-conova-02), ghemical ( b3, 235d 9h 26m, x86-ubc-02), stimfit ( b5, 235d 6h 14m, sramacher), rapmap (234d 8h 53m, x86-ubc-02), bazel-bootstrap (233d 4h 41m, sramacher), qbe (199d 15h 29m, x86-csail-01), 21: s2geometry ( b2, 199d 15h 21m, x86-grnet-01), coz-profiler (195d 17h 21m, x86-grnet-01), siconos (194d 6h 40m, x86-grnet-01), wine-development ( b5, 191d 7h 4m, x86-ubc-01), pytorch-audio (191d 7h 3m, bunk), gnome-subtitles (191d 7h 3m, tried 3 times, x86-grnet-01), xpra ( b4, 186d 12h 14m, x86-conova-01), cegui-mk2 ( b1, 147d 19h 1m, x86-grnet-01), code-saturne ( b1, 134d 20h 1m, x86-ubc-02), classified-ads ( b2, 119d 12h 7m, x86-grnet-01), 31: simutrans ( b2, 119d 11h 37m, x86-grnet-01), warzone2100 ( b2, 119d 11h 36m, x86-grnet-01), casparcg-server (115d 15h 5m, tried 2 times, contrib, x86-ubc-01), certmonger (112d 8h 41m, x86-conova-02), libkqueue (112d 3h 23m, x86-conova-02), sks ( b1, 105d 16h 38m, x86-csail-01), hol-light ( b1, 105d 16h 33m, bunk), pplacer (105d 10h 36m, tried 2 times, x86-ubc-02), iem-plugin-suite ( b2, 101d 7h 33m, x86-conova-01), ppx-tools ( b2, 89d 15h 51m, x86-grnet-01), 41: kwayland (76d 9h 9m, tried 2 times, x86-ubc-01), ocaml-luv ( b5, 74d 15h 7m, x86-conova-02), lintian-brush (69d 17h 30m, tried 2 times, x86-conova-02), pymupdf ( b2, 68d 13h 26m, x86-conova-01), linphone ( b4, 55d 18h 29m, x86-grnet-01), zeal ( b1, 47d 15h 47m, tried 2 times, bunk), horizon-eda ( b1, 45d 14h 27m, x86-grnet-01), rheolef ( b4, 43d 15h 48m, x86-conova-02), clazy (43d 15h 15m, x86-grnet-01), haskell-web-routes ( b1, 41d 11h 14m, x86-ubc-02), 51: haskell-hindent ( b7, 41d 6h 44m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-geniplate-mirror ( b2, 41d 6h 36m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-failure ( b2, 41d 6h 36m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-hsx2hs ( b1, 41d 6h 36m, x86-conova-02), haskell-argon2 ( b1, 41d 6h 35m, x86-grnet-01), haskell-hsp ( b2, 41d 6h 35m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-monad-journal ( b2, 41d 6h 35m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-configfile ( b4, 41d 6h 35m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-crypto-random ( b2, 41d 6h 35m, x86-conova-02), haskell-file-location ( b1, 41d 6h 34m, x86-conova-02), 61: haskell-harp ( b2, 41d 6h 34m, x86-conova-02), haskell-generic-trie ( b2, 41d 6h 34m, x86-ubc-01), haskell-connection ( b2, 41d 6h 33m, x86-ubc-01), haskell-reform ( b1, 41d 6h 33m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-punycode ( b2, 41d 6h 33m, x86-conova-02), haskell-tagshare ( b2, 41d 6h 32m, x86-grnet-01), haskell-lucid-svg ( b2, 41d 6h 32m, x86-ubc-01), cypari2 ( b3, 40d 12h 23m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-github (40d 11h 24m, x86-conova-02), ldc ( b1, 40d 11h 14m, x86-grnet-01), 71: efitools (39d 11h 11m, x86-ubc-02), node-expat ( b1, 36d 17h 44m, x86-ubc-02), ognibuild (34d 11h 42m, bunk), bctoolbox ( b2, 33d 12h 37m, x86-ubc-02), mongrel2 ( b3, 33d 12h 25m, x86-grnet-01), gauche ( b1, 33d 12h 23m, sramacher), arduino-builder ( b9, 32d 6h 9m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-prettyprinter-convert-ansi-wl-pprint ( b2, 30d 19h 59m, x86-ubc-02), glvis (30d 12h 12m, x86-conova-01), haskell-cborg (30d 12h 2m, x86-ubc-02), 81: nomacs ( b2, 30d 11h 53m, x86-conova-02), haskell-xml-conduit-writer ( b3, 30d 11h 43m, x86-conova-02), haskell-options (30d 11h 37m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-csv-conduit ( b3, 30d 11h 36m, x86-conova-02), haskell-regexpr ( b2, 30d 11h 33m, x86-conova-02), music (30d 11h 2m, tried 2 times, x86-ubc-02), swt4-gtk (30d 6h 55m, x86-ubc-02), haskell-wide-word (30d 4h 32m, x86-grnet-01), mysql-workbench ( b4, 28d 18h 59m, x86-conova-01), libvmod-re2 (27d 7h 5m, x86-conova-02), 91: gulkan ( b2, 24d 6h 54m, x86-conova-02), libpst ( b2, 23d 15h 27m, x86-ubc-02), zstd-jni-java ( b2, 23d 13h 58m, x86-conova-02), libcreg ( b2, 23d 5h, x86-conova-02), libevtx ( b2, 23d 4h 57m, x86-ubc-02), libregf ( b3, 22d 6h 29m, x86-ubc-02), nx-libs ( b2, 22d 4h 55m, x86-ubc-02), libopenshot ( b3, 21d 15h 29m, x86-csail-01), dx ( b1, 21d 15h 28m, x86-grnet-01), rss-glx ( b2, 21d 14h 7m, x86-csail-01), 101: pythonmagick ( b7, 21d 14h 6m, x86-grnet-03), synfig ( b2, 21d 14h 1m, bunk), vdr-plugin-skinenigmang ( b3, 21d 13h 56m, x86-csail-01), xapian-core ( b1, 19d 2h 25m, x86-conova-01), knxd ( b3, 17d 4h 26m, x86-conova-02), giada ( b3, 17d 4h 24m, bunk), open3d ( b2, 17d 4h 16m, x86-grnet-01), litecoin ( b2, 17d 4h 1m, bunk), performous ( b4, 17d 4h, x86-conova-02), genomicsdb (17d 3h 31m, x86-conova-01), 111: ring ( b5, 16d 18h 24m, bunk), libprelude ( b2, 8d 17h 54m, x86-grnet-01), python-mbedtls ( b3, 6d 9h 40m, x86-grnet-01), cython-legacy ( b2, 6d 6h 48m, x86-ubc-02), adios2 (5d 13h 30m, bunk), python-orderedset ( b2, 5d 11h 46m, bunk), python-pyspike ( b3, 5d 11h 45m, x86-ubc-01), python-libzim ( b2, 5d 11h 43m, x86-ubc-01), pygccjit ( b5, 5d 11h 41m, bunk), py-libzfs ( b1, 5d 11h 39m, contrib, x86-grnet-03), 121: pybik ( b4, 5d 11h 38m, x86-ubc-02) |
Installed | 17524 | Too many results, cannot display |
Uploaded | 1 | 1: wput (8m, x86-conova-02) |