This is the Continuous Integration Build of FHIR (will be incorrect/inconsistent at times).
See the Directory of published versions icon

14.18 Resource Measure - Content

Clinical Quality Information icon Work GroupMaturity Level: 4 Trial UseSecurity Category: Anonymous Compartments: No defined compartments

The Measure resource provides the definition of a quality measure.

The Measure resource represents a structured, computable definition of a health-related measure such as a clinical quality measure, public health indicator, or population analytics measure. A quality measure is a quantitative tool to assess the performance of an individual or organization with respect to a specified process or outcome via the measurement of actions, processes, or outcomes of clinical care. Quality measures are often derived from clinical guidelines and are designed to determine whether the appropriate care has been provided given a set of clinical criteria and an evidence base.

Note that the Measure itself does not typically contain any logic; rather a Library resource is referenced that contains the logic required by the measure, and the various expression elements, such as population criteria, reference named expressions within that library (or libraries). In addition, if the Measure references multiple libraries, then any expression references within the resource must be qualified with the name of the library that contains the referenced expression.

This resource is a definition resource from a FHIR workflow perspective - see Workflow, specifically Definition.

For a detailed discussion of how to use the Measure and MeasureReport resources, refer to the Quality Reporting topic.

The Measure resource describes a specific quality measure, or population analytic, providing the structure of the measure in terms of the calculation elements (the populations involved). The Group resource is also capable of describing a population, however, the complexity involved in specifying the criteria in the general case requires the use of a high-level query language such as Clinical Quality Language (CQL). As such, the Measure resource defines only the top-level populations and references expressions for the actual criteria. These expressions are typically provided using a Library resource containing CQL or ELM expressions. In addition, the individual members of a population may be cases such as encounters or procedures and in these cases, the Group resource would be unable to represent the population characteristics accurately.

A Measure is also similar to an ObservationDefinition resource, in that it is purely definitional, it contains no actual measurements, only a description of how to calculate a particular measurement or set of measurements. Measure is different from ObservationDefinition in that Measure is intended to provide a computable specification.

A Measure is also similar to a clinical document, but as with the relationship to Observation, a Document is specific to a particular subject.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Measure TU DomainResource A quality measure definition
Warning: Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation
Rule: Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria components

Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
Interfaces Implemented: MetadataResource
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique)
Warning: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... identifier Σ 0..* Identifier Additional identifier for the measure

... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the measure
... versionAlgorithm[x] Σ 0..1 How to compare versions
Binding: Version Algorithm (Extensible)
.... versionAlgorithmString string
.... versionAlgorithmCoding Coding
... name ΣC 0..1 string Name for this measure (computer friendly)
... title ΣT 0..1 string Name for this measure (human friendly)
... subtitle T 0..1 string Subordinate title of the measure
... status ?!Σ 1..1 code draft | active | retired | unknown
Binding: PublicationStatus (Required)
... experimental Σ 0..1 boolean For testing purposes, not real usage
... subject[x] 0..1 E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
Binding: Participant Resource Types (Extensible)
.... subjectCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
.... subjectReference Reference(Group)
... basis Σ 0..1 code Population basis
Binding: All FHIR Types (Required)
... date Σ 0..1 dateTime Date last changed
... publisher ΣT 0..1 string Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
... contact Σ 0..* ContactDetail Contact details for the publisher

... description ΣT 0..1 markdown Natural language description of the measure
... useContext Σ 0..* UsageContext The context that the content is intended to support

... jurisdiction ΣXD 0..* CodeableConcept Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable)
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (Extensible)

... purpose T 0..1 markdown Why this measure is defined
... usage T 0..1 markdown Describes the clinical usage of the measure
... copyright T 0..1 markdown Use and/or publishing restrictions
... copyrightLabel T 0..1 string Copyright holder and year(s)
... approvalDate 0..1 date When the measure was approved by publisher
... lastReviewDate 0..1 date When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher
... effectivePeriod Σ 0..1 Period When the measure is expected to be used
... topic XD 0..* CodeableConcept The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
Binding: Definition Topic (Example)

... author 0..* ContactDetail Who authored the content

... editor 0..* ContactDetail Who edited the content

... reviewer 0..* ContactDetail Who reviewed the content

... endorser 0..* ContactDetail Who endorsed the content

... relatedArtifact 0..* RelatedArtifact Additional documentation, citations, etc

... library 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the measure

... disclaimer Σ 0..1 markdown Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content
... scoring Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
Binding: Measure Scoring icon (Extensible)
... scoringUnit Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept What units?
Binding: Measure Scoring Unit (Example)
... compositeScoring Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted
Binding: Composite Measure Scoring (Extensible)
... type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
Binding: Measure Type (Extensible)

... riskAdjustment Σ 0..1 markdown How risk adjustment is applied for this measure
... rateAggregation Σ 0..1 markdown How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
... rationale Σ 0..1 markdown Detailed description of why the measure exists
... clinicalRecommendationStatement Σ 0..1 markdown Summary of clinical guidelines
... improvementNotation Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept increase | decrease
Binding: Measure Improvement Notation (Required)
... term 0..* BackboneElement Defined terms used in the measure documentation

.... code 0..1 CodeableConcept What term?
Binding: Measure Definition Example (Example)
.... definition 0..1 markdown Meaning of the term
... guidance ΣXD 0..1 markdown Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated)
... group C 0..* BackboneElement Population criteria group

.... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for group in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
.... code 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the group
Binding: Measure Group Example (Example)
.... description 0..1 markdown Summary description
.... type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
Binding: Measure Type (Extensible)

.... subject[x] 0..1 E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
Binding: Participant Resource Types (Extensible)
..... subjectCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
..... subjectReference Reference(Group)
.... basis Σ 0..1 code Population basis
Binding: All FHIR Types (Required)
.... scoring Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
Binding: Measure Scoring icon (Extensible)
.... scoringUnit Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept What units?
Binding: Measure Scoring Unit (Example)
.... rateAggregation Σ 0..1 markdown How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
.... improvementNotation Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept increase | decrease
Binding: Measure Improvement Notation (Required)
.... library 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the measure group

.... population 0..* BackboneElement Population criteria

..... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for population in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
..... code 0..1 CodeableConcept initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation
Binding: Measure Population Type (Extensible)
..... description 0..1 markdown The human readable description of this population criteria
..... criteria 0..1 Expression The criteria that defines this population
..... groupDefinition 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population
..... inputPopulationId 0..1 string Which population
..... aggregateMethod 0..1 CodeableConcept Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count)
Binding: Measure Aggregate Method (Extensible)
.... stratifier C 0..* BackboneElement Stratifier criteria for the measure

..... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for stratifier in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
..... code C 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the stratifier
Binding: Measure Stratifier Example (Example)
..... description C 0..1 markdown The human readable description of this stratifier
..... criteria C 0..1 Expression How the measure should be stratified
..... groupDefinition 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population
..... component C 0..* BackboneElement Stratifier criteria component for the measure

...... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for stratifier component in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
...... code 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the stratifier component
Binding: Measure Stratifier Example (Example)
...... description 0..1 markdown The human readable description of this stratifier component
...... criteria 0..1 Expression Component of how the measure should be stratified
...... groupDefinition 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population
... supplementalData 0..* BackboneElement What other data should be reported with the measure

.... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for supplementalData in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
.... code 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the supplemental data
Binding: Measure Supplemental Data Example (Example)
.... usage 0..* CodeableConcept supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor
Binding: Measure Data Usage (Extensible)

.... description 0..1 markdown The human readable description of this supplemental data
.... criteria 1..1 Expression Expression describing additional data to be reported

doco Documentation for this format icon

See the Extensions for this resource

UML Diagram (Legend)

Measure (DomainResource) MetadataResourceAn absolute URI that is used to identify this measure when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance; also called its canonical identifier. This SHOULD be globally unique and SHOULD be a literal address at which an authoritative instance of this measure is (or will be) published. This URL can be the target of a canonical reference. It SHALL remain the same when the measure is stored on different serversurl : uri [0..1]A formal identifier that is used to identify this measure when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instanceidentifier : Identifier [0..*]The identifier that is used to identify this version of the measure when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or instance. This is an arbitrary value managed by the measure author and is not expected to be globally unique. For example, it might be a timestamp (e.g. yyyymmdd) if a managed version is not available. There is also no expectation that versions can be placed in a lexicographical sequence. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge assets, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that a version is required for non-experimental active artifactsversion : string [0..1]Indicates the mechanism used to compare versions to determine which is more currentversionAlgorithm[x] : DataType [0..1] « string|Coding; null (Strength=Extensible) VersionAlgorithm »A natural language name identifying the measure. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generationname : string [0..1] « This element has or is affected by some invariantsC »A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the measuretitle : string [0..1]An explanatory or alternate title for the measure giving additional information about its contentsubtitle : string [0..1]The status of this measure. Enables tracking the life-cycle of the content (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)status : code [1..1] « null (Strength=Required)PublicationStatus! »A Boolean value to indicate that this measure is authored for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing) and is not intended to be used for genuine usageexperimental : boolean [0..1]The intended subjects for the measure. If this element is not provided, a Patient subject is assumed, but the subject of the measure can be anythingsubject[x] : DataType [0..1] « CodeableConcept|Reference(Group); null (Strength=Extensible) ParticipantResourceTypes »The population basis specifies the type of elements in the population. For a subject-based measure, this is boolean (because the subject and the population basis are the same, and the population criteria define yes/no values for each individual in the population). For measures that have a population basis that is different than the subject, this element specifies the type of the population basis. For example, an encounter-based measure has a subject of Patient and a population basis of Encounter, and the population criteria all return lists of Encountersbasis : code [0..1] « null (Strength=Required)FHIRTypes! »The date (and optionally time) when the measure was last significantly changed. The date must change when the business version changes and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the measure changesdate : dateTime [0..1]The name of the organization or individual responsible for the release and ongoing maintenance of the measurepublisher : string [0..1]Contact details to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publishercontact : ContactDetail [0..*]A free text natural language description of the measure from a consumer's perspectivedescription : markdown [0..1]The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These contexts may be general categories (gender, age, ...) or may be references to specific programs (insurance plans, studies, ...) and may be used to assist with indexing and searching for appropriate measure instancesuseContext : UsageContext [0..*]A legal or geographic region in which the measure is intended to be usedjurisdiction : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Extensible)JurisdictionValueSet »Explanation of why this measure is needed and why it has been designed as it haspurpose : markdown [0..1]A detailed description, from a clinical perspective, of how the measure is usedusage : markdown [0..1]A copyright statement relating to the measure and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the measurecopyright : markdown [0..1]A short string (<50 characters), suitable for inclusion in a page footer that identifies the copyright holder, effective period, and optionally whether rights are resctricted. (e.g. 'All rights reserved', 'Some rights reserved')copyrightLabel : string [0..1]The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usageapprovalDate : date [0..1]The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval datelastReviewDate : date [0..1]The period during which the measure content was or is planned to be in active useeffectivePeriod : Period [0..1]Descriptive topics related to the content of the measure. Topics provide a high-level categorization grouping types of measures that can be useful for filtering and searchingtopic : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Example)DefinitionTopic?? »An individiual or organization primarily involved in the creation and maintenance of the contentauthor : ContactDetail [0..*]An individual or organization primarily responsible for internal coherence of the contenteditor : ContactDetail [0..*]An individual or organization asserted by the publisher to be primarily responsible for review of some aspect of the contentreviewer : ContactDetail [0..*]An individual or organization asserted by the publisher to be responsible for officially endorsing the content for use in some settingendorser : ContactDetail [0..*]Related artifacts such as additional documentation, justification, or bibliographic referencesrelatedArtifact : RelatedArtifact [0..*]A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measurelibrary : canonical [0..*] « Library »Notices and disclaimers regarding the use of the measure or related to intellectual property (such as code systems) referenced by the measuredisclaimer : markdown [0..1]Indicates how the calculation is performed for the measure, including proportion, ratio, continuous-variable, and cohort. The value set is extensible, allowing additional measure scoring types to be representedscoring : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureScoring »Defines the expected units of measure for the measure score. This element SHOULD be specified as a UCUM unitscoringUnit : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureScoringUnit?? »If this is a composite measure, the scoring method used to combine the component measures to determine the composite scorecompositeScoring : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)CompositeMeasureScoring »Indicates whether the measure is used to examine a process, an outcome over time, a patient-reported outcome, or a structure measure such as utilizationtype : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureType »A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure resultsriskAdjustment : markdown [0..1]Describes how to combine the information calculated, based on logic in each of several populations, into one summarized resultrateAggregation : markdown [0..1]Provides a succinct statement of the need for the measure. Usually includes statements pertaining to importance criterion: impact, gap in care, and evidencerationale : markdown [0..1]Provides a summary of relevant clinical guidelines or other clinical recommendations supporting the measureclinicalRecommendationStatement : markdown [0..1]Information on whether an increase or decrease in score is the preferred result (e.g., a higher score indicates better quality OR a lower score indicates better quality OR quality is within a range)improvementNotation : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Required) MeasureImprovementNotation! »Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measureguidance : markdown [0..1]TermA codeable representation of the defined termcode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureDefinitionExample?? »Provides a definition for the term as used within the measuredefinition : markdown [0..1]GroupAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]Indicates a meaning for the group. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing groups to be correlated across measurescode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureGroupExample?? »The human readable description of this population groupdescription : markdown [0..1]Indicates whether the measure is used to examine a process, an outcome over time, a patient-reported outcome, or a structure measure such as utilizationtype : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureType »The intended subjects for the measure. If this element is not provided, a Patient subject is assumed, but the subject of the measure can be anythingsubject[x] : DataType [0..1] « CodeableConcept|Reference(Group); null (Strength=Extensible) ParticipantResourceTypes »The population basis specifies the type of elements in the population. For a subject-based measure, this is boolean (because the subject and the population basis are the same, and the population criteria define yes/no values for each individual in the population). For measures that have a population basis that is different than the subject, this element specifies the type of the population basis. For example, an encounter-based measure has a subject of Patient and a population basis of Encounter, and the population criteria all return lists of Encountersbasis : code [0..1] « null (Strength=Required)FHIRTypes! »Indicates how the calculation is performed for the measure, including proportion, ratio, continuous-variable, and cohort. The value set is extensible, allowing additional measure scoring types to be representedscoring : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureScoring »Defines the expected units of measure for the measure score. This element SHOULD be specified as a UCUM unitscoringUnit : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureScoringUnit?? »Describes how to combine the information calculated, based on logic in each of several populations, into one summarized resultrateAggregation : markdown [0..1]Information on whether an increase or decrease in score is the preferred result (e.g., a higher score indicates better quality OR a lower score indicates better quality OR quality is within a range)improvementNotation : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Required) MeasureImprovementNotation! »A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure grouplibrary : canonical [0..*] « Library »PopulationAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent population in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]The type of population criteriacode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasurePopulationType »The human readable description of this population criteriadescription : markdown [0..1]An expression that specifies the criteria for the population, typically the name of an expression in a librarycriteria : Expression [0..1]A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristicsgroupDefinition : Reference [0..1] « Group »The id of a population element in this measure that provides the input for this population criteria. In most cases, the scoring structure of the measure implies specific relationships (e.g. the Numerator uses the Denominator as the source in a proportion scoring). In some cases, however, multiple possible choices exist and must be resolved explicitly. For example in a ratio measure with multiple initial populations, the denominator must specify which population should be used as the starting pointinputPopulationId : string [0..1]Specifies which method should be used to aggregate measure observation values. For most scoring types, this is implied by scoring (e.g. a proportion measure counts members of the populations). For continuous variables, however, this information must be specified to ensure correct calculationaggregateMethod : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureAggregateMethod »StratifierAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]Indicates a meaning for the stratifier. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing stratifiers to be correlated across measurescode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureStratifierExample?? » « This element has or is affected by some invariantsC »The human readable description of this stratifier criteriadescription : markdown [0..1] « This element has or is affected by some invariantsC »An expression that specifies the criteria for the stratifier. This is typically the name of an expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a stratifier elementcriteria : Expression [0..1] « This element has or is affected by some invariantsC »A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristicsgroupDefinition : Reference [0..1] « Group »ComponentAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]Indicates a meaning for the stratifier component. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing stratifiers to be correlated across measurescode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureStratifierExample?? »The human readable description of this stratifier criteria componentdescription : markdown [0..1]An expression that specifies the criteria for this component of the stratifier. This is typically the name of an expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a stratifier elementcriteria : Expression [0..1]A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristicsgroupDefinition : Reference [0..1] « Group »SupplementalDataAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]Indicates a meaning for the supplemental data. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing supplemental data to be correlated across measurescode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureSupplementalDataExample?? »An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculationusage : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureDataUsage »The human readable description of this supplemental datadescription : markdown [0..1]The criteria for the supplemental data. This is typically the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a specific data element. The criteria defines the data to be returned for this elementcriteria : Expression [1..1]Provides a description of an individual term used within the measureterm[0..*]A population criteria for the measurepopulation[0..*]A component of the stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library or a valid FHIR Resource Pathcomponent[0..*]The stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library or a valid FHIR Resource Pathstratifier[0..*]A group of population criteria for the measuregroup[0..*]The supplemental data criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource PathsupplementalData[0..*]

XML Template

<Measure xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <url value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..1 Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique) -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Additional identifier for the measure --></identifier>
 <version value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Business version of the measure -->
 <versionAlgorithm[x]><!-- 0..1 string|Coding How to compare versions --></versionAlgorithm[x]>
 <name value="[string]"/><!-- I 0..1 Name for this measure (computer friendly) -->
 <title value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Name for this measure (human friendly) -->
 <subtitle value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Subordinate title of the measure -->
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 draft | active | retired | unknown -->
 <experimental value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 For testing purposes, not real usage -->
 <subject[x]><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Group) E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device --></subject[x]>
 <basis value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 Population basis -->
 <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Date last changed -->
 <publisher value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual) -->
 <contact><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Contact details for the publisher --></contact>
 <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Natural language description of the measure -->
 <useContext><!-- 0..* UsageContext The context that the content is intended to support --></useContext>
 <jurisdiction><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable) --></jurisdiction>
 <purpose value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Why this measure is defined -->
 <usage value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Describes the clinical usage of the measure -->
 <copyright value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Use and/or publishing restrictions -->
 <copyrightLabel value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Copyright holder and year(s) -->
 <approvalDate value="[date]"/><!-- 0..1 When the measure was approved by publisher -->
 <lastReviewDate value="[date]"/><!-- 0..1 When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher -->
 <effectivePeriod><!-- 0..1 Period When the measure is expected to be used --></effectivePeriod>
 <topic><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc --></topic>
 <author><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Who authored the content --></author>
 <editor><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Who edited the content --></editor>
 <reviewer><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Who reviewed the content --></reviewer>
 <endorser><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Who endorsed the content --></endorser>
 <relatedArtifact><!-- 0..* RelatedArtifact Additional documentation, citations, etc --></relatedArtifact>
 <library><!-- 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the measure --></library>
 <disclaimer value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content -->
 <scoring><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort icon --></scoring>
 <scoringUnit><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What units? --></scoringUnit>
 <compositeScoring><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted --></compositeScoring>
 <type><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite --></type>
 <riskAdjustment value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 How risk adjustment is applied for this measure -->
 <rateAggregation value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 How is rate aggregation performed for this measure -->
 <rationale value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Detailed description of why the measure exists -->
 <clinicalRecommendationStatement value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Summary of clinical guidelines -->
 <improvementNotation><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept increase | decrease --></improvementNotation>
 <term>  <!-- 0..* Defined terms used in the measure documentation -->
  <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What term? --></code>
  <definition value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Meaning of the term -->
 <guidance value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated) -->
 <group>  <!-- I 0..* Population criteria group -->
  <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for group in measure -->
  <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the group --></code>
  <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Summary description -->
  <type><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite --></type>
  <subject[x]><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Group) E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device --></subject[x]>
  <basis value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 Population basis -->
  <scoring><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort icon --></scoring>
  <scoringUnit><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What units? --></scoringUnit>
  <rateAggregation value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 How is rate aggregation performed for this measure -->
  <improvementNotation><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept increase | decrease --></improvementNotation>
  <library><!-- 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the measure group --></library>
  <population>  <!-- 0..* Population criteria -->
   <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for population in measure -->
   <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation --></code>
   <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 The human readable description of this population criteria -->
   <criteria><!-- 0..1 Expression The criteria that defines this population --></criteria>
   <groupDefinition><!-- 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population --></groupDefinition>
   <inputPopulationId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Which population -->
   <aggregateMethod><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count) --></aggregateMethod>
  <stratifier>  <!-- I 0..* Stratifier criteria for the measure -->
   <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for stratifier in measure -->
   <code><!-- I 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the stratifier --></code>
   <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- I 0..1 The human readable description of this stratifier -->
   <criteria><!-- I 0..1 Expression How the measure should be stratified --></criteria>
   <groupDefinition><!-- 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population --></groupDefinition>
   <component>  <!-- I 0..* Stratifier criteria component for the measure -->
    <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for stratifier component in measure -->
    <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the stratifier component --></code>
    <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 The human readable description of this stratifier component -->
    <criteria><!-- 0..1 Expression Component of how the measure should be stratified --></criteria>
    <groupDefinition><!-- 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population --></groupDefinition>
 <supplementalData>  <!-- 0..* What other data should be reported with the measure -->
  <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for supplementalData in measure -->
  <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the supplemental data --></code>
  <usage><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor --></usage>
  <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 The human readable description of this supplemental data -->
  <criteria><!-- 1..1 Expression Expression describing additional data to be reported --></criteria>

JSON Template

  "resourceType" : "Measure",
  // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language
  // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension
  "url" : "<uri>", // Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique)
  "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // Additional identifier for the measure
  "version" : "<string>", // Business version of the measure
  // versionAlgorithm[x]: How to compare versions. One of these 2:
  "versionAlgorithmString" : "<string>",
  "versionAlgorithmCoding" : { Coding },
  "name" : "<string>", // I Name for this measure (computer friendly)
  "title" : "<string>", // Name for this measure (human friendly)
  "subtitle" : "<string>", // Subordinate title of the measure
  "status" : "<code>", // R!  draft | active | retired | unknown
  "experimental" : <boolean>, // For testing purposes, not real usage
  // subject[x]: E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device. One of these 2:
  "subjectCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },
  "subjectReference" : { Reference(Group) },
  "basis" : "<code>", // Population basis
  "date" : "<dateTime>", // Date last changed
  "publisher" : "<string>", // Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
  "contact" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Contact details for the publisher
  "description" : "<markdown>", // Natural language description of the measure
  "useContext" : [{ UsageContext }], // The context that the content is intended to support
  "jurisdiction" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable)
  "purpose" : "<markdown>", // Why this measure is defined
  "usage" : "<markdown>", // Describes the clinical usage of the measure
  "copyright" : "<markdown>", // Use and/or publishing restrictions
  "copyrightLabel" : "<string>", // Copyright holder and year(s)
  "approvalDate" : "<date>", // When the measure was approved by publisher
  "lastReviewDate" : "<date>", // When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher
  "effectivePeriod" : { Period }, // When the measure is expected to be used
  "topic" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
  "author" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Who authored the content
  "editor" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Who edited the content
  "reviewer" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Who reviewed the content
  "endorser" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Who endorsed the content
  "relatedArtifact" : [{ RelatedArtifact }], // Additional documentation, citations, etc
  "library" : ["<canonical(Library)>"], // Logic used by the measure
  "disclaimer" : "<markdown>", // Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content
  "scoring" : { CodeableConcept }, // proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort icon
  "scoringUnit" : { CodeableConcept }, // What units?
  "compositeScoring" : { CodeableConcept }, // opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted
  "type" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
  "riskAdjustment" : "<markdown>", // How risk adjustment is applied for this measure
  "rateAggregation" : "<markdown>", // How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
  "rationale" : "<markdown>", // Detailed description of why the measure exists
  "clinicalRecommendationStatement" : "<markdown>", // Summary of clinical guidelines
  "improvementNotation" : { CodeableConcept }, // increase | decrease
  "term" : [{ // Defined terms used in the measure documentation
    "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // What term?
    "definition" : "<markdown>" // Meaning of the term
  "guidance" : "<markdown>", // Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated)
  "group" : [{ // I Population criteria group
    "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for group in measure
    "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Meaning of the group
    "description" : "<markdown>", // Summary description
    "type" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
    // subject[x]: E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device. One of these 2:
    "subjectCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },
    "subjectReference" : { Reference(Group) },
    "basis" : "<code>", // Population basis
    "scoring" : { CodeableConcept }, // proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort icon
    "scoringUnit" : { CodeableConcept }, // What units?
    "rateAggregation" : "<markdown>", // How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
    "improvementNotation" : { CodeableConcept }, // increase | decrease
    "library" : ["<canonical(Library)>"], // Logic used by the measure group
    "population" : [{ // Population criteria
      "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for population in measure
      "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation
      "description" : "<markdown>", // The human readable description of this population criteria
      "criteria" : { Expression }, // The criteria that defines this population
      "groupDefinition" : { Reference(Group) }, // A group resource that defines this population
      "inputPopulationId" : "<string>", // Which population
      "aggregateMethod" : { CodeableConcept } // Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count)
    "stratifier" : [{ // I Stratifier criteria for the measure
      "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for stratifier in measure
      "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // I Meaning of the stratifier
      "description" : "<markdown>", // I The human readable description of this stratifier
      "criteria" : { Expression }, // I How the measure should be stratified
      "groupDefinition" : { Reference(Group) }, // A group resource that defines this population
      "component" : [{ // I Stratifier criteria component for the measure
        "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for stratifier component in measure
        "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Meaning of the stratifier component
        "description" : "<markdown>", // The human readable description of this stratifier component
        "criteria" : { Expression }, // Component of how the measure should be stratified
        "groupDefinition" : { Reference(Group) } // A group resource that defines this population
  "supplementalData" : [{ // What other data should be reported with the measure
    "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for supplementalData in measure
    "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Meaning of the supplemental data
    "usage" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor
    "description" : "<markdown>", // The human readable description of this supplemental data
    "criteria" : { Expression } // R!  Expression describing additional data to be reported

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .doco

[ a fhir:Measure;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:url [ uri ] ; # 0..1 Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique)
  fhir:identifier  ( [ Identifier ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional identifier for the measure
  fhir:version [ string ] ; # 0..1 Business version of the measure
  # versionAlgorithm[x] : 0..1 How to compare versions. One of these 2
    fhir:versionAlgorithm [  a fhir:string ; string ]
    fhir:versionAlgorithm [  a fhir:Coding ; Coding ]
  fhir:name [ string ] ; # 0..1 I Name for this measure (computer friendly)
  fhir:title [ string ] ; # 0..1 Name for this measure (human friendly)
  fhir:subtitle [ string ] ; # 0..1 Subordinate title of the measure
  fhir:status [ code ] ; # 1..1 draft | active | retired | unknown
  fhir:experimental [ boolean ] ; # 0..1 For testing purposes, not real usage
  # subject[x] : 0..1 E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device. One of these 2
    fhir:subject [  a fhir:CodeableConcept ; CodeableConcept ]
    fhir:subject [  a fhir:Reference ; Reference(Group) ]
  fhir:basis [ code ] ; # 0..1 Population basis
  fhir:date [ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Date last changed
  fhir:publisher [ string ] ; # 0..1 Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
  fhir:contact  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Contact details for the publisher
  fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Natural language description of the measure
  fhir:useContext  ( [ UsageContext ] ... ) ; # 0..* The context that the content is intended to support
  fhir:jurisdiction  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable)
  fhir:purpose [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Why this measure is defined
  fhir:usage [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Describes the clinical usage of the measure
  fhir:copyright [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Use and/or publishing restrictions
  fhir:copyrightLabel [ string ] ; # 0..1 Copyright holder and year(s)
  fhir:approvalDate [ date ] ; # 0..1 When the measure was approved by publisher
  fhir:lastReviewDate [ date ] ; # 0..1 When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher
  fhir:effectivePeriod [ Period ] ; # 0..1 When the measure is expected to be used
  fhir:topic  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
  fhir:author  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who authored the content
  fhir:editor  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who edited the content
  fhir:reviewer  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who reviewed the content
  fhir:endorser  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who endorsed the content
  fhir:relatedArtifact  ( [ RelatedArtifact ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional documentation, citations, etc
  fhir:library  ( [ canonical(Library) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Logic used by the measure
  fhir:disclaimer [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content
  fhir:scoring [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
  fhir:scoringUnit [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 What units?
  fhir:compositeScoring [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted
  fhir:type  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
  fhir:riskAdjustment [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 How risk adjustment is applied for this measure
  fhir:rateAggregation [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
  fhir:rationale [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Detailed description of why the measure exists
  fhir:clinicalRecommendationStatement [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Summary of clinical guidelines
  fhir:improvementNotation [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 increase | decrease
  fhir:term ( [ # 0..* Defined terms used in the measure documentation
    fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 What term?
    fhir:definition [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Meaning of the term
  ] ... ) ;
  fhir:guidance [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated)
  fhir:group ( [ # 0..* I Population criteria group
    fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for group in measure
    fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Meaning of the group
    fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Summary description
    fhir:type  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
    # subject[x] : 0..1 E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device. One of these 2
      fhir:subject [  a fhir:CodeableConcept ; CodeableConcept ]
      fhir:subject [  a fhir:Reference ; Reference(Group) ]
    fhir:basis [ code ] ; # 0..1 Population basis
    fhir:scoring [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
    fhir:scoringUnit [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 What units?
    fhir:rateAggregation [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
    fhir:improvementNotation [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 increase | decrease
    fhir:library  ( [ canonical(Library) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Logic used by the measure group
    fhir:population ( [ # 0..* Population criteria
      fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for population in measure
      fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation
      fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 The human readable description of this population criteria
      fhir:criteria [ Expression ] ; # 0..1 The criteria that defines this population
      fhir:groupDefinition [ Reference(Group) ] ; # 0..1 A group resource that defines this population
      fhir:inputPopulationId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Which population
      fhir:aggregateMethod [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count)
    ] ... ) ;
    fhir:stratifier ( [ # 0..* I Stratifier criteria for the measure
      fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for stratifier in measure
      fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 I Meaning of the stratifier
      fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 I The human readable description of this stratifier
      fhir:criteria [ Expression ] ; # 0..1 I How the measure should be stratified
      fhir:groupDefinition [ Reference(Group) ] ; # 0..1 A group resource that defines this population
      fhir:component ( [ # 0..* I Stratifier criteria component for the measure
        fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for stratifier component in measure
        fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Meaning of the stratifier component
        fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 The human readable description of this stratifier component
        fhir:criteria [ Expression ] ; # 0..1 Component of how the measure should be stratified
        fhir:groupDefinition [ Reference(Group) ] ; # 0..1 A group resource that defines this population
      ] ... ) ;
    ] ... ) ;
  ] ... ) ;
  fhir:supplementalData ( [ # 0..* What other data should be reported with the measure
    fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for supplementalData in measure
    fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Meaning of the supplemental data
    fhir:usage  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor
    fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 The human readable description of this supplemental data
    fhir:criteria [ Expression ] ; # 1..1 Expression describing additional data to be reported
  ] ... ) ;

Changes from both R4 and R4B

  • Added Element
  • Change value set from http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/subject-type to Participant Resource Types
  • Change code system for extensibly bound codes from "http://hl7.org/fhir/resource-types" to "http://hl7.org/fhir/fhir-types"
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Added Element
  • Change value set from http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/measure-scoring to Measure Scoring icon
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Deleted (->term.definition term is code and definition now)

See the Full Difference for further information

This analysis is available for R4 as XML or JSON and for R4B as XML or JSON.


NameFlagsCard.TypeDescription & Constraintsdoco
.. Measure TU DomainResource A quality measure definition
Warning: Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generation
Rule: Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria components

Elements defined in Ancestors: id, meta, implicitRules, language, text, contained, extension, modifierExtension
Interfaces Implemented: MetadataResource
... url ΣC 0..1 uri Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique)
Warning: URL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematic
... identifier Σ 0..* Identifier Additional identifier for the measure

... version Σ 0..1 string Business version of the measure
... versionAlgorithm[x] Σ 0..1 How to compare versions
Binding: Version Algorithm (Extensible)
.... versionAlgorithmString string
.... versionAlgorithmCoding Coding
... name ΣC 0..1 string Name for this measure (computer friendly)
... title ΣT 0..1 string Name for this measure (human friendly)
... subtitle T 0..1 string Subordinate title of the measure
... status ?!Σ 1..1 code draft | active | retired | unknown
Binding: PublicationStatus (Required)
... experimental Σ 0..1 boolean For testing purposes, not real usage
... subject[x] 0..1 E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
Binding: Participant Resource Types (Extensible)
.... subjectCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
.... subjectReference Reference(Group)
... basis Σ 0..1 code Population basis
Binding: All FHIR Types (Required)
... date Σ 0..1 dateTime Date last changed
... publisher ΣT 0..1 string Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
... contact Σ 0..* ContactDetail Contact details for the publisher

... description ΣT 0..1 markdown Natural language description of the measure
... useContext Σ 0..* UsageContext The context that the content is intended to support

... jurisdiction ΣXD 0..* CodeableConcept Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable)
Binding: Jurisdiction ValueSet (Extensible)

... purpose T 0..1 markdown Why this measure is defined
... usage T 0..1 markdown Describes the clinical usage of the measure
... copyright T 0..1 markdown Use and/or publishing restrictions
... copyrightLabel T 0..1 string Copyright holder and year(s)
... approvalDate 0..1 date When the measure was approved by publisher
... lastReviewDate 0..1 date When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher
... effectivePeriod Σ 0..1 Period When the measure is expected to be used
... topic XD 0..* CodeableConcept The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
Binding: Definition Topic (Example)

... author 0..* ContactDetail Who authored the content

... editor 0..* ContactDetail Who edited the content

... reviewer 0..* ContactDetail Who reviewed the content

... endorser 0..* ContactDetail Who endorsed the content

... relatedArtifact 0..* RelatedArtifact Additional documentation, citations, etc

... library 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the measure

... disclaimer Σ 0..1 markdown Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content
... scoring Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
Binding: Measure Scoring icon (Extensible)
... scoringUnit Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept What units?
Binding: Measure Scoring Unit (Example)
... compositeScoring Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted
Binding: Composite Measure Scoring (Extensible)
... type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
Binding: Measure Type (Extensible)

... riskAdjustment Σ 0..1 markdown How risk adjustment is applied for this measure
... rateAggregation Σ 0..1 markdown How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
... rationale Σ 0..1 markdown Detailed description of why the measure exists
... clinicalRecommendationStatement Σ 0..1 markdown Summary of clinical guidelines
... improvementNotation Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept increase | decrease
Binding: Measure Improvement Notation (Required)
... term 0..* BackboneElement Defined terms used in the measure documentation

.... code 0..1 CodeableConcept What term?
Binding: Measure Definition Example (Example)
.... definition 0..1 markdown Meaning of the term
... guidance ΣXD 0..1 markdown Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated)
... group C 0..* BackboneElement Population criteria group

.... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for group in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
.... code 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the group
Binding: Measure Group Example (Example)
.... description 0..1 markdown Summary description
.... type Σ 0..* CodeableConcept process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
Binding: Measure Type (Extensible)

.... subject[x] 0..1 E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device
Binding: Participant Resource Types (Extensible)
..... subjectCodeableConcept CodeableConcept
..... subjectReference Reference(Group)
.... basis Σ 0..1 code Population basis
Binding: All FHIR Types (Required)
.... scoring Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
Binding: Measure Scoring icon (Extensible)
.... scoringUnit Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept What units?
Binding: Measure Scoring Unit (Example)
.... rateAggregation Σ 0..1 markdown How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
.... improvementNotation Σ 0..1 CodeableConcept increase | decrease
Binding: Measure Improvement Notation (Required)
.... library 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the measure group

.... population 0..* BackboneElement Population criteria

..... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for population in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
..... code 0..1 CodeableConcept initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation
Binding: Measure Population Type (Extensible)
..... description 0..1 markdown The human readable description of this population criteria
..... criteria 0..1 Expression The criteria that defines this population
..... groupDefinition 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population
..... inputPopulationId 0..1 string Which population
..... aggregateMethod 0..1 CodeableConcept Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count)
Binding: Measure Aggregate Method (Extensible)
.... stratifier C 0..* BackboneElement Stratifier criteria for the measure

..... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for stratifier in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
..... code C 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the stratifier
Binding: Measure Stratifier Example (Example)
..... description C 0..1 markdown The human readable description of this stratifier
..... criteria C 0..1 Expression How the measure should be stratified
..... groupDefinition 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population
..... component C 0..* BackboneElement Stratifier criteria component for the measure

...... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for stratifier component in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
...... code 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the stratifier component
Binding: Measure Stratifier Example (Example)
...... description 0..1 markdown The human readable description of this stratifier component
...... criteria 0..1 Expression Component of how the measure should be stratified
...... groupDefinition 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population
... supplementalData 0..* BackboneElement What other data should be reported with the measure

.... linkId C 0..1 string Unique id for supplementalData in measure
Warning: Link ids should be 255 characters or less
.... code 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the supplemental data
Binding: Measure Supplemental Data Example (Example)
.... usage 0..* CodeableConcept supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor
Binding: Measure Data Usage (Extensible)

.... description 0..1 markdown The human readable description of this supplemental data
.... criteria 1..1 Expression Expression describing additional data to be reported

doco Documentation for this format icon

See the Extensions for this resource

UML Diagram (Legend)

Measure (DomainResource) MetadataResourceAn absolute URI that is used to identify this measure when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance; also called its canonical identifier. This SHOULD be globally unique and SHOULD be a literal address at which an authoritative instance of this measure is (or will be) published. This URL can be the target of a canonical reference. It SHALL remain the same when the measure is stored on different serversurl : uri [0..1]A formal identifier that is used to identify this measure when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instanceidentifier : Identifier [0..*]The identifier that is used to identify this version of the measure when it is referenced in a specification, model, design or instance. This is an arbitrary value managed by the measure author and is not expected to be globally unique. For example, it might be a timestamp (e.g. yyyymmdd) if a managed version is not available. There is also no expectation that versions can be placed in a lexicographical sequence. To provide a version consistent with the Decision Support Service specification, use the format Major.Minor.Revision (e.g. 1.0.0). For more information on versioning knowledge assets, refer to the Decision Support Service specification. Note that a version is required for non-experimental active artifactsversion : string [0..1]Indicates the mechanism used to compare versions to determine which is more currentversionAlgorithm[x] : DataType [0..1] « string|Coding; null (Strength=Extensible) VersionAlgorithm »A natural language name identifying the measure. This name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generationname : string [0..1] « This element has or is affected by some invariantsC »A short, descriptive, user-friendly title for the measuretitle : string [0..1]An explanatory or alternate title for the measure giving additional information about its contentsubtitle : string [0..1]The status of this measure. Enables tracking the life-cycle of the content (this element modifies the meaning of other elements)status : code [1..1] « null (Strength=Required)PublicationStatus! »A Boolean value to indicate that this measure is authored for testing purposes (or education/evaluation/marketing) and is not intended to be used for genuine usageexperimental : boolean [0..1]The intended subjects for the measure. If this element is not provided, a Patient subject is assumed, but the subject of the measure can be anythingsubject[x] : DataType [0..1] « CodeableConcept|Reference(Group); null (Strength=Extensible) ParticipantResourceTypes »The population basis specifies the type of elements in the population. For a subject-based measure, this is boolean (because the subject and the population basis are the same, and the population criteria define yes/no values for each individual in the population). For measures that have a population basis that is different than the subject, this element specifies the type of the population basis. For example, an encounter-based measure has a subject of Patient and a population basis of Encounter, and the population criteria all return lists of Encountersbasis : code [0..1] « null (Strength=Required)FHIRTypes! »The date (and optionally time) when the measure was last significantly changed. The date must change when the business version changes and it must change if the status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the measure changesdate : dateTime [0..1]The name of the organization or individual responsible for the release and ongoing maintenance of the measurepublisher : string [0..1]Contact details to assist a user in finding and communicating with the publishercontact : ContactDetail [0..*]A free text natural language description of the measure from a consumer's perspectivedescription : markdown [0..1]The content was developed with a focus and intent of supporting the contexts that are listed. These contexts may be general categories (gender, age, ...) or may be references to specific programs (insurance plans, studies, ...) and may be used to assist with indexing and searching for appropriate measure instancesuseContext : UsageContext [0..*]A legal or geographic region in which the measure is intended to be usedjurisdiction : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Extensible)JurisdictionValueSet »Explanation of why this measure is needed and why it has been designed as it haspurpose : markdown [0..1]A detailed description, from a clinical perspective, of how the measure is usedusage : markdown [0..1]A copyright statement relating to the measure and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the measurecopyright : markdown [0..1]A short string (<50 characters), suitable for inclusion in a page footer that identifies the copyright holder, effective period, and optionally whether rights are resctricted. (e.g. 'All rights reserved', 'Some rights reserved')copyrightLabel : string [0..1]The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usageapprovalDate : date [0..1]The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval datelastReviewDate : date [0..1]The period during which the measure content was or is planned to be in active useeffectivePeriod : Period [0..1]Descriptive topics related to the content of the measure. Topics provide a high-level categorization grouping types of measures that can be useful for filtering and searchingtopic : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Example)DefinitionTopic?? »An individiual or organization primarily involved in the creation and maintenance of the contentauthor : ContactDetail [0..*]An individual or organization primarily responsible for internal coherence of the contenteditor : ContactDetail [0..*]An individual or organization asserted by the publisher to be primarily responsible for review of some aspect of the contentreviewer : ContactDetail [0..*]An individual or organization asserted by the publisher to be responsible for officially endorsing the content for use in some settingendorser : ContactDetail [0..*]Related artifacts such as additional documentation, justification, or bibliographic referencesrelatedArtifact : RelatedArtifact [0..*]A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measurelibrary : canonical [0..*] « Library »Notices and disclaimers regarding the use of the measure or related to intellectual property (such as code systems) referenced by the measuredisclaimer : markdown [0..1]Indicates how the calculation is performed for the measure, including proportion, ratio, continuous-variable, and cohort. The value set is extensible, allowing additional measure scoring types to be representedscoring : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureScoring »Defines the expected units of measure for the measure score. This element SHOULD be specified as a UCUM unitscoringUnit : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureScoringUnit?? »If this is a composite measure, the scoring method used to combine the component measures to determine the composite scorecompositeScoring : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)CompositeMeasureScoring »Indicates whether the measure is used to examine a process, an outcome over time, a patient-reported outcome, or a structure measure such as utilizationtype : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureType »A description of the risk adjustment factors that may impact the resulting score for the measure and how they may be accounted for when computing and reporting measure resultsriskAdjustment : markdown [0..1]Describes how to combine the information calculated, based on logic in each of several populations, into one summarized resultrateAggregation : markdown [0..1]Provides a succinct statement of the need for the measure. Usually includes statements pertaining to importance criterion: impact, gap in care, and evidencerationale : markdown [0..1]Provides a summary of relevant clinical guidelines or other clinical recommendations supporting the measureclinicalRecommendationStatement : markdown [0..1]Information on whether an increase or decrease in score is the preferred result (e.g., a higher score indicates better quality OR a lower score indicates better quality OR quality is within a range)improvementNotation : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Required) MeasureImprovementNotation! »Additional guidance for the measure including how it can be used in a clinical context, and the intent of the measureguidance : markdown [0..1]TermA codeable representation of the defined termcode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureDefinitionExample?? »Provides a definition for the term as used within the measuredefinition : markdown [0..1]GroupAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]Indicates a meaning for the group. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing groups to be correlated across measurescode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureGroupExample?? »The human readable description of this population groupdescription : markdown [0..1]Indicates whether the measure is used to examine a process, an outcome over time, a patient-reported outcome, or a structure measure such as utilizationtype : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureType »The intended subjects for the measure. If this element is not provided, a Patient subject is assumed, but the subject of the measure can be anythingsubject[x] : DataType [0..1] « CodeableConcept|Reference(Group); null (Strength=Extensible) ParticipantResourceTypes »The population basis specifies the type of elements in the population. For a subject-based measure, this is boolean (because the subject and the population basis are the same, and the population criteria define yes/no values for each individual in the population). For measures that have a population basis that is different than the subject, this element specifies the type of the population basis. For example, an encounter-based measure has a subject of Patient and a population basis of Encounter, and the population criteria all return lists of Encountersbasis : code [0..1] « null (Strength=Required)FHIRTypes! »Indicates how the calculation is performed for the measure, including proportion, ratio, continuous-variable, and cohort. The value set is extensible, allowing additional measure scoring types to be representedscoring : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureScoring »Defines the expected units of measure for the measure score. This element SHOULD be specified as a UCUM unitscoringUnit : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureScoringUnit?? »Describes how to combine the information calculated, based on logic in each of several populations, into one summarized resultrateAggregation : markdown [0..1]Information on whether an increase or decrease in score is the preferred result (e.g., a higher score indicates better quality OR a lower score indicates better quality OR quality is within a range)improvementNotation : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Required) MeasureImprovementNotation! »A reference to a Library resource containing the formal logic used by the measure grouplibrary : canonical [0..*] « Library »PopulationAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent population in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]The type of population criteriacode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasurePopulationType »The human readable description of this population criteriadescription : markdown [0..1]An expression that specifies the criteria for the population, typically the name of an expression in a librarycriteria : Expression [0..1]A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristicsgroupDefinition : Reference [0..1] « Group »The id of a population element in this measure that provides the input for this population criteria. In most cases, the scoring structure of the measure implies specific relationships (e.g. the Numerator uses the Denominator as the source in a proportion scoring). In some cases, however, multiple possible choices exist and must be resolved explicitly. For example in a ratio measure with multiple initial populations, the denominator must specify which population should be used as the starting pointinputPopulationId : string [0..1]Specifies which method should be used to aggregate measure observation values. For most scoring types, this is implied by scoring (e.g. a proportion measure counts members of the populations). For continuous variables, however, this information must be specified to ensure correct calculationaggregateMethod : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureAggregateMethod »StratifierAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]Indicates a meaning for the stratifier. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing stratifiers to be correlated across measurescode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureStratifierExample?? » « This element has or is affected by some invariantsC »The human readable description of this stratifier criteriadescription : markdown [0..1] « This element has or is affected by some invariantsC »An expression that specifies the criteria for the stratifier. This is typically the name of an expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a stratifier elementcriteria : Expression [0..1] « This element has or is affected by some invariantsC »A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristicsgroupDefinition : Reference [0..1] « Group »ComponentAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]Indicates a meaning for the stratifier component. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing stratifiers to be correlated across measurescode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureStratifierExample?? »The human readable description of this stratifier criteria componentdescription : markdown [0..1]An expression that specifies the criteria for this component of the stratifier. This is typically the name of an expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a stratifier elementcriteria : Expression [0..1]A Group resource that defines this population as a set of characteristicsgroupDefinition : Reference [0..1] « Group »SupplementalDataAn identifier that is unique within the Measure allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a MeasureReport resourcelinkId : string [0..1]Indicates a meaning for the supplemental data. This can be as simple as a unique identifier, or it can establish meaning in a broader context by drawing from a terminology, allowing supplemental data to be correlated across measurescode : CodeableConcept [0..1] « null (Strength=Example)MeasureSupplementalDataExample?? »An indicator of the intended usage for the supplemental data element. Supplemental data indicates the data is additional information requested to augment the measure information. Risk adjustment factor indicates the data is additional information used to calculate risk adjustment factors when applying a risk model to the measure calculationusage : CodeableConcept [0..*] « null (Strength=Extensible)MeasureDataUsage »The human readable description of this supplemental datadescription : markdown [0..1]The criteria for the supplemental data. This is typically the name of a valid expression defined within a referenced library, but it may also be a path to a specific data element. The criteria defines the data to be returned for this elementcriteria : Expression [1..1]Provides a description of an individual term used within the measureterm[0..*]A population criteria for the measurepopulation[0..*]A component of the stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library or a valid FHIR Resource Pathcomponent[0..*]The stratifier criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression defined within a referenced library or a valid FHIR Resource Pathstratifier[0..*]A group of population criteria for the measuregroup[0..*]The supplemental data criteria for the measure report, specified as either the name of a valid CQL expression within a referenced library, or a valid FHIR Resource PathsupplementalData[0..*]

XML Template

<Measure xmlns="http://hl7.org/fhir"> doco
 <!-- from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language -->
 <!-- from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension -->
 <url value="[uri]"/><!-- 0..1 Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique) -->
 <identifier><!-- 0..* Identifier Additional identifier for the measure --></identifier>
 <version value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Business version of the measure -->
 <versionAlgorithm[x]><!-- 0..1 string|Coding How to compare versions --></versionAlgorithm[x]>
 <name value="[string]"/><!-- I 0..1 Name for this measure (computer friendly) -->
 <title value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Name for this measure (human friendly) -->
 <subtitle value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Subordinate title of the measure -->
 <status value="[code]"/><!-- 1..1 draft | active | retired | unknown -->
 <experimental value="[boolean]"/><!-- 0..1 For testing purposes, not real usage -->
 <subject[x]><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Group) E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device --></subject[x]>
 <basis value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 Population basis -->
 <date value="[dateTime]"/><!-- 0..1 Date last changed -->
 <publisher value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual) -->
 <contact><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Contact details for the publisher --></contact>
 <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Natural language description of the measure -->
 <useContext><!-- 0..* UsageContext The context that the content is intended to support --></useContext>
 <jurisdiction><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable) --></jurisdiction>
 <purpose value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Why this measure is defined -->
 <usage value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Describes the clinical usage of the measure -->
 <copyright value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Use and/or publishing restrictions -->
 <copyrightLabel value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Copyright holder and year(s) -->
 <approvalDate value="[date]"/><!-- 0..1 When the measure was approved by publisher -->
 <lastReviewDate value="[date]"/><!-- 0..1 When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher -->
 <effectivePeriod><!-- 0..1 Period When the measure is expected to be used --></effectivePeriod>
 <topic><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc --></topic>
 <author><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Who authored the content --></author>
 <editor><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Who edited the content --></editor>
 <reviewer><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Who reviewed the content --></reviewer>
 <endorser><!-- 0..* ContactDetail Who endorsed the content --></endorser>
 <relatedArtifact><!-- 0..* RelatedArtifact Additional documentation, citations, etc --></relatedArtifact>
 <library><!-- 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the measure --></library>
 <disclaimer value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content -->
 <scoring><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort icon --></scoring>
 <scoringUnit><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What units? --></scoringUnit>
 <compositeScoring><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted --></compositeScoring>
 <type><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite --></type>
 <riskAdjustment value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 How risk adjustment is applied for this measure -->
 <rateAggregation value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 How is rate aggregation performed for this measure -->
 <rationale value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Detailed description of why the measure exists -->
 <clinicalRecommendationStatement value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Summary of clinical guidelines -->
 <improvementNotation><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept increase | decrease --></improvementNotation>
 <term>  <!-- 0..* Defined terms used in the measure documentation -->
  <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What term? --></code>
  <definition value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Meaning of the term -->
 <guidance value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated) -->
 <group>  <!-- I 0..* Population criteria group -->
  <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for group in measure -->
  <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the group --></code>
  <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 Summary description -->
  <type><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite --></type>
  <subject[x]><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept|Reference(Group) E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device --></subject[x]>
  <basis value="[code]"/><!-- 0..1 Population basis -->
  <scoring><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort icon --></scoring>
  <scoringUnit><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept What units? --></scoringUnit>
  <rateAggregation value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 How is rate aggregation performed for this measure -->
  <improvementNotation><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept increase | decrease --></improvementNotation>
  <library><!-- 0..* canonical(Library) Logic used by the measure group --></library>
  <population>  <!-- 0..* Population criteria -->
   <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for population in measure -->
   <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation --></code>
   <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 The human readable description of this population criteria -->
   <criteria><!-- 0..1 Expression The criteria that defines this population --></criteria>
   <groupDefinition><!-- 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population --></groupDefinition>
   <inputPopulationId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Which population -->
   <aggregateMethod><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count) --></aggregateMethod>
  <stratifier>  <!-- I 0..* Stratifier criteria for the measure -->
   <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for stratifier in measure -->
   <code><!-- I 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the stratifier --></code>
   <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- I 0..1 The human readable description of this stratifier -->
   <criteria><!-- I 0..1 Expression How the measure should be stratified --></criteria>
   <groupDefinition><!-- 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population --></groupDefinition>
   <component>  <!-- I 0..* Stratifier criteria component for the measure -->
    <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for stratifier component in measure -->
    <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the stratifier component --></code>
    <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 The human readable description of this stratifier component -->
    <criteria><!-- 0..1 Expression Component of how the measure should be stratified --></criteria>
    <groupDefinition><!-- 0..1 Reference(Group) A group resource that defines this population --></groupDefinition>
 <supplementalData>  <!-- 0..* What other data should be reported with the measure -->
  <linkId value="[string]"/><!-- 0..1 Unique id for supplementalData in measure -->
  <code><!-- 0..1 CodeableConcept Meaning of the supplemental data --></code>
  <usage><!-- 0..* CodeableConcept supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor --></usage>
  <description value="[markdown]"/><!-- 0..1 The human readable description of this supplemental data -->
  <criteria><!-- 1..1 Expression Expression describing additional data to be reported --></criteria>

JSON Template

  "resourceType" : "Measure",
  // from Resource: id, meta, implicitRules, and language
  // from DomainResource: text, contained, extension, and modifierExtension
  "url" : "<uri>", // Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique)
  "identifier" : [{ Identifier }], // Additional identifier for the measure
  "version" : "<string>", // Business version of the measure
  // versionAlgorithm[x]: How to compare versions. One of these 2:
  "versionAlgorithmString" : "<string>",
  "versionAlgorithmCoding" : { Coding },
  "name" : "<string>", // I Name for this measure (computer friendly)
  "title" : "<string>", // Name for this measure (human friendly)
  "subtitle" : "<string>", // Subordinate title of the measure
  "status" : "<code>", // R!  draft | active | retired | unknown
  "experimental" : <boolean>, // For testing purposes, not real usage
  // subject[x]: E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device. One of these 2:
  "subjectCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },
  "subjectReference" : { Reference(Group) },
  "basis" : "<code>", // Population basis
  "date" : "<dateTime>", // Date last changed
  "publisher" : "<string>", // Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
  "contact" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Contact details for the publisher
  "description" : "<markdown>", // Natural language description of the measure
  "useContext" : [{ UsageContext }], // The context that the content is intended to support
  "jurisdiction" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable)
  "purpose" : "<markdown>", // Why this measure is defined
  "usage" : "<markdown>", // Describes the clinical usage of the measure
  "copyright" : "<markdown>", // Use and/or publishing restrictions
  "copyrightLabel" : "<string>", // Copyright holder and year(s)
  "approvalDate" : "<date>", // When the measure was approved by publisher
  "lastReviewDate" : "<date>", // When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher
  "effectivePeriod" : { Period }, // When the measure is expected to be used
  "topic" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
  "author" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Who authored the content
  "editor" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Who edited the content
  "reviewer" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Who reviewed the content
  "endorser" : [{ ContactDetail }], // Who endorsed the content
  "relatedArtifact" : [{ RelatedArtifact }], // Additional documentation, citations, etc
  "library" : ["<canonical(Library)>"], // Logic used by the measure
  "disclaimer" : "<markdown>", // Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content
  "scoring" : { CodeableConcept }, // proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort icon
  "scoringUnit" : { CodeableConcept }, // What units?
  "compositeScoring" : { CodeableConcept }, // opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted
  "type" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
  "riskAdjustment" : "<markdown>", // How risk adjustment is applied for this measure
  "rateAggregation" : "<markdown>", // How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
  "rationale" : "<markdown>", // Detailed description of why the measure exists
  "clinicalRecommendationStatement" : "<markdown>", // Summary of clinical guidelines
  "improvementNotation" : { CodeableConcept }, // increase | decrease
  "term" : [{ // Defined terms used in the measure documentation
    "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // What term?
    "definition" : "<markdown>" // Meaning of the term
  "guidance" : "<markdown>", // Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated)
  "group" : [{ // I Population criteria group
    "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for group in measure
    "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Meaning of the group
    "description" : "<markdown>", // Summary description
    "type" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
    // subject[x]: E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device. One of these 2:
    "subjectCodeableConcept" : { CodeableConcept },
    "subjectReference" : { Reference(Group) },
    "basis" : "<code>", // Population basis
    "scoring" : { CodeableConcept }, // proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort icon
    "scoringUnit" : { CodeableConcept }, // What units?
    "rateAggregation" : "<markdown>", // How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
    "improvementNotation" : { CodeableConcept }, // increase | decrease
    "library" : ["<canonical(Library)>"], // Logic used by the measure group
    "population" : [{ // Population criteria
      "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for population in measure
      "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation
      "description" : "<markdown>", // The human readable description of this population criteria
      "criteria" : { Expression }, // The criteria that defines this population
      "groupDefinition" : { Reference(Group) }, // A group resource that defines this population
      "inputPopulationId" : "<string>", // Which population
      "aggregateMethod" : { CodeableConcept } // Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count)
    "stratifier" : [{ // I Stratifier criteria for the measure
      "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for stratifier in measure
      "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // I Meaning of the stratifier
      "description" : "<markdown>", // I The human readable description of this stratifier
      "criteria" : { Expression }, // I How the measure should be stratified
      "groupDefinition" : { Reference(Group) }, // A group resource that defines this population
      "component" : [{ // I Stratifier criteria component for the measure
        "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for stratifier component in measure
        "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Meaning of the stratifier component
        "description" : "<markdown>", // The human readable description of this stratifier component
        "criteria" : { Expression }, // Component of how the measure should be stratified
        "groupDefinition" : { Reference(Group) } // A group resource that defines this population
  "supplementalData" : [{ // What other data should be reported with the measure
    "linkId" : "<string>", // Unique id for supplementalData in measure
    "code" : { CodeableConcept }, // Meaning of the supplemental data
    "usage" : [{ CodeableConcept }], // supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor
    "description" : "<markdown>", // The human readable description of this supplemental data
    "criteria" : { Expression } // R!  Expression describing additional data to be reported

Turtle Template

@prefix fhir: <http://hl7.org/fhir/> .doco

[ a fhir:Measure;
  fhir:nodeRole fhir:treeRoot; # if this is the parser root

  # from Resource: .id, .meta, .implicitRules, and .language
  # from DomainResource: .text, .contained, .extension, and .modifierExtension
  fhir:url [ uri ] ; # 0..1 Canonical identifier for this measure, represented as a URI (globally unique)
  fhir:identifier  ( [ Identifier ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional identifier for the measure
  fhir:version [ string ] ; # 0..1 Business version of the measure
  # versionAlgorithm[x] : 0..1 How to compare versions. One of these 2
    fhir:versionAlgorithm [  a fhir:string ; string ]
    fhir:versionAlgorithm [  a fhir:Coding ; Coding ]
  fhir:name [ string ] ; # 0..1 I Name for this measure (computer friendly)
  fhir:title [ string ] ; # 0..1 Name for this measure (human friendly)
  fhir:subtitle [ string ] ; # 0..1 Subordinate title of the measure
  fhir:status [ code ] ; # 1..1 draft | active | retired | unknown
  fhir:experimental [ boolean ] ; # 0..1 For testing purposes, not real usage
  # subject[x] : 0..1 E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device. One of these 2
    fhir:subject [  a fhir:CodeableConcept ; CodeableConcept ]
    fhir:subject [  a fhir:Reference ; Reference(Group) ]
  fhir:basis [ code ] ; # 0..1 Population basis
  fhir:date [ dateTime ] ; # 0..1 Date last changed
  fhir:publisher [ string ] ; # 0..1 Name of the publisher/steward (organization or individual)
  fhir:contact  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Contact details for the publisher
  fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Natural language description of the measure
  fhir:useContext  ( [ UsageContext ] ... ) ; # 0..* The context that the content is intended to support
  fhir:jurisdiction  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* Intended jurisdiction for measure (if applicable)
  fhir:purpose [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Why this measure is defined
  fhir:usage [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Describes the clinical usage of the measure
  fhir:copyright [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Use and/or publishing restrictions
  fhir:copyrightLabel [ string ] ; # 0..1 Copyright holder and year(s)
  fhir:approvalDate [ date ] ; # 0..1 When the measure was approved by publisher
  fhir:lastReviewDate [ date ] ; # 0..1 When the measure was last reviewed by the publisher
  fhir:effectivePeriod [ Period ] ; # 0..1 When the measure is expected to be used
  fhir:topic  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* The category of the measure, such as Education, Treatment, Assessment, etc
  fhir:author  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who authored the content
  fhir:editor  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who edited the content
  fhir:reviewer  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who reviewed the content
  fhir:endorser  ( [ ContactDetail ] ... ) ; # 0..* Who endorsed the content
  fhir:relatedArtifact  ( [ RelatedArtifact ] ... ) ; # 0..* Additional documentation, citations, etc
  fhir:library  ( [ canonical(Library) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Logic used by the measure
  fhir:disclaimer [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Disclaimer for use of the measure or its referenced content
  fhir:scoring [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
  fhir:scoringUnit [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 What units?
  fhir:compositeScoring [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 opportunity | all-or-nothing | linear | weighted
  fhir:type  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
  fhir:riskAdjustment [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 How risk adjustment is applied for this measure
  fhir:rateAggregation [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
  fhir:rationale [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Detailed description of why the measure exists
  fhir:clinicalRecommendationStatement [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Summary of clinical guidelines
  fhir:improvementNotation [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 increase | decrease
  fhir:term ( [ # 0..* Defined terms used in the measure documentation
    fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 What term?
    fhir:definition [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Meaning of the term
  ] ... ) ;
  fhir:guidance [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Additional guidance for implementers (deprecated)
  fhir:group ( [ # 0..* I Population criteria group
    fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for group in measure
    fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Meaning of the group
    fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 Summary description
    fhir:type  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* process | outcome | structure | patient-reported-outcome | composite
    # subject[x] : 0..1 E.g. Patient, Practitioner, RelatedPerson, Organization, Location, Device. One of these 2
      fhir:subject [  a fhir:CodeableConcept ; CodeableConcept ]
      fhir:subject [  a fhir:Reference ; Reference(Group) ]
    fhir:basis [ code ] ; # 0..1 Population basis
    fhir:scoring [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 proportion | ratio | continuous-variable | cohort
    fhir:scoringUnit [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 What units?
    fhir:rateAggregation [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 How is rate aggregation performed for this measure
    fhir:improvementNotation [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 increase | decrease
    fhir:library  ( [ canonical(Library) ] ... ) ; # 0..* Logic used by the measure group
    fhir:population ( [ # 0..* Population criteria
      fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for population in measure
      fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 initial-population | numerator | numerator-exclusion | denominator | denominator-exclusion | denominator-exception | measure-population | measure-population-exclusion | measure-observation
      fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 The human readable description of this population criteria
      fhir:criteria [ Expression ] ; # 0..1 The criteria that defines this population
      fhir:groupDefinition [ Reference(Group) ] ; # 0..1 A group resource that defines this population
      fhir:inputPopulationId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Which population
      fhir:aggregateMethod [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Aggregation method for a measure score (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count)
    ] ... ) ;
    fhir:stratifier ( [ # 0..* I Stratifier criteria for the measure
      fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for stratifier in measure
      fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 I Meaning of the stratifier
      fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 I The human readable description of this stratifier
      fhir:criteria [ Expression ] ; # 0..1 I How the measure should be stratified
      fhir:groupDefinition [ Reference(Group) ] ; # 0..1 A group resource that defines this population
      fhir:component ( [ # 0..* I Stratifier criteria component for the measure
        fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for stratifier component in measure
        fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Meaning of the stratifier component
        fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 The human readable description of this stratifier component
        fhir:criteria [ Expression ] ; # 0..1 Component of how the measure should be stratified
        fhir:groupDefinition [ Reference(Group) ] ; # 0..1 A group resource that defines this population
      ] ... ) ;
    ] ... ) ;
  ] ... ) ;
  fhir:supplementalData ( [ # 0..* What other data should be reported with the measure
    fhir:linkId [ string ] ; # 0..1 Unique id for supplementalData in measure
    fhir:code [ CodeableConcept ] ; # 0..1 Meaning of the supplemental data
    fhir:usage  ( [ CodeableConcept ] ... ) ; # 0..* supplemental-data | risk-adjustment-factor
    fhir:description [ markdown ] ; # 0..1 The human readable description of this supplemental data
    fhir:criteria [ Expression ] ; # 1..1 Expression describing additional data to be reported
  ] ... ) ;

Changes from both R4 and R4B

  • Added Element
  • Change value set from http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/subject-type to Participant Resource Types
  • Change code system for extensibly bound codes from "http://hl7.org/fhir/resource-types" to "http://hl7.org/fhir/fhir-types"
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Added Element
  • Change value set from http://hl7.org/fhir/ValueSet/measure-scoring to Measure Scoring icon
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Min Cardinality changed from 1 to 0
  • Added Element
  • Added Element
  • Type changed from string to markdown
  • Deleted (->term.definition term is code and definition now)

See the Full Difference for further information

This analysis is available for R4 as XML or JSON and for R4B as XML or JSON.


Additional definitions: Master Definition XML JSON, XML Schema/Schematron JSON Schema, ShEx (for Turtle) , the spreadsheet version & the dependency analysis

Path ValueSet Type Documentation
Measure.versionAlgorithm[x] VersionAlgorithm Extensible

Indicates the mechanism used to compare versions to determine which is more current.

Measure.status PublicationStatus Required

The lifecycle status of an artifact.

Measure.subject[x] ParticipantResourceTypes Extensible

All Resource Types that represent participant resources

Measure.basis FHIRTypes (a valid code from All FHIR Types) Required

All FHIR types

Measure.jurisdiction JurisdictionValueSet Extensible

This value set defines a base set of codes for country, country subdivision and region for indicating where a resource is intended to be used.

Note: The codes for countries and country subdivisions are taken from ISO 3166 icon while the codes for "supra-national" regions are from UN Standard country or area codes for statistical use (M49) icon.

Measure.topic DefinitionTopic Example

High-level categorization of the definition, used for searching, sorting, and filtering.

Measure.scoring MeasureScoring icon Extensible

The scoring type of the measure.

Measure.scoringUnit MeasureScoringUnit Example

This is an example value set illustrating some typical scoring units used in quality measure specifications.

Measure.compositeScoring CompositeMeasureScoring Extensible

The composite scoring method of the measure.

Measure.type MeasureType Extensible

The type of measure (includes codes from 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20368).

Measure.improvementNotation MeasureImprovementNotation Required

Observation values that indicate what change in a measurement value or score is indicative of an improvement in the measured item or scored issue.

Measure.term.code MeasureDefinitionExample Example

Example Measure Definitions for the Measure Resource.

Measure.group.code MeasureGroupExample Example

Example Measure Groups for the Measure Resource.

Measure.group.type MeasureType Extensible

The type of measure (includes codes from 2.16.840.1.113883.1.11.20368).

Measure.group.subject[x] ParticipantResourceTypes Extensible

All Resource Types that represent participant resources

Measure.group.basis FHIRTypes (a valid code from All FHIR Types) Required

All FHIR types

Measure.group.scoring MeasureScoring icon Extensible

The scoring type of the measure.

Measure.group.scoringUnit MeasureScoringUnit Example

This is an example value set illustrating some typical scoring units used in quality measure specifications.

Measure.group.improvementNotation MeasureImprovementNotation Required

Observation values that indicate what change in a measurement value or score is indicative of an improvement in the measured item or scored issue.

Measure.group.population.code MeasurePopulationType Extensible

The type of population.

Measure.group.population.aggregateMethod MeasureAggregateMethod Extensible

Aggregation method for a measure (e.g. sum, average, median, minimum, maximum, count)

Measure.group.stratifier.code MeasureStratifierExample Example

Identifier subgroups in a population for measuring purposes.

Measure.group.stratifier.component.code MeasureStratifierExample Example

Identifier subgroups in a population for measuring purposes.

Measure.supplementalData.code MeasureSupplementalDataExample Example

Supplemental data in a population for measuring purposes.

Measure.supplementalData.usage MeasureDataUsage Extensible

The intended usage for supplemental data elements in the measure.

img cnl-0Warning (base)Name should be usable as an identifier for the module by machine processing applications such as code generationname.exists() implies name.matches('^[A-Z]([A-Za-z0-9_]){1,254}$')
img mea-1Rule (base)Stratifier SHALL be either a single criteria or a set of criteria componentsgroup.stratifier.all((code | description | criteria).exists() xor component.exists())
img cnl-1Warning Measure.urlURL should not contain | or # - these characters make processing canonical references problematicexists() implies matches('^[^|# ] $')
img mea-2Warning Measure.group.linkIdLink ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
img mea-3Warning Measure.group.population.linkIdLink ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
img mea-4Warning Measure.group.stratifier.linkIdLink ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
img mea-5Warning Measure.group.stratifier.component.linkIdLink ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255
img mea-6Warning Measure.supplementalData.linkIdLink ids should be 255 characters or less$this.length() <= 255

Search parameters for this resource. See also the full list of search parameters for this resource, and check the Extensions registry for search parameters on extensions related to this resource. The common parameters also apply. See Searching for more information about searching in REST, messaging, and services.

Name Type Description Expression In Common
composed-of reference What resource is being referenced Measure.relatedArtifact.where(type='composed-of').resource
6 Resources
context token A use context assigned to the measure (Measure.useContext.value.ofType(CodeableConcept)) 30 Resources
context-quantity quantity A quantity- or range-valued use context assigned to the measure (Measure.useContext.value.ofType(Quantity)) | (Measure.useContext.value.ofType(Range)) 30 Resources
context-type token A type of use context assigned to the measure Measure.useContext.code 30 Resources
context-type-quantity composite A use context type and quantity- or range-based value assigned to the measure On Measure.useContext:
  context-type: code
  context-quantity: value.ofType(Quantity) | value.ofType(Range)
30 Resources
context-type-value composite A use context type and value assigned to the measure On Measure.useContext:
  context-type: code
  context: value.ofType(CodeableConcept)
30 Resources
date date The measure publication date Measure.date 30 Resources
depends-on reference What resource is being referenced Measure.relatedArtifact.where(type='depends-on').resource | Measure.library
(Library, Any)
6 Resources
derived-from reference What resource is being referenced Measure.relatedArtifact.where(type='derived-from').resource
10 Resources
description string The description of the measure Measure.description 28 Resources
effective date The time during which the measure is intended to be in use Measure.effectivePeriod 12 Resources
identifier token External identifier for the measure Measure.identifier 36 Resources
jurisdiction token Intended jurisdiction for the measure Measure.jurisdiction 26 Resources
name string Computationally friendly name of the measure Measure.name 27 Resources
predecessor reference What resource is being referenced Measure.relatedArtifact.where(type='predecessor').resource
10 Resources
publisher string Name of the publisher of the measure Measure.publisher 30 Resources
status token The current status of the measure Measure.status 36 Resources
successor reference What resource is being referenced Measure.relatedArtifact.where(type='successor').resource
6 Resources
title string The human-friendly name of the measure Measure.title 27 Resources
topic token Topics associated with the measure Measure.topic 10 Resources
url uri The uri that identifies the measure Measure.url 35 Resources
version token The business version of the measure Measure.version 31 Resources