A downloadable game for Windows

Y2C & Y2D BUas Project

Welcome to the hectic tower defence experience. Play as a cute mushroom with exceptional crafting skills and protect the land from mischievous spirits.

Right Click = Interact buttons
Left Click = Move / Interact game elements
Mouse Wheel = Adjust how many ingredients you pick
P = Pause

Watch the trailer:

Core Team:
Luc Van Dijk - Lead Programmer
Sebastiano Zezza - Lead Designer
Marea Gospić- Lead Artist
Dylano Solter - Programmer / Marketing Lead
Dragoş Popescu - Programmer
Jiří Vojtěch - Producer / Social Media Guy

Additional help:
Alina Stašāne - Art outsource
Abe Groothoff - Music outsource
Ivona Peša - Promotional art


talismanartisan-win.zip 55 MB
Version 15 Jun 28, 2023

Install instructions

  1. Download the game.
  2.  Extract it.
  3.  Run .exe file

Development log

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A 240p video made it really hard for me to learn this game. It's like that one meme where someone makes a dark souls boss and only includes a link to a youtube video in it.

I'm completely lost on what to do in the main world, I'm thrown in without any tutorial or basic guide, and even picking flowers has no visual effect, they just vanish..

Is there a reason you couldn't use basic sound effects?

I think I ended up crafting some kind of letter? But with no information popups on even the towers I am beyond lost. And the lack of information on what this game can even do doesn't help, that's why a lot of games have the end game included in the tutorial, so you get a quick taste of how a decked out epic battle in the game would take place and to get you excited, but the fact I can't progress or even build a first tower (can I even build towers) means I don't know what the game should look like after I DO figure it out.

( 1)

Really clever twist to have a dexterity-based tower-defense game that just oozes with charm and character! 

I had a lot of fun playing the minigames and it's really easy to work yourself into the flow! 

The rather forgiving nature of the game along with the well-composed music makes for a very relaxing experience! I'd love to have this on my Switch or my phone and just listen to the music on repeat whilst crafting my talismans!

Great job!

( 2)

I loved it when the characters all got together and said "this truly was the talisman artisan". Brought tears to my eyes.

And then they talisman artisan'ned all over the place

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Wow, this game really makes me feel like a talisman artisan