Giovanni Caboto
(Preusmjereno sa John Cabot)
Giovanni Caboto[1] (oko 1450. – oko 1499.), poznat i kao John Cabot, je bio italijanski moreplovac i istraživač koji se obično smatra prvim evropljaninom koji je otkrio kopno Sjeverne Amerike, 1497.
Cabot je rođen 1451. (tačan datum i mjesto nisu sigurni). U mladosti se preselio u Veneciju i postao njen građanin.
Poput ostalih italijanskih istraživača tog toba, kao što su Kristofor Kolumbo (Cristoforo Colombo), Cabot je učinio drugu zemlju bazom svojih operacija. Za Cabota to je bila Engleska.
Cabot je zapamćen u Bristolu po utvrdi Cabot Tower, izrađenoj 1897. (na 400-tu godišnjicu otkrića), po replici broda Matthew i kipu istraživača u luci.
uredi- ^ "John Cabot | Biography, Accomplishments, & Facts | Britannica". (jezik: engleski). 27. 8. 2024. Pristupljeno 3. 9. 2024.
Vanjski linkovi
uredi- John Cabot: A Man of the Renaissance, National Film Board of Canada
- John Cabot, Historica Canada
- The Cabot Project, research project at University of Bristol, led by Dr Evan Jones.
- O. Hartig, "John and Sebastian Cabot", The Catholic Encyclopedia (New Advent, 1908). Very dated.
- George Prowse Writings and Correspondence on John Cabot at Dartmouth College Library
Primarni izvori
uredi- Introduction and Source: "Salazar's account of Bristol's discovery of the Island of Brasil (pre-1476)", The Smugglers' City, History Dept., University of Bristol
- Sources: "First Letters Patent granted by Henry VII to John Cabot, 5 March 1496", The Smugglers' City, History Dept., University of Bristol
- "Lorenzo Pasqualigo to his brothers at Venice, 23 August 1497", The Smugglers' City, History Dept., University of Bristol
- "Raimondo de Raimondi de Soncino, Milanese Ambassador in England, to Ludovico Maria Sforza, Duke of Milan, 18 December 1497, The Smugglers' City, History Dept., University of Bristol
- 'Letter, author unknown: "News sent from London to the Duke of Milan, 24 August 1497", The Smugglers' City, Dept. of History, University of Bristol, briefly notes Cabot's voyage
- The grant of a pension of £20 per year to John Cabot, 13 December 1497, University of Bristol, Explore Bristol Research, 2011.
- Warrant for the payment of John Cabot's pension, 22 February 1498, University of Bristol, Explore Bristol Research, 2011.