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Collida Living Passivhaus sustainable homes

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Collida is revolutionising the UK construction industry by providing a fully integrated platform with a 'kit of parts' and design configuration software.
Collida living Passivhaus details

Owned by Willmott Dixon, Collida is delivering sustainable homes in a simple and affordable way, using Modern Methods of Construction. Fully aligned with the Construction Playbook, Collida provides flexibility of design which renders cost, programme, carbon and life cycle costing in real time.

Collida works with award winning Passivhaus architects Architype, to help create solutions that optimise design standardisation, tailored to customers’ requirements. A digitally integrated platform helps customers make faster, more informed choices.

The manufacturing and assembly delivers a fully scalable and flexible supply chain. Collida’s national manufacturing network covers key offsite components from across a range of technologies spanning the Modern Methods of Construction definition framework.

It also delivers high levels of pre-manufactured value, coupled with product certification, including NHBC Accepts, Premier and BOPAS. All of these contribute to time, cost and quality savings, whilst still being a fully mortgageable property.

The Collida Living PassivHaus at the BRE Science Park

Key features of Collida Living Passivhaus

Collida aims to deliver the next generation of sustainable homes in a simple and affordable way, with one of its most sustainable models, which features:

  • 60-year lifespan for all major structural components

  • Passivhaus certifiable

  • Non-combustible through-wall construction

  • Pre-manufactured value (PMV) of 70% delivered through Modern Methods of Construction using LGSF, modular roofs and brick slips to achieve rapid watertightness

  • Compliant with Nationally Described Space Standards (NDSS); London Plan; or Welsh Government Design Standards and Guidance (DQR)

  • A unique three-stage approach to on site assembly requires 40% less labour than traditional approaches – delivering a new home in less than 19 weeks

  • The two homes in the Innovation Zone demonstrate the flexibility of the internal space on the same footprint, with a range of configurable options on layouts, materials and finishes

  • External MEP units developed with MonoDraught to allow access to change filters without having to gain access to homes

  • M4(2) design as standard – accessibility and future adaptability

  • Secured by Design and NHBC compliant.
    20% Lower Embodied Carbon against LETI benchmark – embodied carbon assessed, reduced and verified post-construction

  • Compliance against TM59 (Overheating Risk in Homes)
    Air Permeability – 0.2 m3/ at 50Pa
    Total Energy Use Intensity (EUI) equal to or less than 35 kWh/m2/year (GIA)

Other homes in the Innovation Zone

Other homes in the Innovation Zone

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