Shuffle Paradox
This Tool was made for my Youtube video: Why Spotify Cannot Get The Playlist Shuffle Work Correctly?.
It allows you to research coincidences between two or more groups of randomly selected numbers (songs) from selected range (playlist).
Songs in Playlist: This is the range from which Playthrough Columns will be filled. 100 means 1 to 100 etc.
Playthrough Columns: Max number of columns is 5, minimum is 2. Their number can adjusted by and - buttons. Each column contains a fixed amount of 20 numbers (songs).
Shuffle Button: On click fills Playthrough Columns with random numbers from selected range (Songs in Playlist). Program then compares all the columns and highlights any repetitions found.
Chains Button - This changes comparison mode between Playthrough Columns. If disabled any repetition of a number is considered a match. For example: If the same number is found in the first column and in the fifth column it will be highlighted as a match. However if chains are enabled then the same number must be found in the consecutive Playthrough Columns. So if the same number is found in the first column and in the fifth column it will not be considered a match. Matches must form an unbroken chain between individual Playthrough Columns.
Sampling Table - This allows you to gather some orientational statistics about matches.
Matches and Found Column - This number represents how many times any same number was found. If number 5 was found in 3 of the Playthrough Columns then the number in the Found Column next to number 3 in Matches Column will be increased by 1.
Likelihood And Tries Column - Likelihood is calculated from the number in the Found Column and Tries Column. If in 1000 tries there were 500 matches found then likelihood will be 1 in 2. (1 Try = 1 click of Shuffle Button)
Sample Button - On click loop will gather statistics from 1000 tries. 1 Try = 1 click of Shuffle Button.
However, the Sample button behaves differently based on whether Chains are enabled or disabled.
If enabled, the loop will do 1000 tries 4 separate times. First time it will be looking for chains of 2 and it will be comparing just 2 Playthrough Columns. Second time it will be looking for chains of 3 and it will be comparing 3 Playthrough Columns. Third time it will be looking for chains of 4 and it will be comparing 4 Playthrough Columns. Fifth time it will be looking for chains of 5 and it will be comparing 5 Playthrough Columns.
If disabled loop will do 1000 tries 2 separate times. First time it will be looking for chains of 2 and it will be comparing just 3 Playthrough Columns. Second time it will be looking for chains of 3, 4 and 5 and it will be comparing 5 Playthrough Columns.
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