Serviços de engenharia

Milan, Italy 24.664 seguidores

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CESI is a leading global engineering and consulting company specializing in innovation, digitization, and testing for the electric power sector. With expertise in civil and environmental engineering, as well as space solar cell production, CESI is at the forefront of industry advancements. Through its division, KEMA Labs, CESI leads independent Testing, Inspection, and Certification services in the electricity industry. With an almost 70-year legacy, CESI operates in 70 countries, assisting clients worldwide in navigating energy transition challenges. Headquartered in Milan, Italy, CESI has facilities in the Netherlands, United States, Germany, China, Czech Republic, United Arab Emirates, Brazil, and Chile.

Serviços de engenharia
Tamanho da empresa
501-1.000 funcionários
Milan, Italy
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Testing, Consulting, Engineering, Environment, Solar & Renewables, Certification, Civil Engineering, Environmental Monitoring, Smart Grids e Internet of Things


  • Principal

    Via Rubattino, 54

    Milan, Italy 20134, IT

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  • Landsberger Allee, 378a

    Berlin, D-12681, DE

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  • Hallenweg, 40

    Mannheim, D-68219, DE

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  • Building 5WA – Office 326

    Dubai Airport Freezone

    Dubai, AE

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  • Rua da Quitanda, 191 – Sala 1101

    Centro – CEP 20091-005

    Rio de Janeiro, RJ, BR

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  • Klingelbeekseweg 195

    Arnhem, Gelderland 6812, NL

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  • LLC - 4379 Country Line Road

    Chalfont, PA 18914, US

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  • Podnikatelská 547

    Prague , 9 Běchovice 190 11, CZ

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  • 620 Mabry Hood Road Suite 300

    Knoxville, Tennessee 37932, US

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  • Via Nino Bixio, 39

    Piacenza, Emilia-Romagna 29121, IT

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  • Via Pastrengo, 9

    Seriate, Lombardia 24068, IT

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Funcionários da CESI SpA


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    Introducing our new Sustainability Policy CESI Group is committed to a sustainable future. Our Sustainability Policy isn't just a declaration of our aspirations; it acts as a guiding inspiration for our future endeavours and choices. It details our plans for wise resource management, diminishing our ecological footprint, and uplifting the standard of living in the communities where we operate. With the release of the Sustainability Policy, CESI takes a significant step towards shaping a more sustainable, inclusive, and prosperous future for all. Together, let's lead the way and create a lasting legacy for generations to come. Discover more here: https://lnkd.in/dvVhyRGF #Sustainability #ESG #Sustainablefuture

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    Siamo lieti di annunciare che il nostro collega General Manager e Direttore Tecnico di Ismes, Francesco Carnevale, è stato eletto Consigliere del Nuovo Consiglio del Comitato Italiano Grandi Dighe (ITCOLD) per il periodo 2024-2028. La sua elezione è un importante riconoscimento per le competenze e la professionalità espresse da Francesco nel settore delle grandi dighe e per quanto Ismes, la società del Gruppo CESI dedicata all’ingegneria infrastrutturale, ha realizzato nel settore da decenni. Siamo certi che il contributo di Francesco sarà fondamentale per il successo di ITCOLD, l’Associazione che si propone di promuovere e agevolare lo studio di tutti i problemi connessi con le dighe, la loro realizzazione e il loro esercizio. Congratulazioni Francesco! 👏 #elezione #ITCOLD #ingegneria #grandidighe

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    Since the 1950s, starting with our initial work on the Mole Antonelliana in Turin, CESI Group, through its company Ismes (www.ismes.it) , has been dedicated to preserving historical sites worldwide. Our monitoring system for Florence's Cathedral involves an advanced feasibility study focusing on the foundations and sub-surface soil of the Baptistery and the entire Piazza del Duomo area. Throughout our journey in heritage protection, we have contributed to the conservation of remarkable landmarks such as the San Marco Basilica and Santo Stefano bell tower in Venice, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Cenacolo Vinciano in Milan, the Metropolitan Cathedral in Mexico City, the Chapel of the Shroud in Turin, the Sisto Bridge in Rome, and the Tower of Ravenna. These projects highlight our commitment to merging advanced technology with our rich cultural heritage, ensuring these treasures are preserved for future generations. #CulturalHeritage #Innovation #Engineering #Ismes #Preservation #Florence #SustainableFuture #TechnologyAndTradition  

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    Today, CESI had the privilege of hosting H.E. Parviz Shahbazov, Azerbaijan's Minister of Energy, and H.E. Rashad Aslanov, the Ambassador of Azerbaijan, along with a high-level delegation. We were honored to present CESI's cutting-edge consultancy and testing activities, with a particular focus on the Caspian-Black Sea-Europe green energy corridor project. This initiative aims to export green energy from Azerbaijan to Europe, involving key regional partners. The meeting also provided a platform to discuss critical topics for the upcoming COP29 in Baku. Exciting times ahead for energy collaboration and sustainable solutions! #GreenEnergy #Sustainability #COP29 #CESI #RenewableEnergy #InternationalCooperation

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    Sustainable mobility encompasses a range of technologies and solutions designed to reduce the environmental impact of transportation. This includes electric vehicles (EVs), hydrogen fuel cells, and biofuels. In Italy, CESI conducted an in-depth analysis of how electric vehicles (EVs) can enhance vehicle grid integration (VGI) services. This study explored various technical, regulatory, and market aspects, creating scenarios based on the current regulatory framework and technical characteristics of EVs and charge points. It also assessed how EVs can participate in demand response, Frequency Containment Reserve (FCR), ancillary services, and the day-ahead market. We delved into use cases focusing on public charge point availability, providing critical insights into how EVs interact with the grid and identifying significant benefits for the electric system, such as improved grid stability and efficiency. Furthermore, CESI evaluated the economic viability and strategic planning needed for installing EV charging stations across three European countries. Our work is crucial in supporting the transition to a more sustainable and integrated energy system, making transportation and energy consumption cleaner and more efficient. Sustainable mobility, encompassing electric vehicles, hydrogen, and biofuels, is key to creating a resilient and environmentally friendly transportation future.

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    As the world shifts towards renewable energy and electric mobility, maintaining power quality is increasingly complex. Enter KEMA Labs and our FLEX Power Grid Laboratory: a state-of-the-art facility supporting manufacturers in optimizing products in a controlled, grid-equivalent environment. Our lab accommodates electric vehicles, battery storage systems, and PV inverters, offering extensive testing across frequencies, harmonics, voltages, and power levels. By simulating real-world grid conditions, we ensure products are reliable and market-ready for our evolving energy landscape. Additionally, our EV supply equipment test bench replicates charging scenarios, tests compatibility, and simulates grid responses. These capabilities foster the development of resilient, sustainable products. At KEMA Labs, we're committed to advancing green technologies with innovative testing solutions that ensure high power quality and reliability. Discover more: https://lnkd.in/gbSVgnF

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    At Cable-Tech 2024 in Bangalore, KEMA Labs unveiled groundbreaking results on Transient Overvoltage (TOV) testing for a 525 kV DC cable system. Our advanced tests demonstrated the system's resilience to TOVs occurring during grid faults or switching events, validated by precise numerical simulations.   This pioneering work positions KEMA Labs at the forefront of TOV testing for HVDC cables, an area ripe for standardization. Our findings, along with recommendations for future TOV testing standards, received significant acclaim from industry experts. #KEMALabs #CableTech2024 #HVDC #TOVTesting #Innovation #Energy

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    🔍EnerNex is heading to the IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting next month. 🔎 David Mueller, Muhammad Humayun, Jens Schoene, and Mariana Kamel will be in Seattle; here’s our presentation line up for the week: 🌟 Dave Mueller: ▪ Tutorial 7/21, 8:00AM-5:00PM, Room 347 - Harmonics Modeling and Assessment for Interconnection Studies of Inverter-Based Resource (IBR) Plants  ▪ Panel 7/23, 1:00PM-3:00PM, Room 443 - Revisiting Harmonic Phasors in Intelligent Networks: Concept, Algorithms, Estimation, Measurement, Implementation, and Applications ▪ Panel session chair 7/25, 3:00 PM-5:00 PM, Room 428 - Power Quality Aspects of Grid Modernization 🌟 Jens Schoene is chairing a session with Southern California Edison (SCE) on Distribution System State Estimation from Utility Perspective: Practical Challenges, Solutions, and Benefits. 7/25, 8:00 AM-10:00 AM, Room 439 🌟 Muhammad Humayun will be attending the IEEE General Meeting and presenting at the EMTP® International User Conference. Sustained Overvoltage due to Zero Sequence Resonance for Shunt Compensated #Transmission Lines, 7/26, 11:00AM-11:40AM. #Harmonics #PowerQuality #EnerNex #RenewableEnergy #EMTP #IEEEPES #PowerEngineering

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    Ismes, società del Gruppo CESI dedicata all’ingegneria civile e delle infrastrutture, parteciperà al 18° Congresso Mondiale di Ingegneria Sismica (WCEE2024), che si terrà a Milano dal 30 giugno al 5 luglio 2024. Ismes (https://www.ismes.it/) contribuirà significativamente al congresso. Diego Froio, Consulente per la Valutazione della Sicurezza delle Dighe, presenterà "Implementazione e validazione del metodo diretto per la simulazione dell'interazione dinamica tra diga e fondazione", fornendo un approfondimento sulla simulazione rigorosa dell'interazione suolo-struttura per l'analisi sismica delle grandi dighe in cemento. Riccardo Previtali, Responsabile del Prodotto per la Valutazione della Sicurezza delle Dighe, discuterà "Analisi dinamiche di una diga di terra con diversi stati di stress iniziale", esplorando gli effetti dello stress iniziale e delle distribuzioni di pressione nei pori sulla risposta sismica delle dighe. Andrea Zattoni, Responsabile del Prodotto per il Monitoraggio Strutturale e Idrogeologico, esplorerà "Genova Casella railway (Genova, Italia). Sistema di monitoraggio integrato applicato alla linea ferroviaria", mostrando un esempio di integrazione tra sistemi satellitari e tradizionali per il monitoraggio di un ponte ferroviario in muratura.   Queste presentazioni evidenziano l’impegno di Ismes verso l'eccellenza e la leadership nel settore, dimostrando la nostra dedizione ad ampliare i confini della conoscenza e dell'innovazione.   #WCEE2024 #IngegneriaSismica #Innovazione #Ricerca #MonitoraggioStrutturale #ISMES  

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    Siamo entusiasti di annunciare il lancio del nuovo sito web di ISMES, azienda del Gruppo CESI leader nel settore della consulenza per le grandi infrastrutture. Progettato per offrire un accesso diretto e intuitivo ai servizi offerti, il sito rappresenta un significativo passo avanti nel percorso di comunicazione del nostro Gruppo. Visita il nostro sito all'indirizzo https://www.ismes.it/ e scopri un design moderno e una navigazione user-friendly che ti permetterà di esplorare facilmente tutti i servizi offerti da ISMES. Da oggi, puoi accedere a informazioni dettagliate e trovare risposte precise alle tue esigenze, mantenendoti aggiornato sulle ultime novità del settore delle infrastrutture attraverso news e pubblicazioni. Un nuovo punto di riferimento per innovazione, competenza e affidabilità nel settore delle infrastrutture è ora a portata di clic. Unisciti a noi nel nostro viaggio verso il futuro delle grandi infrastrutture. #ISMES #Infrastrutture #Innovazione #Competenza #Consulenza

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