Ambipar Response | UK

Ambipar Response | UK

Serviços ambientais

Leading Environmental Management.

Sobre nós

Responding to its first oil spill incident over 70 years ago, Ambipar Response growth and expansion into all arenas of Incident Response are deeply rooted to that first oil spill. Today, the company maintains its credibility and reputation as one of the major Oil Spill Response providers in the world. Its personnel having responded to major Marine Oil Spills in numerous countries to incidents including the Exxon Valzez, Sea Empress, Erika and Prestige, Napoli, New Flame, Fedra and Rena in New Zealand Whilst large marine oil spills are rare, Ambipar Response provides Tier 2 response coverage to many UK Ports and Harbours and its nationwide network of response bases provides for very short response times when Marine Oil Spills occur. Accredited to the highest environmental agency level, the highly experienced Oil Spill Response Teams are fully equipped to responded to both Marine and Inland Oil Spill Incidents, from Diesel Spillages to those of Heavy Fuel Oil. In addition to this, all personnel are trained and response bases equipped to undertake Road Tanker Rollover Responses, transferring cargoes of road tankers to minimise the negative effect of the Environment . Where spills do occur, rapid intervention reduces the overall impact on the Environment. In addition to being trained and experienced in physical oil spill response, all responders within the company are trained to respond in highly safety critical environments such as on the Road and Rail infrastructure and also within facitlities such as Oil Refineries and Airports.

Serviços ambientais
Tamanho da empresa
de 10.001 funcionários
Empresa privada
Fundada em
Environmental Services, Environmental Protection, Spill Response, Training Provider, Salvage Support Services, Remediation, Oil Spill Response, Chemical Incident Response, Decontamination, Rapid Response, CBRN, Hazmat Response e HNS Response


Funcionários da Ambipar Response | UK


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    The Maritime and Coastguard Agency has renewed its five-year contract with Ambipar Response, retaining the company as responsible for the national pollution response agreement which it has held since 2018.   The contract, which can be extended for another three years, includes the creation of a new base in the southeast of the UK and improvements to the infrastructure in Bristol, Dundee, and Barnsley, aiming to increase operational efficiency. The contract also establishes a joint apprenticeship programme between the MCA and Ambipar, with the potential to add graduate schemes. #AmbiparResponse #OilSpillResponse #MCA #EmergencyResponse

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    Over the past couple of days Ambipar Response | UK have been proudly assisting Warrenpoint Port in enhancing their capability and competency in oil spill response, delivering their 3-yearly Incident Management Exercise and concurrent MCA 5P Refresher training. The exercise and associated training refresher were a clear indication of Warrenpoint Port’s commitment to the continuous improvement of their oil spill response and incident management expertise. The exercise involved activate participation from Warrenpoint Port at a Strategic, Tactical and Operational level, supported by our own Tactical Coordination and Operational Response Teams. Several valuable lessons were identified to further enhance our working relationship and we look forward to continue to support Warrenpoint Port in both preparedness, prevention and response to oil spill incidents. #Training #Exercising #IncidentManagement #OilSpillResponse

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    A fantastic opportunity for members of our Bristol Response Team to trial the deployment of some new harbour and marina oil spill response equipment, including Elastec's Barrel-O-Boom system. Ambipar Response | UK Response are an accredited Tier 2 Oil Spill Response Organisation (OSRO) by the International Spill Accreditation Scheme (ISAS) under the UK MCA’s National Standard for Marine Oil Spill Response Organisations. Ambipar Response deliver a range of accredited response services to ensure that over 90 Ports, Harbours and Marinas in the UK are able to prevent and mitigate the impacts of marine oil spills on their people, environments, assets and reputations, as well as meet their requirements under OPRC 1990. For further information on our Tier 2 response services, please contact: [email protected] #OilSpillResponse #Contractor #EnvironmentalResponse

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    So far this week, members of our Operational Teams from Bristol, Barnsley and Harlow have been sitting on an internal Oil Spill Response Supervisor course, hosted by members of our Training and Consultancy Team. The course has been tailored to Ambipar Response | UK's Incident Response Plan and Procedures, covering all aspects of supervising operational clean-up activities across our client's ports, harbours, estuaries and shorelines. The team have discussed and practised the monitoring and evaluating techniques used to undertake the initial and continued assessment of spills, as well as tools for identifying the correct tactical techniques. They have also focused on the appropriate reporting lines, and the importance of briefing key personnel of current and future activities, understanding the needs of those directly associated with the clean-up operations in the field. The Team will then be applying their new skills through a series of field based practicals in the coming weeks. #Training #Capbaility #Competency #OilSpillResponse #CPD

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    Ambipar Response | UK are accredited by The Nautical Institute to deliver OPRC Oil Spill Response (IMO Equivalent) Training. Our 4-day (32 Hours), OPRC OSR Level 2 course is tailored to train tactical members of an Oil Spill Management Team on how to manage incidents safely and efficiently through the development of effective Incident Action Plans. Designed for all managers/supervisors with support responsibilities within an Incident Command or Emergency Team. The course has a well-balanced mix of both practical and theoretical aspects covering all issues encountered during an oil response in detail with a range of exercises to ensure delegates obtain a firm understanding of the requirements for an efficient spill operation. The course is delivered through 11 course specific modules (and one introduction presentation), each of which incorporate various materials and aides, including; presentations, multi-media, worksheets, exercises, visual demonstrations, individual and group-based activities: ·       Introduction and Background ·       Causes, Fates and Effects ·       Contingency Planning ·       Tactical Spill Assessment and Planning ·       Health and Safety Management Systems ·       Response Tactics ·       Shoreline Response Planning ·       Tactical Response Planning and Management ·       Facilitating Oiled Wildlife Response and Waste Management ·       Media and Stakeholder Engagement ·       Log Keeping, Costs and Deactivation In addition to the theoretical modules and exercises the training includes both an equipment familiarisation and practical deployment exercises. #Training #OilSpillResponse #OPRC

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    A fantastic Incident Management Exercise, working alongside The Bristol Port Company through the development and delivery of the scenario, and participation in the tabletop and mobilisation elements. Should your organisation require any assistance in exercise planning or delivery, please don't hesitate to contact us at: [email protected] #Exercising #Preparedness #OilSpillResponse

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    The Bristol Port Company recently conducted a major Incident Management Exercise (IME) to test our Oil Spill Contingency Plan and response protocols. Partnering with the Pill Hobblers (Tier 1 responders) and Tier 2 contractor, Ambipar Response | UK, a significant spill from a ship was simulated to test our preparedness and response. Joining us for the exercise were representatives from the Department for Transport (DfT), United Kingdom; the MCA's Counter Pollution and Salvage Officer; environmental stakeholders including the Environment Agency & Natural England; representatives from local councils and ports; and several members of the Marine Department and Bristol Port Police. The exercise proved to be a great success with thought-provoking discussions and lessons learned; paving the way for closer cooperation and a refined plan for the future! Read more here:   #IME #OilPollution #PillHobblers #AmbiparResponse #DepartmentForTransport #MCA #EnvironmentAgencyAndNaturalEngland #Marine #BristolPortPolice #Avonmouth #BristolPort

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    Ambipar Response | UK are accredited by The Nautical Institute to deliver OPRC Oil Spill Response (IMO Equivalent) Training. Our 3-day OPRC OSR (IMO Equivalent) Level 1 course is tailored to train operational members of an oil spill response team on how to supervise incidents safely, efficiently, and effectively. Designed for all personnel who will supervise oil spill response field teams when dealing with operational clean-up activities in ports, harbours and across shorelines. The course has a well-balanced mix of both practical and theoretical aspects covering all issues encountered during an oil response in detail with a range of exercises to ensure delegates obtain a firm understanding of the requirements for the efficient delivery of field-based oil spill operations. The overarching objectives of the course are for delegates to gain an understanding of the safe and efficient response to oil spills, be able to undertake initial assessments of spill risk, apply the right tactical techniques, use the correct reporting lines, be able to brief key personnel of current and future activities, understand the perspectives of a variety of stakeholders and understand the needs of those directly associated with the clean-up operations in the field. The course is delivered through 10 course specific modules (and one introduction presentation), each of which incorporate various materials and aides, including our Beachmaster Field Guide, presentations, multi-media, worksheets, exercises, visual demonstrations, individual and group-based activities. ·       Introduction and Background; ·       Fate and Impacts; ·       Contingency Planning; ·       Spill Assessment; ·       Responder Safety; ·       On Water Response; ·       Shoreline Clean-Up and Waste Management; ·       Operational Command, Control and Personnel Management; ·       Record Keeping, Sampling and Post Spill Monitoring; and, ·       Deactivation and Post Incident Response. In addition to the theory modules and exercises the training includes 3 practical deployment exercises and an equipment familiarisation to ensure delegates complete the course with the capability and competency to deploy their own and a range of industry standard oil spill response equipment. For more information on the course, or to discuss your bespoke training requirements, please contact [email protected] #Training #OilSpillResponse #International #OPRC #OilSpill

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    This week members form our Operational and Consultancy Teams have been refreshing their Shoreline Clean-Up Assessment Technique (SCAT) skills. The team have been sitting an internal delivery of our SCAT Management and Coordination Training, which follows guidance as set out by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency and Ipieca on shoreline response techniques and considerations that should be understood throughout the response to shoreline oiling. The course has provided delegates with the theoretical aspects covering shoreline characteristics and processes to understand how oil could react and effect the shoreline, how to manageably segment a shoreline, how to use and report upon the data collected in the field from the shoreline survey forms, and how to develop shoreline treatment recommendations based upon shoreline characteristics, SIMA and NEBA. The course provides all personnel who may plan and manage shoreline clean-up and assessment with the knowledge of shorelines, the impact oil can have environmentally on the shoreline, how to choose the most appropriate shoreline treatments and how to use the data collected from the shoreline surveys. For further information or should you have a bespoke training requirement, please reach out to [email protected] #Training #Capability #Competency #CPD #InternalResilience

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    It was a pleasure to host members of the Environment Agency at our Barnsley Base yesterday. This was the first of a series of visits and meetings with the EA in a round robin tour of our Response Bases. The purpose of these visits is to demonstrate Ambipar Response | UK’s capability and the equipment that is on standby around the clock to assist the Environment Agency in the response to HAZMAT, Oil Spill and Flooding incidents. Thirteen members of the EA, from various teams across the northern region, came to hear our capabilities, look at available equipment and discuss suitable responses and tactics for incidents that they may wish to call on us for support for in the future. Many thanks to the Environment Agency for joining us and to those members of our Response and Technical Teams who presented throughout the day. #EnvironmentalResponse #OilSpill #HAZMAT #Flooding #InicidentPreparedness

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