A downloadable game for Android

Run, dodge, and collect! Cube-Bot is classic arcade style of high scores! Survive as long as you can and Collect the coins!!! Get a high enough score, and unlock a special hard mode! Also get a high enough high score to unlock new looks for your bot! (Skins update coming in a bit) Download today! It's free!

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)
AuthorBot Studio
Tags3D, android, Arcade, blue, bot, botstudio, Endless, fun, Low-poly, Retro


CUBE-BOT ver1.0.apk 42 MB

Install instructions

After pressing download, the apk should start downloading. You may get a warning by chrome, but this app is completely safe (it was made using Unity) After that download, hit open on the chrome notification, or find it on your file manger. It should start installing. You may get another warning from android, just press go to the setting prompt and allow for this instillation (this happens because any app downloaded off the browsers, this triggers android to give this message. Again, this is 100% safe game!) The game should start installing. Once it's finish, you are ready to play! If I get enough downloads, I will soon put this up on the Play Store! Thanks for downloading and the support! 


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I Wish I Would Play This Game But I Am Not On Android



(1 edit)

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good game

me give u 12 lucks :)


sad i cant try it, my phone doesnt like APK files. could you try making it work on the web instead of having to do a download? even a pc version would be fine with me :)

( 1)

Very cool your game

I really liked the polygonal style and the mechanics, for me I just lacked a third option of the type, the blue block following the finger except for this is very cool the game

Thank you for playing! Also thank you for the feedback! 

( 1)


make it able to play on windows too