A downloadable game for Windows

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PHOTOSENSITIVITY WARNING: this game contains flashing images that may trigger seizures in people with photosensitive epilepsy. Please take caution.


This is a small personal summer project that turned into something I worked on/off for about five months (July-November). It is a merging of every personal project that did not see the light of day since early 2022 up until now. Games, albums, visual art and writing projects, discarded and reiterated upon, resulting in this little thing I hope you will spend a little of your time with. Before it turned into this game, KLOSTERTRIEKA was supposed to be a music album, and even was supposed to be a short story before that. This is my first work of media under the name bonitāka.

soundtrack available on bandcamp:


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

KLOSTERTRIEKA_v1_02.zip 332 MB

Development log


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It appears that I shot an enemy too hard and it died despite being shielded... Whoops?

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Hah, wasn’t sure if it would ever happen but definitely thought it would cause an error at some point. I’ll patch this soon, surprised it took this long for the bug to affect someone 😄 thanks for letting me know!

This is the craziest game I've ever played. It's fast paced and really cool looking, I just couldn't play for long, because my eyes started to hurt after some time

Thank you for enjoying at least some of it! :}  sorry about the eye strain though. any particular visual elements that cause the eye strain or is it the whole experience?

Hi! It was really late when I was playing this, so it might have been due to my eyes being tired. I'll play again during the day either today or tomorrow. It could have been just me!

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This game is so awesome so I was planning on doing speedruns of this game with some friends and making a speedrun.com board for it if that’s okay? It’d also be really useful if you could add an ingame timer if that’s possible?  (not necessary tbh but would be very helpful)

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Oh man that would be SO COOL, I’d be honoured!!! :) Send me the link when you make the board! :D  I’ll see what I can do about the timer, if I can spare a moment for that. ;)

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I'm back from holiday so i could record a run (cloud 9 was fucked up fr and lost me around 10 mins uaghhhh). I forgot to ask if you could make it possible to start from a specific cloud (I know you can do this from the "mysave" file so its not needed ig). Oh and also if u could make the health dmg points be visible from the start since i could easily just modify the multiplier values to be broken)

If you want to message me on discord my username is @10_days_till_xmas

I'm gonna beat this run once i get the speedrun.com board approved which wont be too hard since i just need to do it deathless 

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This is awesome! I will see if I can get these features in the coming weeks, as uni work is a little busy right now :S

I added you on discord, my username is @miegapirceejs

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I really love the game, played several hours. Once you master the controls, gameplay is extremely satisfying.

In my  playstyle I focused on using primarily the charged shot, and the normal shot only to defend or finish off the enemy. Therefore, I found it much more useful to invest all the upgrade points in more health instead of damage, since the charged shot already does a lot of damage.

After few tries, I managed to finish on game

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Oh that is impressive, awesome! Props to recording your run too, I like your approach - I tend to go for damage upgrades haha :D

I'm glad you've found it so satisfying to play it <3

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It was an interesting flight shooter, fighting at high speeds and anticipating the enemy off-screen.

The sound was quite reliable.

It was very fun, although the difficulty level increased because I noticed the charge shot near the last stage and the operation to change only the direction of the aircraft after defeating the last boss, which increased the difficulty!

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Thank you so much for playing my game! It was fun to watch the video and see how you experienced it :)

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Great game, Im not a good gamer so I found it challenging but you can see the care put into it

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This was such an amazing experience! I felt so much tension and excitement I thought my heart was gonna expode!
Very unique visuals and great theming, I feel like that really sets this game apart from other games.

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Ahh, I'm very glad you had such an engaging experience with it :D

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Such a good game. Easy to learn the mechanics but it challenges you at every level. Makes you put thought into whether you want more health or more damage.

Thank you so much for playing! <3