Typed into Arcturus
Open Science Summit: I may be presenting from another machine so here is a blog post with critical links. Most of the talk will be given by Flowerpoint, but we shall need:
Reclaiming our Scholarship
Peter Murray-Rust,
Univ of Cambridge, Churchill College and Open Knowledge Foundation
Power Corrupts; Powerpoint Corrupts Absolutely (Tufte)
Flowerpoint Petals:
- Open Source
- FULL Open Access
- Open Theses
- Open Bibliography Open Citations
- Open Data
- Panton Principles
- Thanks (JISC, IUCr, PLoS, BMC and many others)
http://www.okfn.org Open Knowledge Foundation
http://www.opendefinition.org/ Open Knowledge Definition
http://pantonprinciples.org/ Panton Principles
http://pantonprinciples.org/about/ Panton Arms
http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/blogs/murrayrust/ search “Murray-Rust Blog”
http://wwmm.ch.cam.ac.uk/crystaleye/ Crystaleye (1 million pages of Open Data on crystallography)