No YiffyToys Room Party next year

fox in shopping cart

We liked doing the yearly Room Party at Eurofurence. It was a lot of work but it was also fun. And we sold a lot of toys each time.

Many years ago, after it became inpossible to sell our toys in the regular Dealers Den, we started to sell them at private room parties. It worked well when it was just a few boxes. It still worked when we had to bring our own, small furniture to be able to stack boxes on top of each other. It became a lot more work when we had to rent a trailer, bring entire shelves and get motorized logistics equipment to still be able to move it all.

However we have reached all limits this year.

  • The limit of how many shelves and boxes we can present in the largest suite.
  • The limit of how much we can prepare and load within 3 days of work.
  • The limit of how much our truck can carry to and from the conventon.
  • The limit how much we can unload and load on-site, devoting an entire convention day just for unloading and another one for loading.
  • The limit of how much work we can do during the convention with the new After Dark Dealers Den before the long party nights.
  • The limit of how much we can disrupt our online shop not just during the week of the convention but also before and afterwards for a fairly long time.

Since we now have the After Dark Dealers Den and it worked well and will exist again and even grow next year, we are presented with two choices:

  1. Reduce the selection of toys drastically
  2. or give up the room party and only do the After Dark Dealers Den.

So we  made a decision. Since we must make a selection in the toys we offer on site either way and thus remove the actual point of the large room party compared to the smaller Dealers Den,

we will only do the After Dark Dealers Den next year.

We will try to get a second shelf or table next year, when there hopefully is more room available. But no more then 2.

We will still offer to make online shop orders to be picked up or even just looked at at the convention.

Last minute additions

Madness takes it’s toll…

Literally while on our way to Eurofurence,

we stopped by at the customs office and received a package we had no longer thought to arrive in time. We rushed back to package, label the toys and to add them to the shop to present to you:


Mocha (Small) in natural colouring by Twin Tail and

Croxic (Small) in the „Lurker“ colour scheme also by Twin Tails.

We have no protos, no descriptio and no meassurements yet besides the weight yet but they have a barcode and a price, so you can see and buy them at our table during the Eurofurence After Dark Dealers Den (Thu Fr but not Sa) and during our two YiffyToys Room Parties on Thursday and Friday night.

New Manufacturer: Twin Tails

So, for our Room Parties and the experimental After Dark Dealers Den at Eurofurence this year we already announced:

The Yacuruna by Exotic Erotics

Foxy Rabbit as a completely new manufacturer in our portfolio

3 new FurryStyle toys


You know what’s missing?

Another TWO manufacturers!

We welcome Twin Tails!

(Including the former Frisky Beast)


And with this one are also starting of with yet another 7 new toys.

You can go and see all of them in the new category Deep Down->Twin Tails including our usual assortments of comparison photos to get a good estimate of what actual size the meassurements mean.


Woolly Mammoth


Cortez (Small)

Cortez (Mini)

Aela the hyena

and finally: Alto the chameleon


For the time being they are all marked as „out of stock“ in the shop.

You have to come to either

  1. one of our two YiffyToys room parties
  2. or visit us in the new After Dark Dalers Den that Eurofurence is offering for the first time.

We do this, so that there are enough of these at EF for people to actually see and hold in their own hands instead of just seeing a number of photos online.

After Eurofurence you will be able to order them onling like any other toy.

New FurryStyle Toys: Tiny Unicorn, Mini Unicorn and Tiny Foxcoon V2

As everyone on the FurryStyle announcements mailing list already knows,

FurryStyle has not released any new toys in a while because they have moved into a much larger workshop and improved all their machinery, processes and that dreaded paperwork we are all doomed to do.

Now they are back.

During our two YiffyToys Room Parties at Eurofurence and on our table in the experimental After Dark Dealers Den  you can exclusively see these toys for the first time for real.

Online sales will begin shortly after Eurofurence. Once we had time to do a proper counting. Until then they will be marked as „out of stock“ for technical reasons.

Despite it’s name, like all „Tiny“ series toys by FurryStyle the Tiny Unicorn is actually a very enjoyable size for people who either are not using dildos often or haven’t done so in a while.

Slightly larger but still enjoyable without any „training“ is the Mini Unicorn. The name again from an entire range of FurryStyle toys in this size.

Last the Tiny Foxcoon and the Tiny Foxcoon Easygrip are two extremely popular toys. After many years FurryStyle has decided to upgrade them to the new Tiny Foxcoon V2. The base has a more clean edge compared to the Tiny Foxcoon Easygrip yet retains it’s improved handling. While the former surfaces where highly polished, the V2 has a more satin finish for the simple reason, that it works better with lubricants.

New manufacturer: Foxy Rabbit

And here they stare: the announcements for what we have in store for you at Eurofurence.

We have added an entire new manufacturer to our collection.

Foxy Rabbit.

And we are starting of with not one or two but 7 new toys.

Going into detail on all of these toys would be way too much for a single blog posting.

You can go and see all of them in the new category Deep Down->Foxy Rabbit including our usual assortments of comparison photos to get a good estimate of what actual size the meassurements mean.

Tyson (Small) and Tyson (Medium)

Syldria(Small) and Syldria (Medium)

Cain (Small) and Cain (Medium)

and on top: Syldria (Large)

For the time being they are all marked as „out of stock“ in the shop.

You have to come to either

  1. one of our two YiffyToys room parties
  2. or visit us in the new After Dark Dalers Den that Eurofurence is offering for the first time.

We do this, so that there are enough of these at EF for people to actually see and hold in their own hands instead of just seeing a number of photos online.

After Eurofurence you will be able to order them onling like any other toy.

Neu: Yacuruna


In den düsteren Tiefen des Amazonas leben die Yacuruna in einer Stadt aus Muscheln und Korallen, weit entfernt von menschlichen Augen.
Die Yacuruna sind nicht scheu, und man sagt, dass sie mit einem offenen Auge schlafen und durch das warme Wasser dringen, um uns auf dem Land zu beobachten.
Wenn Sie sich während der Regenzeit alleine im überfluteten Wald befinden, können Sie einen Blick auf eine verführerische Form werfen, die zwischen den Flussdelphinen tobt.
Bleib und die Yacuruna können aus dem Wasser platzen und dich mit funkelnden Augen fixieren.
Die Einheimischen wissen, dass Yacuruna ein Meister der Verführung ist, und es ist nur wenige Minuten, bevor Sie diese Tatsache für sich selbst erfahren.
Es gibt andere Legenden der Yacuruna. Einige sagen, dass sie dich stehlen werden, während du deine Augen und Füße nach hinten drehst, damit du deinen Weg nach Hause nicht finden kannst.
Aber als er am Rand des geschwollenen Flusses bei dir liegt, rollen deine Augen in deinem Kopf zurück, deine Zehen rollen sich zusammen, und jetzt weißt du, wo die Legende herkommt, weil du diesen Moment nie verlassen willst.

Wir haben ein neues Modell von Exotic Erotics in unser Programm aufgenommen.

Den Yacaruna.


Damit ihr uns aber nicht vor Eurofurence gleich alle Exemplare weg kauft und ihn dann niemand auf EF vor Ort in Echt sehen kann,

startet der Verkauf erst am 23. August auf der ersten unseren beiden Eurofurence Room Parties und unserem Stand im After Dark Dalers Den auf EF.

Erst nach unserer Rückkehr wird er dann auch online zu kaufen sein.