Greatest Hits: The Most Popular and Most Useful Posts I've Written

This is a post in the Site Administrivia series.

The most popular and frequently-referenced posts on this blog

Intro 🔗︎

I've accumulated a decent number of posts on this blog over the last few years. I've received a lot of compliments on the quality and usefulness of many of them, with comments like:

  • This is by far the best, most comprehensive blog post I've seen on this sub; by an author who clearly has a deep and precise understanding of how React and Redux work. Well done!
    /u/minty901 on Reddit
  • I imagine it's a pretty thankless task being the redux maintainer these days, especially since useReducer appeared. Despite this Mark is always a positive, calm and insightful voice in all the React discussions I read. And this is a post that embodies all of those things.
    @RichieAHB on Twitter
  • Just wanted to say that ever since I started using redux in a professional setting a little while back, I've become a huge proponent. And that's definitely thanks in part to your engagement with the community and all your writings. So, thanks for taking the time to answer so many people's questions.
    /u/Yodiddlyyo on Reddit

I frequently find myself copying and pasting links to several specific posts over and over to answer people's questions. I also recently asked folks which of my posts they found to be the most useful, and other folks have said they wished there was a list of some of the best posts in one place so they don't have to browse through the whole blog.

So, here you go: the posts that I'd classify as my "greatest hits", based on how often I link them and how much people seem to appreciate them.

Greatest Hits, By Category 🔗︎

Redux: Status, Use Cases, and Comparisons 🔗︎

React and Redux Internals and Design 🔗︎

React Hooks and Architecture 🔗︎

Redux Architecture and Practices 🔗︎

How Web Apps Work 🔗︎

I wrote a blog post series on "How Web Apps Work", intended to be an introduction to key concepts, terms, and technologies related to web development, aimed at new developers in general as well as devs with Java/C experience who are getting into web dev for the first time:

Other Technical Content 🔗︎

Learning Resources 🔗︎

External Writing 🔗︎

Besides this blog, I've written several major sections of the Redux docs:

  • Redux core docs:
    • Redux Essentials tutorial: a brand-new comprehensive tutorial sequence that covers everything you need to use Redux, "the right way", using our latest recommended tools and practices
    • Redux Style Guide: a list of recommended patterns and practices for writing Redux apps
    • Redux FAQ: my first contribution, a large FAQ section answering many common questions about Redux with links to additional resources
    • Redux core docs: Structuring Reducers: a usage guide section covering techniques for organizing and writing reducer logic, including topics like normalizing data and immutable updates
  • Redux Toolkit docs:
    • RTK tutorials: the RTK "Basic/Intermediate/Advanced" tutorial sequence
    • Usage Guide: instructions on how to use Redux Toolkit effectively

and my links list repos:

This is a post in the Site Administrivia series. Other posts in this series: