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if someone once tell me that they want to be a kid gardener im gonna make them play this game

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This game was very confusing.

So much stuff everywhere

great fun!!! very funny

( 2)

relastic. too much realisti

(1 edit)

Brilliant stuff

Its so overwhelming!!!

can you please look at my page

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I just did. That's a whole lotta sonic!

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Also can I just mention that they are all blind?

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The kids...

my best is 7143

Good game

i love it

Ok, the teatcher really want to die in this game

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I like the art style but the gameplay is hard i don't know what to do!
a better tutorial next time

( 3)

I just wonder why in the world the children are given access to the fire xD  Also, good to know that at the end of each day it was knocked out children all over the place, rather then the remains of mass murder...which was what I first thought.

I like it!

( 1)

I like the game idea, but the difficulty is too high !
The only difference between days that i noticed was the amount of children.
It would be a good thing if we had a way to know wich child we are going to grab.
Great teamwork !

Not working 😭 32 bit

hahaha i literally watched Jonas's video about this game early morning and now im playing this game. Very well made, thanks guys. 

( 4)

After 2 game jams with Noa, Jonas finally got the camera to feel good

( 5)

Well.... Jonas didn't make the camera this time ;)

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Ahh, good job then. 

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Love it!!!

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bathroom riots go brrrrrrrrr

The fights spread so fast..

oh yeah yeah... chaos yeah :)

nice game and great team

I don't know why this game wasn't featured. But I believe that frankly-- this is one of the most original games out there.

da fook is this caos childs have riots in this game

( 3)

I read the controls before play the game

I am scared

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Left the computer for 30 seconds. came back to kids cursing at each other.


Playing this game was quite nostalgic and enjoyable, some elements of the sound design was a bit off but overall it was a fun experience and high quality 

Gameplay of it is from 11:26 - 13:30

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Its Always The Bathroom That Has The Most Sad And Angry Kids/

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not the most innovated idea, but the execution is top-notch

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suggestion: some sort of game over condition. you can do literally nothing all day, and other than a terrible score, nothing will happen

It became inpossible near the end and it made me luagh so hard, The best part of it is when they are all just leaving the school. Good job!

Ps: im a bit fan of all of you, made my day to see you made a game!

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This game made me understand why some of my primary school teachers left and never returned. I don't think I've ever felt so incredibly powerless before in any game ever haha! The first thing that I noticed about this game was the art style. I absolutely love the look of the game! I love the simplicity that it has to it, while looking incredibly smooth at the same time! The sound design was clean and the concept is great and very original! Very well done!

( 2)(-1)

just beat the children then they won't cause chaos

I really like the general idea and the basic functionality of the children’s behaviour. Also the soundtrack matches quite well. BGM and sound are often forgotten on so many games, not only indy ones.

I would like to have a bit more of options as a player though. Like ‘special move: clown’, ceasing all whining and half of all fighting in a circle of 5 meters around the player. Not sure if that should have a set cooldown of like 60s or being loaded by grabbing 20 children one after another.

But maybe that’s the limit what can be done in a (weekend?) game-jam. Good work!

Cool art style 👍

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