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Файл:Homo cepranensis.png

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Holotype of Homo cepranensis. Statistically significant traits that describe the Mid-Pleistocene cluster including Ceprano.

Numbers represent the following morphological features: Features 1 to 4 (black) traits that are more exclusive of Mid-Pleistocene specimens (i.e. 1: incomplete sulcus supraorbitalis, 2: frontal tuber weakly developed medially shifted, 3: supraorbital region medially concave, 4: intermediate position of the external auditory meatus in regard to the processus zygomaticus temporalis); 5 and 6 (blue) = more derived traits (i.e. 5: straight torus occipitalis transversus, 6: medio-lateral concavity of the articular tubercle); 7 to 10 (green) = more primitive traits (i.e. 7: petro-tympanic crest orientated downward, 8: opisthocranion coincident with inion, 9: processus retromastoideus, 10: torus angularis parietalis). Pertinence criterion for statistical significance: T-values>2, p<0.05. Scale bar = 50 mm.
Крыніца Mounier A, Condemi S, Manzi G (2011) The Stem Species of Our Species: A Place for the Archaic Human Cranium from Ceprano, Italy. PLoS ONE 6(4): e18821. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0018821
Аўтар Aurélien Mounier1, Silvana Condemi1, Giorgio Manzi2,3*
(Паўторнае выкарыстанне гэтага файла)
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Дата і часДрабніцаПамерыУдзельнікТлумачэнне
актуальн.23:56, 27 верасня 2011Драбніца версіі з 23:56, 27 верасня 20113 274 × 2 096 (4,42 MB)FunkMonk{{Information |Description=Holotype of Homo cepranensis. Statistically significant traits that describe the Mid-Pleistocene cluster including Ceprano. Numbers represent the following morphological features: Features 1 to 4 (black) traits that are more ex

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