

Government Administration

For European Digital Identity

About us

POTENTIAL develops pilots for testing the Digital Identity Wallet in Europe. Our ambition : To provide people with a way to simplify online procedures like opening a bank account, renting a car or signing documents remotely. To do that, we are collaboratively developing trusted national digital wallets, and testing various use cases to show that these digital wallets can in fact be successfully and securely used throughout Europe. 6 use cases : - eGov Services - Bank Account Opening - SIM Card Registration - Mobile Driving Licence - Qualified eSignature - ePrescription POTENTIAL is proud to have representatives from all over Europe, including Ukraine working with us. And through POTENTIAL, more than 140 public and private institutions are collaborating to define one single vision of digital identity for the citizens of European countries. Together, we’re building the Future of Digital Identity in Europe. Twitter: https://twitter.com/Potential_EU Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or of the European Health and Digital Executive Agency. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Government Administration
Company size
51-200 employees
Government Agency


Employees at Potential


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    From June 26th to 28th, representatives of the architecture and infrastructure team (WP2) from various Member States met at the Frankfurt Airport Conference to collaborate on two prominent topics: the Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) definition and the demo wallet infrastructure. 🛠️✨ Under the guidance of the work package 2 lead team, the participants jointly reviewed remote and proximity Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN) flows for all use cases, sequence diagrams for issuance and presentation, and corresponding API reference profiles. 📊📈 Significant progress was made on the trust model by getting a step closer to identifying options for a POTENTIAL trust framework. Additionally, (Q)EAA rule books for testing as well as the readiness checklist for all Member States were also covered. ✅📑 A huge thank you to everyone involved for their dedication and teamwork! 🙌👏

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    Around the table: David Magård, coordinator of the EU Digital Wallet Consortium (EWC), Kyrre R., project manager of the NOBID Consortium and Nikos Voutsinas, work package lead in analysis, planning and design for Digital Credentials For Europe. These representatives from the three other LSPs shared their insights on how they foresee collaboration with the other Large Scale Pilots for the coming year and the opportunities that lie ahead for the future 🚀. Don't hesitate to have a look! 👀 A great thanks to them! #Potential4EUDIW

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    During our last Board of Beneficiaries in Athens, we had the pleasure of interviewing Thoke Graae Magnussen from the European Commission. We discussed his views on the importance of gatherings like the Board of Beneficiaries for advancing our consortium's initiatives and explored the anticipated next steps for both the four consortia and digital identity as a whole.💡 We extend our heartfelt thanks to Thoke Graae Magnussen for taking the time to answer our questions!🙏

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    Lithuania recently organized a vibrant Forum in Vilnius to explore the challenges and opportunities surrounding the EU Digital Identity Wallet. With over 100 participants from both public and private sectors, it was a fantastic platform for sharing insights and discussing different aspects of the wallet. Esteemed speakers from Potential in Ukraine, Poland, and Finland shared their countries‘ best practices of developing their national wallets. Special recognition goes to our communication lead and Lithuanian SPOC, Vilma Misiukoniene, and our digital identity infrastructure, architecture, and technical implementation leader, Dr. Enrico Rizzo. Their presentations highlighted Potential‘s latest advancements. 🌟 #EUDigitalIdentity #Potential4EUDIW #DigitalInnovation

    Vilniuje pirmą kartą organizuotas forumas „ES skaitmeninės tapatybės dėklė: iššūkiai ir galimybės Lietuvai“. ES skaitmeninės tapatybės dėklė atneša didelius pokyčius ir ruoštis tiek viešajam, tiek privačiam sektoriui reikia jau dabar ❗ 🔹Europos Parlamentui įteisinus ES skaitmeninę tapatybę, ne tik visam viešajam sektoriui, bet ir pagrindiniams reguliuojamiems verslo sektoriams – transporto, energetikos, finansų, telekomunikacijų ir kitiems – atsiranda prievolė teikiant paslaugas nacionaliniu ar tarpvalstybiniu lygiu savo IT sistemose priimti ES skaitmeninės tapatybės dėklę kaip asmens tapatybės patvirtinimo ir duomenų dalinimosi priemonę. 🔹Daugiau nei dešimt rolių, susijusių su dėklės ekosistema, turės būti sukurtos arba deleguotos valdžios institucijoms, siekiant užtikrinti valdymą ir saugumą. Forumo organizatorius Informatikos ir ryšių departamentas prie Lietuvos Respublikos vidaus reikalų ministerijos kartu su partneriais Vidaus reikalų ministerija / Ministry of the Interior, REGITRA, CityBee ir @Asmens dokumentų išrašymo centru prie VRM Lietuvoje įgyvendina bandomąjį skaitmeninės tapatybės dėklės projektą. Lietuva yra didžiausio iš keturių – konsorciumo Potential dalyvė. ☑ Europos Komisijos inicijuoti bandomieji projektai yra tik pirmas žingsnis naujos ES skaitmeninės tapatybės link. Pagal naują eIDAS2 reglamentą, ES valstybės narės turi apie 3 metus pasirengti rinkai pateikti savo nacionalines dėkles. ☑ Lietuvoje jau kuriamas nacionalinės dėklės modelis, kuris kitais metais bus išbandytas testuojant skaitmeninį vairuotojo pažymėjimą valstybiniu ir tarpvalstybiniu lygiu. Ačiū pranešėjams ir diskusijos dalyviams:  Audrius Bendinskas Audrius Ramoska Tautvydas Paliulis Vilma Misiukoniene Gytis Račiukaitis Dr. Enrico Rizzo Jyri Sillanpää Ilja Rodin Małgorzata Bobrowska Liudas Alisauskas Darius Urbonas Danguolė Morkūnienė Edvinas Kerza Diana Seredokaitė Taip pat dėkojame renginio partneriams Kibernetinio saugumo ekspertų asociacija 📷 Jurgita Kunigiskyte

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    During our last Board of Beneficiaries on April 29th, both our coordinator, Florent TOURNOIS, and our technical coordinator, Moritz Heuberger, shared the next steps for Potential in the coming year. 🚀 They highlighted two major plans: - The implementation of national wallets until beginning of next year. - The start of cross-border tests for our six use cases, with a first POC involving the initial entities ready in February 2025! Don't hesitate to check it out! It's less than 1 minute and 30 seconds! ⏱️ Stay tuned! 📢

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    After more than a month, the retrospective video of our second Board of Beneficiaries in Athens, which took place on April 29th and 30th, is out! 🎥 It's a great way to see how everyone worked together to advance on the crucial task of testing and piloting six different use cases regarding EUDIW in a cross-border environment, through national digital identity wallets. A huge thanks to the 175 participants who were there on the big day! 🙌 Special thanks also to our speakers who performed interviews for this retrospective video: Florent TOURNOIS, our coordinator Moritz Heuberger, our technical coordinator Thoke Graae Magnussen, a representative from the European Commission Vilma Misiukoniene, our communication & dissemination lead Panos Louridas, our Greek SPOC and host for the event Thanks also to GRNET - Greek Research & Technology Network and ERA Congresses & Events for their invaluable help in preparing this important gathering! 🙏 Stay tuned as the entire interviews we performed with representatives from the Potential ecosystem will be appearing soon, both on this page and our Twitter page https://x.com/Potential_EU! See you soon! 👋

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    Last Wednesday, our coordinator Florent TOURNOIS showcased at Viva Technologies, Europe's #1 Startup & Tech Event, the French national wallet, France Identité. This is one of the major innovative programs from the French government! It was a great opportunity to highlight the significant advancements of the program, which now gathers more than 550,000 users with a digital identity! 🚀🇫🇷 #Potential4EUDIW #VivaTech #FranceIdentité #DigitalIdentity #Innovation #TechEvent #Startup

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    Il y a 1 an, nous étions à #VivaTech, encore en bêta et 10 000 utilisateurs. 1 an après, toujours à VivaTech mais avec plus de 550 000 personnes qui utilisent France Identité et qui peuvent avoir leur permis de conduire numérique. Merci à vous. Vivement l'année prochaine ! Nous sommes très fiers d'avoir pu être présents avec France Identité sur le pavillon numérique de l'État et d'avoir pu participer à la présentation des projets innovants de l'État.

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    📢 Don't hesitate to register on Identity Week in Amsterdam on June 11-12! This conference will feature 250 speakers and over 4,000 attendees from around the globe, with 180 sessions across ten tracks. Topics will include mobile ID, verification/authentication, digital ID fraud, identity access management, digital onboarding, finance and banking, among others. From the Potential side, we will have four speakers in three different sessions on June 11th: - Florent TOURNOIS in the "Accessible Credentials Presentation" from 2:50 PM to 3:10 PM to present on the digital cards theme. - Olivier Vandenbilcke and Patrick Agopian from our French partners community in the "Digital Onboarding in Financial Services" session from 3:40 PM to 4:00 PM. - Our Use case implementation lead in the "ID Verification and Authentication" session from 4:50 PM to 5:10 PM. Stay tuned for more information! #IdentityWeek #DigitalIdentity #IDVerification #DigitalOnboarding #Potential4EUDIW

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    Senior Conference Producer | Identity Week Europe & Asia

    Are you joining us in Amsterdam in just under 3 weeks? Get ready for this exciting panel with Patrick Agopian (Groupe Crédit Agricole), Olivier Vandenbilcke (BNP Paribas), Sergei Fedorov (ANNA Money), and Dr Frances Undelikwo (Fidelity Bank PLC), covering all things about digital onboarding in financial services. With perspectives from the Potential consortium's bank account opening use case, onboarding experts, and risk leaders - this is a CAN'T MISS PANEL. You can still save €100 off the full ticket price and have unlimited access to executive insights from across government, finance, and travel. Book now before you miss out! Join NOW: https://lnkd.in/esG7pAtw

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    🚀 The v1.4 of the ARF is now available and open for comments on GitHub! This version is the culmination of extensive work by the expert groups and ARF sprints. It provides detailed annexes on high-level security and technical requirements, and offers more clarity on the trust model and the EUDI wallet certification process. 🔍 Dive into the details and share your feedback directly on Github! #Potential4EUDIW #DigitalIdentity #eIDAS2 #ARF #EUDIWallet

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    The long-awaited retrospective video of our journey throughout the year is finally here! 🎉 Taking a look back at all that we have achieved since the launch of Potential last July, it is incredible to see the progress we have made. A big thank you to our 156 entities who have contributed to making it all possible! While there is still much work ahead, especially with the start of the national implementations phase, let's celebrate how far we have come together! 💪 #Potential4EUDIW #DigitalTransformation

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