European Network of National Human Rights Institutions

European Network of National Human Rights Institutions

Civic and Social Organizations

Promoting and protecting human rights across wider Europe

About us

ENNHRI is the European Network of National Human Rights Institutions. We bring together over 40 National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs) across wider Europe to enhance the promotion and protection of human rights in the region. NHRIs are independent national bodies with a constitutional or legal mandate to promote and protect human rights. We support NHRIs by: • Supporting the establishment and accreditation of NHRIs • Coordinating the exchange of information and best practice • Facilitating capacity building and training • Engaging with regional mechanisms • Intervening on legal and policy developments at the European level ENNHRI coordinates cooperation among NHRIs around key thematic areas, particularly ‘Democratic Space and the Rule of Law’, ‘Economic and Social Rights’ and ‘Asylum and Migration’. We also conduct the Human Rights & Conflict Project, which aims to enhance the effectiveness of NHRIs in situations of (post-)conflict in wider Europe. ENNHRI is one of four regional networks of NHRIs, which together make up the Global Alliance of NHRIs. We are an international not-for-profit association under Belgian law with a Permanent Secretariat based in Brussels.

Civic and Social Organizations
Company size
11-50 employees
human rights, National Human Rights Institutions, and rule of law


Employees at European Network of National Human Rights Institutions


  • 🗓 This week our Board is gathering in Copenhagen for a two-day strategic retreat. Working closely together with the #ENNHRI Secretariat in this focused setting, they are reflecting on: 📌 Trends and achievements from recent work and how to build on these. 📌 Possible upcoming challenges and opportunities and how to best anticipate and prepare for these: a new strategic foresight methodology is being used to explore this crucial area. 📌 Planning the next steps and best ways to achieve ENNHRI’s key strategic goals. 📝 These discussions come at a crucial juncture, preceding the election of a new #ENNHRI Board in October 2024 and the preparations for the network's 2026-2029 strategy cycle. Stay tuned for more updates! 👀 Find out more about ENNHRI’s Board and governance 🤝

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  • We’re back after a summer break! 💡 First, let's take quick look back to earlier in the season. Between June 17-21, 23 NHRI staff members from across the OSCE region participated in the NHRI Academy 2024! 💥 📢 During the five-day training, they focused on securitisation and human rights, considering how the use of security measures can affect and limit #humanrights and how #NHRIs can address such situations. Find out now what #NHRIs learnt about these crucial topics ➡ Take a look at previous editions too 📌 The NHRI Academy 2024 was co-organised with OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and hosted by Slovak National Centre for Human Rights.

  • 📌 The European Commission’s 2024 rule of Law report is out now ➡ The report addresses key rule of law issues and focuses on the 4 core areas of checks and balances, media freedom and pluralism, justice system and anti-corruption framework. Based on a dialogue with Member States and stakeholders such as NHRIs, the Commission also provides a follow-up on the implementation of recommendations made in previous reports. 🤝 ENNHRI contributed by sharing its 2024 EU Rule of Law report. 📢 It emphasizes the essential role of NHRIs across the EU and enlargement countries in upholding the rule of law, focusing notably on their contribution to a healthy system of checks and balances. 🔍 Read more about this year’s key findings ➡ 🌍 Explore all the insights in our brand-new tool:

    2024 Rule of law report - Communication and country chapters

    2024 Rule of law report - Communication and country chapters

  • 📣 The European Union’s Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (the Directive) is a milestone for #business and #humanrights in the region. 🌐 We welcome the Directive’s recent adoption and that it mandates certain large companies to address negative #humanrights and #environmental impacts across their operations, subsidiaries and certain business relationships in the downstream value chain. We also welcome that the Directive’s final text fully or partially includes what we previously called for, including: ➡ Risk-based approaches  ➡ Stronger requirements for meaningful engagement with stakeholders   ➡ Linkage of due diligence obligations with public procurement However, the Directive does not reach its full potential and risks creating additional burdens to access to remedy for rightsholders. It does this through limitations on civil liability and the exclusion of downstream activities of financial institutions, even omitting several downstream activities altogether. 🤝 Despite such limitations, we appreciate the European Commission's commitment to review the Directive’s effectiveness in reaching its objectives. This leaves room for future improvements. 💡 Effective implementation of the Directive will require guidance, support for stakeholders, and robust enforcement by the Supervisory Authorities. National Human Rights Institutions (#NHRIs) will have a key role to play in supporting the effective transposition of the Directive by providing expert advice on transposition laws. They can also have a role in in its implementation, including through building #humanrights capacity among institutions enforcing the Directive, as well as those implementing it, and supporting rightsholders to access the remedy and accountability mechanisms in the law. ⚖ The Directive will enter into force on 26 July 2024 and Member States will need to transpose it into national law by 26 July 2026. Rules will start to apply to the largest companies from 26 July 2027. 📖 Read our new statement welcoming the Directive’s adoption below and here: 🔎 Learn more about the Directive in our related article – 💭 Find out more on our work on business and human rights and related Working Group - 

  • 📢 Big news: our new report and tool on the state of the rule of law in #Europe are here! National Human Rights Institutions (#NHRIs) across the continent shine a light on their national rule of law ⚖️ situations. What is the situation in your country? What do #NHRIs recommend policymakers do to strengthen respect for the #ruleoflaw? What are the Europe-wide trends? 🔎 Explore all the insights in our brand new tool 🎉:  📰 Read more about this year’s key findings: 👀 Discover our key recommendations to policymakers in our dedicated infographic:

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  • 📣 A new joint statement from the Council of Europe - European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights - Equinet, European Network of Equality Bodies - ENNHRI Collaborative Platform on Social and Economic Rights is here!   With the High-Level Conference on the #EuropeanSocialCharter taking place later this week in Vilnius, we urge participating leaders to address pressing challenges exacerbated by recent crises. These include economic inequality, housing shortages, and social disparities.  Key steps for states to reaffirm their commitment to social rights - as guaranteed by the European Social Charter – include:   📍 Ratifying the Revised European Social Charter and accepting its additional provisions. 📍 Recognising housing and protection against poverty as fundamental rights. 📍 Transforming commitments into action to align with Charter requirements. 📍 Embracing the collective complaints procedure for better governance. 📍 Enhancing cooperation among stakeholders, including NHRIs, Equality Bodies, and civil society.   Let's together ensure that #SocialRights are at the heart ❤️ of our response to contemporary challenges.   👀 Read the full statement below 👇 and here 👉 #SocialJustice #HumanRights

  • What a week we had last week at the NHRI Academy 2024! 💥   📢 This year, the #NHRIAcademy focused on securitisation and human rights. This included looking at how the use of security measures can affect and limit #humanrights and how #NHRIs can address such situations.   23 NHRI staff members from across the OSCE region participated in this five-day training. Topics covered included securitisation theory, states of emergency, restriction of civic space, migration, technologies and human rights, anti-terrorism and policing.   💡 We learnt how NHRIs can use their specific mandate to work on the topics and several participants presented case studies of how their NHRI worked on securitisation challenges in their national context. Participants received an overview of relevant international standards and learnt about the work OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and ENNHRI are doing to support NHRIs. Insights were also shared on gender mainstreaming and specific gender aspects under each topic.   📌 Participants identified several key issues and points learnt regarding securitisation, including: ➡ The potential risk to NHRIs’ reputation and public perception if they speak out against security measures, especially after a major event or emergency.   ➡ The need for strategic communication and response during a crisis.   ➡ The importance of cooperation with other national actors, such as the media, civil society, law enforcement, national authorities and other public bodies.   ➡ The value of cooperating with international partners, working with treaty bodies and special rapporteurs and taking relevant cases to the regional courts to reinforce NHRIs’ work and influence political or societal discourse.   Overall, the Academy showed us the power of #NHRIs sharing experiences among one other, the value of peer-to-peer learning and the importance of solidarity.   In follow-up to this learning, participants developed actions plans on how they will take the knowledge back and share it within their respective institutions.  Finally, a huge thanks to all our participants and trainers for making it such a fruitful and engaging week. 🙏 🎞 Check out the video below for an overview of what the week was like. 👇 Find out more on the NHRI Academy -

  • 🔎 A healthy civil society space is essential for upholding #democracy, the #ruleoflaw and #humanrights. Yet civil society organisations and other human rights defenders across Europe face diverse challenges – these are only intensifying. That’s why today Katrien Meuwissen, our Team Leader on Human Rights, spoke at the Council of Europe Steering Committee for Human Rights conference on protecting and promoting civil society space. She outlined how we can do this, #NHRIs’ crucial role, and how the review of the Council of Europe Recommendation on strengthening civil society offers an opportunity to change course. She emphasised that: ➡ NHRIs’ contribution to a vibrant civic space is in their DNA. Their pluralist composition and intense cooperation with civil society organisations makes them ideally placed to tackle the issues confronting them and all rights defenders. ENNHRI’s rule of law reporting attests to the increasing challenges. ➡ We need to deepen domestic monitoring of civic space: this will help us understand and develop tailored responses to current and emerging challenges. ➡ Law and policymakers must engage more with and publicly recognise the value and legitimacy of civil society and rights defenders, including NHRIs. Drawing on positive examples in the region, Member States should create the legal, political and public environments they need to thrive. In the Recommendation’s review, Member States should (re)commit to this. ➡ The Recommendation’s review should lead to strengthened national and regional protection mechanisms for rights defenders. It should also support stable funding for them and civil society organisations. 💡We were delighted to speak alongside partners in strengthening and protecting civic space today. Together we can shift the dial on this matter in Europe. 📌 Visit our good practice database for over 50 examples of how NHRIs support and protect fellow human rights defenders –

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  • 📢 Recent threats and attacks faced by the The Human Rights Defender of Armenia, including its leadership and staff, both leadership and staff - are hugely concerning and totally unacceptable. We stand by the Armenian NHRI and reaffirm our support to the institution and its work promoting and protecting all #HumanRights in Armenia. We urge the Armenian state authorities and all national political actors to uphold relevant international and regional standards. They must ensure the institution and its staff can conduct their essential human rights work free from interference, harassment, and attacks of any nature. 📌 Find out more here -   Read our full public statement in support of the Armenian NHRI below ⬇

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