Law Practice

Brussels, --None-- 9,377 followers

The voice of European lawyers | La voix des avocats européens

About us

The CCBE is recognised as the voice of the European legal profession representing, through its members, more than 1 million European lawyers. CCBE membership includes the bars and law societies of 45 countries from the European Union, the European Economic Area, and wider Europe. The CCBE represents European bars and law societies in their common interests before European and other international institutions. It regularly acts as a liaison between its members and the European institutions, international organisations, and other legal organisations around the world. Follow us on Twitter: @CCBEinfo

Law Practice
Company size
11-50 employees
Brussels, --None--
Rule Of Law, Human Rights, Pan-European legal issues, Law, and Justice


Employees at CCBE


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    ✅ 🤝 Promoting a fair justice system for a just Europe: The CCBE launches its Manifesto ahead of the #EUelections2024, urging the EU policymakers to prioritise five key points:   1️⃣  a Europe that defends the #ruleoflaw, #fundamentalrights, and #democracy, as well as safeguards the role of an independent legal profession in upholding these values. The EU institutions should enforce strict adherence to these principles among all parties involved in their decision-making process and ensure that EU legislation upholds the core values and role of the legal profession in order to maintain the rule of law and the integrity of European justice systems.   2️⃣  the need to ensure that the EU legislative process is guided by standards that have a positive impact on the administration of #justice. The EU should organise annual meetings with all actors involved in the administration of justice in order to have a continuous and constructive exchange of views on legislation and issues which impact the rule of law.   3️⃣ adequate resources for the judicial system and an effective and well-resourced legal aid system. The EU should ensure that Member States allocate adequate financial and human resources to the judicial system and guarantee ample EU funding to support the development of a European justice area which allows individuals to effectively enforce their rights in other EU Member States and ensures a well-functioning cross-border judicial cooperation mechanism. The EU institutions should also ensure that Member States have an accessible, uncomplicated, and well-resourced legal aid system in order to guarantee adequate legal representation for all.   4️⃣ comprehensive training for legal professionals. The EU should introduce a funding mechanism designed to facilitate large-scale, cost-effective, well-resourced, and structured training for #lawyers across the EU.   5️⃣ proper implementation of procedural safeguards in criminal matters. The EU should ensure the proper implementation of existing procedural safeguards and introduce new procedural safeguards to increase confidence in the mutual recognition of criminal justice measures.   🔎 CCBE Manifesto: 🔎 CCBE press release: European Commission | European Parliament | Pierre-Dominique Schupp |Thierry WICKERS | Roman Zavrsek | Alex Tallon | Simone Cuomo

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    ✅ The European Commission has just published the 2024 #RuleOfLaw Report: 👉   In line with our contribution, the Report recognises the key role of lawyers and Bars in ensuring access to justice: 🔎   *** ✅ La Commission européenne vient de publier le rapport 2024 sur l'#Étatdedroit : 👉 Conformément à notre contribution, le rapport reconnaît le rôle clé des avocats et des barreaux dans la mise en œuvre de l'accès à la justice : 🔎

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    The rule of law is one of the fundamental values upon which the EU is built. Five years on, the 2024 Rule of Law Report shows EU countries are better prepared to detect, prevent and address emerging challenges. The report examines developments and addresses recommendations in 4 key areas: ⚖️ Justice systems  ⚖️ Anti-corruption framework  ⚖️ Media freedom & pluralism  ⚖️ Institutional checks & balances For the first time, the report includes 4 enlargement country chapters 🇦🇱🇲🇪🇲🇰🇷🇸 to support these countries’ efforts to achieve progress on the rule of law ahead of accession.    A proactive approach to promote and defend the rule of law is at the heart of the EU's success. Our Special Eurobarometer published today reveals that EU citizens agree.    Rule of Law Report →!bywRxJ  Special Eurobarometer →!RnpTYy    #RuleOfLaw #EuropeanUnion 

    • Infographic titled 'More than 7 in 10 EU Citizens agree that the EU plays an important role in helping to uphold the rule of law in their country.' The graphic shows a map of Europe with color-coded countries indicating the percentage of citizens who agree with the statement.  

- Dark teal (81-100% agreement): Ireland (84%), Luxembourg (84%), Malta (83%), Latvia (82%), Portugal (82%), Slovakia (82%), Finland (82%), Belgium (80%) 

- Medium teal (75-80% agreement): Slovenia (79%), Denmark (77%), Lithuania (77%), Spain (76%), Hungary (76%), Poland (75%), Estonia (74%), Netherlands (74%), Germany (73%), Sweden (73%) 

- Light teal (68-74% agreement): France (66%), Cyprus (66%), Croatia (72%), Italy (72%) 

- Very light teal (0-67% agreement): Austria (67%), Czechia (65%), Romania (65%), Bulgaria (60%), Greece (58%) 

The overall EU27 average is 72%. The image also includes the logo of the European Commission.
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    💡 ❇ CCBE suggestions for the new European Commission: Providing lawyers with effective training resources at an EU level contributes to maintaining a fair, efficient, and consistent legal system which upholds high professional standards and promotes respect for the #ruleoflaw. The EU institutions should be supported in their efforts to achieve the necessary level of funding for the development of comprehensive training for legal professionals in cross-border and EU law-related matters. 📍 Training needs also require a special emphasis on the #digitalisation of #justice in order to ensure that legal practitioners are equipped with the skills and knowledge that are required to navigate and leverage emerging technologies in their practice. 🔎 If you want to read more CCBE suggestions for the new European Commission, read our dedicated Manifesto: 👉   *** 💡 ❇ Propositions du CCBE pour la nouvelle Commission européenne : Offrir aux avocats des ressources de formation efficaces à l'échelle de l'UE permet de maintenir un système juridique équitable, efficace et cohérent qui défend des normes professionnelles élevées et promeut le respect de l'#étatdedroit. Les institutions de l'UE doivent être soutenues dans leurs efforts pour atteindre le niveau de financement nécessaire à la mise en place d'une formation complète pour les professionnels du droit dans les domaines transfrontaliers et liés au droit de l'UE. 📍 Les besoins en matière de formation requièrent un accent particulier sur la #numérisation de la #justice pour que les praticiens du droit soient dotés des compétences et connaissances leur permettant de tirer parti des technologies émergentes dans leur pratique. 🔎 Davantage de propositions du CCBE pour la nouvelle Commission européenne sont disponibles dans le manifeste du CCBE : 👉

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    💡 ❇ The CCBE's suggestions for the new European Commission: The EU has made substantial efforts and demonstrated admirable commitment to establishing procedural safeguards for suspects and defendants in criminal proceedings across Member States. 📍 In order to build and increase confidence in the mutual recognition of criminal justice measures, the CCBE calls on the EU institutions to introduce further procedural safeguards, including in the area of evidence and pre-trial detention. In addition, the CCBE supports the EU institutions in their continuous efforts to ensure the proper implementation of existing procedural safeguards, such as the right to a fair trial, presumption of innocence, and access to legal representation.    🔎 If you want to read more of the CCBE's suggestions for the new European Commission, read our dedicated Manifesto: 👉 *** 💡 ❇ Les suggestions du CCBE pour la nouvelle Commission européenne : L’Union européenne a déployé des efforts considérables et a fait preuve d’un engagement remarquable pour établir des garanties procédurales pour les suspects et les personnes mises en cause dans des procédures pénales dans l’ensemble des États membres. 📍 Afin de renforcer la confiance dans la reconnaissance mutuelle des mesures de justice pénale, le CCBE appelle les institutions européennes à introduire de nouvelles garanties procédurales, notamment dans le domaine de la preuve et de la détention préventive. En outre, le CCBE soutient les institutions de l'UE dans leurs efforts continus pour assurer la bonne mise en œuvre des garanties procédurales existantes, tels que le droit à un procès équitable, la présomption d’innocence et l’accès à une représentation juridique. 🔎 Si vous souhaitez lire davantage de suggestions du CCBE pour la nouvelle Commission européenne, lisez notre Manifeste dédié : 👉

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    #Endangeredlawyers in #Turkey | 📢 The CCBE is seriously concerned about the arrest of lawyers Naim Eminoğlu and Doğa İncesu and calls for their immediate release, since it is believed that their arrest is solely based on their legitimate activities as lawyers.   🔎 Read the CCBE's letter of support: *** #Avocatsendanger en #Turquie | 📢 Le CCBE est sérieusement préoccupé par l'arrestation des avocats Naim Eminoğlu et Doğa İncesu et appelle à leur libération immédiate, puisqu'il est estimé que leur arrestation est uniquement fondée sur leurs activités légitimes en tant qu'avocats. 🔎 Consultez la lettre de soutien du CCBE :

    • Turquie : Arrestation des avocats Naim Eminoğlu & Doğa İncesu | Turkey: Arrest of lawyers Naim Eminoğlu & Doğa İncesu
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    #Endangeredlawyers in #Tunisia | 📢The CCBE deplores the recent sentencing of lawyer Sonia Dahmani to one year in prison and reiterates its call for her immediate release.   Read the CCBE’s previous statement (🔎 and letter on the situation of lawyers in Tunisia (🔎 ***   #Avocatsendanger en #Tunisie | 📢Le CCBE déplore la récente condamnation de l'avocate Sonia Dahmani à un an de prison et réitère son appel à sa libération immédiate. Lire la précédente déclaration ( 🔎 et lettre du CCBE sur la situation des avocats en Tunisie ( 🔎

    • Appel à la libération de l'avocate Sonia Dahmani condamnée à un an de prison / Call for the release of lawyer Sonia Dahmani sentenced to one year in prison
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    💡 ❇ The CCBE's suggestions for the new European Commission: 🔹The CCBE urge the EU institutions to ensure that Member States allocate adequate financial and human resources to the judicial system, as adequate resources are essential for the efficient functioning of courts, the timely resolution of disputes, and the overall administration of #justice. This includes investments in infrastructure, technology, and the recruitment of required personnel. Since justice does not stop at the border, the EU institutions should also guarantee ample #EUfunding to support the development of a European justice area which allows individuals to effectively enforce their rights in other EU Member States and ensures a well-functioning cross-border judicial cooperation mechanism. 🔎 If you want to read more of the CCBE's suggestions for the new European Commission, read our dedicated Manifesto: 👉 *** 💡 ❇ Les suggestions du CCBE pour la nouvelle Commission européenne : 🔹Le CCBE demande instamment aux institutions de l’UE de veiller à ce que les États membres allouent des ressources financières et humaines suffisantes au système judiciaire parce que des ressources adéquates sont indispensables au bon fonctionnement des tribunaux, à la résolution rapide des litiges et à l’administration générale de la justice. Il s’agit notamment d’investir dans les infrastructures, les technologies et le recrutement du personnel nécessaire. Étant donné que la justice ne s’arrête pas aux frontières, les institutions de l’UE devraient également garantir un financement suffisant de l’UE pour soutenir le développement d’un espace européen de justice qui permette aux justiciables de faire valoir efficacement leurs droits dans d’autres États membres de l’UE et qui garantisse le bon fonctionnement d’un mécanisme de coopération judiciaire transfrontalière. 🔎 Si vous souhaitez lire davantage de suggestions du CCBE pour la nouvelle Commission européenne, lisez notre Manifeste dédié : 👉

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    💡 🗓 On 4-5 July, the CCBE participated in the annual Council of Europe HELP Network Conference in Strasbourg.   🔹 The CCBE Secretary-General, Simone Cuomo, congratulated the HELP programme on its 20th anniversary and stressed the importance of training for lawyers. He particularly emphasised the need for comprehensive training to ensure digital empowerment of #lawyers. He also presented the relevant activities of the CCBE in promoting the professional development of lawyers in Europe.   ✅ The HELP programme plays a pivotal role in providing training for lawyers in the member states and is a valuable partner of the CCBE, especially in boosting the training of lawyers.   🔎 Read the agenda of the conference here: 🔎 Browse the HELP catalogue of online courses: *** 💡 🗓 Les 4 et 5 juillet, le CCBE a participé à la conférence annuelle du réseau HELP du Conseil de l'Europe à Strasbourg. 🔹 Le secrétaire général du CCBE, Simone Cuomo, a félicité le programme HELP pour son 20e anniversaire et a souligné l'importance de la formation pour les avocats. Il a particulièrement insisté sur la nécessité d'une formation complète pour assurer l'autonomisation numérique des #avocats. Il a également présenté les activités pertinentes du CCBE dans la promotion du développement professionnel des avocats en Europe. ✅ Le programme HELP joue un rôle central dans la formation des avocats dans les États membres et est un partenaire important du CCBE, notamment pour promouvoir la formation des avocats. 🔎 Lisez le programme de la conférence ici : 🔎 Consultez le catalogue de cours en ligne HELP :

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    📢#Avocatsendanger en #France : Le CCBE condamne fermement les menaces de mort récemment proférées à l'encontre de 97 avocats et de la profession en France et réclame qu'une enquête complète et impartiale soit menée. 🔎 Consultez la lettre du CCBE : *** 📢#Endangeredlawyers in #France: The CCBE strongly condemns the recent death threats against 97 lawyers and the profession in France and calls for a full and impartial investigation. 🔎 Read the CCBE's letter (available in French): Emmanuel Macron | CNB Conseil national des barreaux - les avocats | Barreau de Paris (Ordre des avocats de Paris) | Conférence des bâtonniers

    Quand des #avocats sont menacés de mort, c’est l’État de droit et la démocratie qui sont en danger. Ces attaques inadmissibles ne peuvent prospérer, nous ne nous laisserons jamais intimider. Le #CNB saisit immédiatement le parquet et apporte son soutien aux avocats visés.

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    🟢[CCBE-INFO | April-May-June 2024] Missed our latest #news, statements and activities? Get a full summary on our newsletter #106: 🔎   Find out what the CCBE has done for European #lawyers in the categories below: 🔹 Special Focus: The BREULAW project, an EU-funded programme immersing European lawyers into EU law 🔹 CCBE Plenary Session in Lausanne • 17 May 2024 🔹 Main CCBE Events & Activities:  ▪ European Convention on the protection of the profession of lawyers  ▪ Training for lawyers  ▪ International Bar Association events  ▪ #Humanrights   ▪ Environment and climate change  ▪ Migration  ▪ #Endangeredlawyers  ▪ Anti-money laundering   * * * 🟢[INFO CCBE | avril-mai-juin 2024] Retrouvez toutes nos dernières #actualités, prises de position et activités dans notre lettre d’information n°106 : 🔎 Découvrez ce que le CCBE a fait pour les #avocats européens à travers les catégories suivantes : 🔹 Dossier spécial : Le projet BREULAW, un programme financé par l'UE qui immerge les avocats européens dans le droit de l'UE 🔹 Session plénière du CCBE à Lausanne • 17 mai 2024 🔹 Principaux événements et activités du CCBE : ▪ Convention européenne sur la protection de la profession d'avocat ▪ Formation des avocats ▪ Evénements de l'Association internationale du barreau ▪ #Droitshumains ▪ Environnement et changement climatique ▪ Migration ▪ #Avocatsendanger ▪ Lutte contre le blanchiment de capitaux

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