i love the smell of people doing laundry inside while i’m on an evening walk
I need to suck you off until you’re groaning like a beached whale 🫣
ok you can give me a blowjob but take the time to think of a more sexy simile please
No it gets better please don’t stop
i like how this sounds like you’re trying to convince me not to kill myself when in reality you’re telling me not to stop watching supernatural
Favorite genre of picture, snakes wrapped around bird beaks.
↑ my previous tags.
A battle between two wills to live.
“never too late to be who you might have been” by sara yukiko mon | still from i saw the tv glow, “there is still time”
“DON’T DIE WONDERING” button from the Lesbian Herstory Archives
O Flora, of the Moon, of the dream. O little ones, O fleeting will of the ancients… Let the hunter be safe, let them find comfort. And let this dream, their captor… foretell a pleasant awakening… Be one day a fond distant memory.
It’s more of a pussy out kind of year
sick of how the old prophecies always leave out key details tbh. they’re like Yea Þere Will Come Þe Yeare Of Pusseye Outte but never add (Because Ye Shall Nevere Leave Yon Abode For Feare Of Þe Ravaging Plague) it’s such bullshit.