A downloadable soundtrack

Hello everyone this is our submission for OST Composing Jam #6. This time the theme was “Tick Tock” and we were given 9 days to compose all the music. The greatest struggle we had during this jam was that we started 4 days late. Despite that, we managed to get 14 tracks together, fully completed in that 5 day window. For a total time of 23 minutes and 30 seconds. Anyways there’s a whole story to read below if you’re interested, besides that enjoy our soundtrack!

Soundcloud link:  https://soundcloud.com/azevito/sets/isochron-ost?si=096a866077e7465fbdceabc5db30...<div"></div">

“Last Gift” #1

This song is meant to be our title screen for the game. The concept we had in mind was to set a melancholic type feel early on in the sound track that would build onto the remaining tracks.

“Dusting Off” #2

This song starts after the very beginning cutscene. During the initial cutscene, you find out that your grandpa is severely ill. Because of that, you visit him and find out that before he became ill he was repairing an old grandfather clock. You decide that as a gift to your grandpa you’ll finish the clock that he was repairing. So you take his keys to the clock shop he owns and start traveling across town to get there. Once you get there you open up the front door of the shop to see that the shop is quite dusty. After cleaning up the shop you find a broken grandfather clock.

“A Time Keepers Lullaby” #3

This song starts after you tidy up the entire shop & find the grandfather clock your grandpa was working on. You then start walking around the shop, looking at all the things you remember from being in your grandpa's shop as a child. A sense of nostalgia fills the air around you.

“Epoch Pond” #4

Now that the shop is all tidied up you decide to begin your search for all the pieces to the grandfather clock so that you can finish repairing it for your grandpa. You travel all around town taking in the nice summer breeze while asking people where you can find the first few parts. It eventually leads you to a box next to a pond. The box contains a nice amount of parts that you’ll need to fully repair the clock. With the box now in hand you start walking back to the clock shop, but before that you sit and enjoy the pond a little.

“Out and About” #5

You notice it’s now becoming night time, as you walk back to the clock shop all the town's street lights start to turn on. You get a floating, almost ethereal feeling as the sun sets over the town. You see everyone starting to walk home, stores closing up for the night, and even some ducks waddling back to their pond. Then finally the sun sets right as you get to the front door of your grandpa’s clock shop.

“Remember” #6

You walk into the clock shop. It looks as if a clock was knocked over. You pick it up and put it back where it was. Afterwards you take the clock parts you just got and start repairing the grandfather clock. You start to remember how amazing it was repairing clocks with grandpa when you were little, but nonetheless something seemed off, almost like you were forgetting something important. Just then you pass out on the ground from a long day of work.

“Mission Completed Lick” #7

This is what plays when successfully completing a mission.

“Mission Failed Lick” #8

This is what plays when failing a mission.

“Breezy” #9

It’s early morning you wake up in your grandpa’s clock shop with the sun hitting your face. Today you feel productive, like you’ll be able to accomplish anything you set your mind to. So you get up and make yourself a nice warm breakfast, get the rest of the clock parts you haven’t used, and repair as much of the clock as you can before needing to go back out to get more.

“Steps” #10

Since it’s still early in the day you decide to go out and get some more clock parts to repair the grandfather clock you’re working on for your grandpa. Surprisingly enough someone in town has some more of the parts you need for the grandfather clock. You tell them why you need the parts and find out they are more than willing to help you with repairing the grandfather clock.

“Picnic Waltz” #11

After getting back to the clock shop you and the townsperson get to work on repairing the grandfather clock. Time flies by as you two rebuild the clock. You both work through the afternoon all the way until dusk. While working the townsperson tells you where you can find the last clock parts you need. They tell you about a dark, off putting place, but that doesn’t stop you from repairing the clock.

“Tension” #12

The next day you wake up with an anxious feeling. Almost as you thought you were in danger. As you leave the clock shop  for the day, you head towards the place the townsperson told you about. Once there you see a grand tower. With your anxiety getting worse and worse you slowly creep up to the tower's entrance.

“Times Theme” #13

As you enter the ominous tower you see a person. Their name is “Time”. They warn you of what’ll happen if you repair the clock. The sadness that it’ll bring. The destruction it will cause. Even so you insist you need the piece. “Time” refuses and proceeds to attack you. A fight begins!

“Times End” #14

You defeat “Time” and claim the last piece of the clock for yourself. After repairing the clock you bring it to your grandpa who is so happy you repaired it for him. He thanks you for doing it for him. Although something feels wrong, like there’s more to the clock than just being a simple way to measure time. Maybe “Time” was correct after all…


01 - Last Gift.wav 33 MB
02 - Dusting Off.wav 14 MB
03 - A Timekeeper's Lullaby.wav 32 MB
04 - Epoch Pond.wav 25 MB
05 - Out and About.wav 27 MB
06 - Remember.wav 25 MB
07 - Mission Completed.wav 2 MB
08 - Mission Failed.wav 2.7 MB
09 - Breezy.wav 53 MB
10 - Steps.wav 19 MB
11 - Picnic Waltz.wav 39 MB
12 - Tension.wav 22 MB
13 - Time's Theme.wav 53 MB
14 - Time's End.wav 32 MB

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