AWS Open Source Blog

Tag: Rust

Rust language logo.

Innovating with Rust

The Rust programming language is an open source project started by Mozilla Research more than a decade ago. Since then, more than 5,000 people have contributed to the Rust project, and the language has had a resounding impact on technology. Technology companies, large and small, are using and benefiting from Rust. The Rust language builds […]

Rust language logo.

AWS’ sponsorship of the Rust project

We’re really excited to announce that AWS is sponsoring the Rust programming language! Rust is designed for writing and maintaining fast, reliable, and efficient code. It has seen considerable uptake since its first stable release four years ago, with companies like Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla all using Rust. Rust has also seen lots of growth […]

Rust   Lambda logos

Rust Runtime for AWS Lambda

中文版 AWS Lambda, which makes it easy for developers to run code for virtually any type of application or backend service with zero administration, has just announced the Runtime APIs. The Runtime APIs define an HTTP-based specification of the Lambda programming model which can be implemented in any programming language. To accompany the API launch, […]

RustConf 2018 logo

Rust Expands its Reach at RustConf 2018

The third annual RustConf was held this year in Portland, Oregon, on August 16th and 17th. The Rust community showed its strengths once again, teaching an enthusiastic crowd about building safe communities and safe abstractions. With the 2018 Edition of Rust coming soon, we were excited to talk to everyone and show our support. Through […]