AWS Database Blog

Category: RDS for PostgreSQL

Synopsis of several compelling features in PostgreSQL 16

In this post, we explore the new features in PostgreSQL 16 and discuss how they improve performance and query speed. This includes new replication features, including logical decoding on standbys and parallel application of logical replication, SQL/JSON functionality, new monitoring tools, such as the pg_stat_io system view, and security features.

AWS DMS homogenous migration from PostgreSQL to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

With AWS DMS homogenous migration, you can migrate data from your source database to an equivalent engine on AWS using native database tools. In this post, we show you an example of a complete homogeneous migration process and provide troubleshooting steps for migrating from PostgreSQL to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

Automate interval partitioning maintenance and monitoring in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL – Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we demonstrated how to configure interval partitioning in an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition database using PostgreSQL extensions such as pg_partman and pg_cron. The monitoring job was external to the database, thereby allowing a centralized monitoring solution. In this post, we demonstrate how you can monitor and send alerts using […]

Perform maintenance tasks and schema modifications in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL with minimal downtime using Blue Green deployment

In this post, we walk you through performing schema changes and common maintenance tasks such as table and index reorganization, VACUUM FULL, and materialized view refreshes with minimal downtime using blue/green deployments for an Amazon Relational Database (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL database or an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition cluster. Solution overview Amazon RDS blue/green deployment […]

Managing object dependencies in PostgreSQL: Removing dependent objects (Part2)

In PostgreSQL, object binding (or dependencies) encompasses the connections existing among various database elements. These interdependencies hold significant importance when it comes to the management and modification of objects within the database. They ensure that adjustments made to one object don’t inadvertently disrupt other dependent objects. This series is divided into two posts. In the […]

Managing object dependencies in PostgreSQL – Overview and helpful inspection queries (Part 1)

In PostgreSQL, object binding (or dependencies) encompasses the relationships existing among various database elements. These interdependencies hold significant importance when it comes to the management and modification of objects within the database. They ensure that adjustments made to one object don’t inadvertently disrupt other dependent objects. For instance, when a view relies on a table, […]

Enhance PostgreSQL database security using hooks with Trusted Language Extensions

PostgreSQL has the ability to authenticate user names and passwords using native credentials, though it lacks the ability to enforce specific password complexity and other advanced authentication policies without external identity services like LDAP or Kerberos. Trusted Language Extensions (TLE) for PostgreSQL (pg_tle), an open-source development kit used to build and package extensions, lets you […]

Monitor query plans for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

As we continue to innovate and add new features on behalf of our customers, you can now maintain and manage query plans in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition. This feature enables you to identify the query plans contributing to the current database load and track the performance statistics of query plans over time. In this post, […]

Replicate data between partitioned and non-partitioned tables using trigger functions in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL or Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

In this post, we show you how to replicate data between partitioned and non-partitioned tables using trigger functions in Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition. The solution also works with Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL. Customers often decide to migrate partial applications and their associated database objects to AWS, which requires synchronizing data from […]