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Xadoladuga : MIALUKAFA ( 16/07/2019 ~ Axel xadolik )
Xadoladuga : MIALUKAFA ( 16/07/2019 ~ Axel xadolik )
Avaduga : KIEWAFA ( 16/07/2019 ~ Axel xadolik )
Avaduga : KIEWAFA ( 16/07/2019 ~ Axel xadolik )
Teliz mal Wikipedia.

Arayaxo ke Mapungubwe ( englavon Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape ), tir burkaf debak ke Geeafrika.

Arayaxo ke Mapungubwe tir tano katcalapafo izvaxo ke tawava nume bak 2003 wetce arayaf debak ke tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO zo bendeyer.

Arayaxo ke Mapungubwe
Mapungubwe keve lentefa jowa ke Geeafrika kake Zimbabwea is Botswana tigir. To glupaf patectoy dem meila ciaenafa gu aal is abic torestaal is ctakafa cabda aname yootafe aze tice azeka. Uton ice Limpopo bost is Shashe kuksa. Mapungubwe va telo logijafo gazaxo ke geefa Afrika voneyer aze bak XIV-eafa decemda zo jovleyer. Spamafa stabrega wan tid, ke berma is varafa irubaxo anameon, is ke toloyu abdifu kelu. Debak va kevliskaf wiray va yone seltafe is gaderopafe dre remi mon 400 tanda divnedir. ~ UNESCO : Arayaxo ke Mapungubwe

(en) Mapungubwe is set hard against the northern border of South Africa, joining Zimbabwe and Botswana. It is an open, expansive savannah landscape at the confluence of the Limpopo and Shashe rivers. Mapungubwe developed into the largest kingdom in the sub-continent before it was abandoned in the 14th century. What survives are the almost untouched remains of the palace sites and also the entire settlement area dependent upon them, as well as two earlier capital sites, the whole presenting an unrivalled picture of the development of social and political structures over some 400 years. ~ UNESCO website, licence CC-BY-SA IGO 3.0

Baroya gazafa stabrega iste wirdapa abrotcafa gu 300 m- is ontinafa gu 30 m-. Gazik is sayakik tice kesi bliyid ise sane moe valevef vweem. Moavaf woz is kudjot va beicekol koe naboxa zo trasiyid. Flek kum trivamard gan rumeik is milgik zo diskiyid. Drunara va ayaf xim bazer da bata doda tiyir ton gedrafa is galafa malesturinda. Sin va deaxol is namulol varteyed ise va vakol dikiyid.

Xim ke plebot is kilta va bazexa va lizukafa midura tiskayad.

Tawoldaxa is inta is wula is niska is ato ke waikoy is dere kuld ke benev

Ewava va debak

[betara | va krent betá]

  • François-Xavier Fauvelle-Aymar, Le rhinocéros d'or : Histoires du Moyen Age africain, Alma Editeur, 2013, ISBN 2362790452.

Arayaxo ke Mapungubwe
Tamavafa gadakiewega ke UNESCO
Arayaxo ke Mapungubwe, arayaf debak
Tawavaf seg Afrika
Patecta Geeafrika       
Winka Limpopo Winka
Maneka  22° 11' 35" G-, 29° 14' 20" R-
Ord Arayaf debak
Ludeem (ii) (iii) (iv) (v)
Debakaf otuk 1099
Bendesa ilana 2003 ( 27-eaf frugot )
Welmot 281.69 km²