11th June, 2021

It’s ironic and also quite disgusting and devoid of any self-awareness how people will very loudly say how damaging and awful the word ‘queer’ is for them without even thinking about how damaging and awful it is to constantly hear and see that your identity is something that should be censored and policed.

Honestly, just shut the fuck up. And considering the long, long list of identities of that have also been used as slurs that everyone is fine with being used widely (including terms that were reclaimed within the last 18 months or were literally started as a way to pathologise and criminalise being gay, which is also a slur), it actually feels pretty fucking targeted. I wonder why that could be

24th January, 2025





FRIENDS IN AMERICA: DO NOT SIGN UP FOR ANY LGBTQIA+ STUDIES OR SURVEYS. chances are they’re fake/being monitored and your real/legal name will be recorded

guys. i’m a researcher. there is literally no reason to believe that these studies are nefarious. the VA is one of the premiere centers for psychology research in the US, and it has for awhile now supported LGBTQ+ research because LGBTQ+ veterans often face additional challenges and the VA, which is literally a health care center for veterans, wants to attend to that. if you go on any of the studies the consent form should outline the ethics review board process, which is how you know it’s legit. obviously you don’t have to take any of these studies, and chances are you shouldn’t because they are probably for veterans specifically. i saw someone in the notes say that the VA can’t be trusted because they’re recruiters, and no, once again, they are a health care facility for veterans. they play no role in recruiting people for the military. i saw someone else say that you should poison the data by giving them bad answers and no, please don’t do that, you would be disrupting the real actual scientific work that people are trying to do.

i get that people are feeling tense and scared, i am too. but this kind of conspiratorial fear mongering without evidence isn’t helpful. instead let’s focus on what we know to be true

(via Ham)

24th January, 2025



“the problem is its never gonna be what all the fans want” imo the problem is the majority of fans have bad fucking taste like. if you write a story with the intent to keep editing it in line with what fans want you’re gonna end up with a shitty story. obviously you can take in criticism from early access but once you publish the thing you shouldn’t constantly be retconning characterization wtf. good god

also even if they didn’t have bad taste where is your fucking spine. commit to the bit already you cannot avoid criticism

(via P E R S E V E R E)

24th January, 2025




Honestly I miss the energy Tumblr had when the first Pacfic Rim movie came out. Everybody was talking about who they were drift compatible with and that was like a huge compliment. Ppl were drawing Kaijus, and Jaegers, naming ‘em. It was a better time


The image won’t load but god I hope it’s Robopope, The Robot Pope.

(via ain't that just the way)