Herstellung von Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten

Graz, Steiermark 27.107 Follower:innen

See the light 💡


LIGHTING WITHOUT LIMITS It all begins with a passion for light. For 30 years, XAL has been working with lighting designers, architects, and planners to develop custom luminaires of the highest technical standard, which impress with their style and aesthetics. There is always one goal: to push the boundaries of the technically feasible, enabling visionary designs. We can meet this challenge because our employees in our design labs, as well as production and sales locations around the world, deliver top performance. Being on-site for our customers is essential for mutual success. Thanks to organisational efficiency and high in-house production depth, we can tailor our response to the needs of our customers and continuously expand our existing product portfolio. Meeting seemingly impossible challenges is our daily motivation and inspiration. From novel concept to luminaire innovation: a path created by crossing borders. SEE THE LIGHT. CAREER @ XAL If you are interested in XAL as employer, please visit https://www.xal.com/en/career/ for further information.

Herstellung von Haushalts-, Elektro- und Elektronikgeräten
1.001–5.000 Beschäftigte
Graz, Steiermark
architectural lighting, tailored lighting solutions, lighting design, LED technology, lighting und LED


Beschäftigte von XAL


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    Straight or playful - BETO is a series of luminaires that provides an ideal working light in a minimalistic form while enabling maximum design freedom. The 180° CURVE element offers direct and indirect beam characteristics and allows maximum design freedom in combination with straight or curved elements. BETO is a highly flexible concept for almost any alignment. Find all details about our BETO office series on https://lnkd.in/dvVNQZn8

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    Großartige Leistungen! 🙌🥈🎉 Wir gratulieren unseren zwei Lehrlingsteams Amy, Helena und Luca sowie David, Fabia und Sascha zum 2. Platz beim steirischen Lehrlingshackathon, in den Kategorien Rookies und Experts! Die Challenge: An (nur) einem Tag in kleinen Teams einen App-Prototypen zu entwickeln. Ziel des vom Talentcenter der WKO Steiermark und Apprentigo.io initiierten Wettbewerbs ist es, digitale Skills und die Begeisterung für digitale Tools bei Lehrlingen zu fördern. Der Erfolg unserer Lehrlinge zeigt, wie wichtig und wirkungsvoll es ist, junge Talente in ihrer Ausbildung zu unterstützen und ihnen die Möglichkeit zu geben, ihre Fähigkeiten in realen Projekten unter Beweis zu stellen. Wir sind stolz auf die hervorragenden Leistungen unserer Teams und freuen uns, dass ihr Engagement und ihr Teamgeist mit einem Platz auf dem Siegertreppchen belohnt wurden. Ein großes Dankeschön geht auch an die Organisatoren und Unterstützer des Hackathons. Wir sind gespannt, welche großartigen Projekte unsere Lehrlinge in Zukunft noch realisieren werden und unterstützen sie auf ihrem Weg mit voller Überzeugung. ____________________________________________ Great achievements! 🙌🥈🎉 Congratulations to our two apprentice teams, Amy, Helena, and Luca, as well as David, Fabia, and Sascha, for winning second place at the Styrian "Lehrlingshackathon" in the categories Rookies and Experts! The challenge: Develop an app prototype in small teams within (just) one day. The competition, initiated by the Talentcenter of WKO Steiermark and apprentigo, aims to promote digital skills and enthusiasm for digital tools among apprentices. The success of our apprentices highlights the importance and impact of supporting young talent in their training and giving them the opportunity to showcase their skills in real projects. We are proud of our teams' excellent performances and delighted that their dedication and teamwork were rewarded with a place on the winner’s podium. Also thank you to the organizers and supporters of the hackathon. We look forward to seeing what amazing projects our apprentices will develop in the future and support them on their journey with full conviction. Fotocredit: Talentcenter WK Steiermark #lehre #trainees #app #lehrlingshackathon

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    Light is a decisive factor in the design of living spaces. With our innovative lighting solutions, we help you to ensure that the light and the interior form a harmonious unit and that the lighting fulfils both your functional and aesthetic requirements. After all, the right lighting turns living spaces into places of relaxation and well-being. Lighting Designer: Anker & Co Photographer: Kris Dekeijser Products: MOVE IT 25, JUST 45, TULA, SASSO

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    Fit for Future? Ja klar! Ganz besonders unsere Lehrlinge und die Lehrausbildung. Wir haben für den Staatspreis „Beste Lehrbetriebe Österreichs – Fit for Future 2024“ eingereicht. Und fiebern jetzt gespannt der Entscheidung entgegen. Die Jury spannt die Teilnehmer:innen heuer besonders auf die Folter: Anfang August werden die Top 10 veröffentlicht, im September die Top 3 und am 17. Oktober ist die Siegerehrung. In der Wartezeit wollen wir schon mal ein paar lustige Einblicke in unser cooles Projektvideo Inspired by light geben, in dem wir erzählen, wie Lehrlinge ihr Lehrlingsmarketing gestaltet haben. Warum wir gewinnen sollten? Unsere Lehrlinge wären sooo unglaublich stolz auf die Auszeichnung. Und wir natürlich auch. Mehr unter www.xal.com/karriere _____________________________________________ Fit for Future? Yes, of course! Especially our apprentices and apprenticeship training. We have submitted for the national award ‘Best Apprenticeship Companies in Austria - Fit for Future 2024’. And are now eagerly awaiting the decision. The jury is keeping the participants on tenterhooks this year: the top 10 will be published at the beginning of August, the top 3 in September and the award ceremony will take place on 17 October. In the meantime, we would like to give you a few funny insights into our cool project video Inspired by light, in which we tell you how apprentices have designed their apprenticeship marketing. Why should we win? Our apprentices would be sooo incredibly proud of the award. And so would we, of course. More www.xal.com/career Qualität in der Lehre #apprenticeship #fitforfuture #inspired_by_light #xal #lighting #trainees #state_award #staatspreis

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    Light is a decisive factor in the design of living spaces. With our innovative lighting solutions, we help you to ensure that the light and the interior form a harmonious unit and that the lighting fulfills both your functional and aesthetic requirements. Kitchens today are the central hub where versatile lighting is important. While your dishes are simmering, the light can be dimmed to create a relaxed atmosphere. Architect: Matulik Architekten Photographer: raumpixel Products: MOVE IT 25, UNICO

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    A rethought ski hut that merges with the landscape and emphasises minimalism and purity. In keeping with the minimalist overall concept, the luminaires are reduced to a few carefully selected objects and used in an almost poetic way. Each living unit has a summarising light line in the form of the matt black MOVE IT 25 track, in which various luminaires and spotlights are suspended. Find all details about our MOVE IT 25 systems on https://lnkd.in/dEAqyEiR Architect: Dominik Aichinger Lighting Designer: Egger Licht GmbH Photographer: Christoph Panzer Product: MOVE IT 25

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    XAL Tirol neu aufgestellt: neues Büro, neue Führung. Nach dem Umzug 2022 in moderne Büros in Kematen mit hohem Design- und Wohlfühlfaktor hat das Tiroler Team mit Andreas Tschigg seit dem Vorjahr auch eine neue Führung. Aktuell suchen wir Verstärkung im Außendienst, einen Sales Manager (m/w/d) für Tirol und Vorarlberg, idealerweise eine:n „Insider:in“ aus der Lichtbranche. An dieser Stelle sei auch Bernhard Stampfer für seine langjährige Aufbauarbeit bei XAL nochmals gedankt. Die Pioniere erster Stunde sind für jedes Unternehmen sehr wichtig. 🔝😊 Niederlassungsleiter Andreas Tschigg über das Arbeiten im Tiroler Team: „In unserer Niederlassung in Kematen profitierst du von einem großartigen Arbeitsklima und flexiblen Arbeitszeiten. Du wirst Teil eines spannenden Umfelds, das täglich neue Herausforderungen bietet. Es ist besonders erfüllend, deine Arbeit in der Realität zu beobachten und zu sehen, wie deine eigenen Projekte entstehen.“ Details und Bewerbung für den Sales Manager (m/w/d) Tirol | Vorarlberg unter https://lnkd.in/dT27c-8J ____________________________________________ News from XAL Tyrol: new office, new management. Following the move in 2022 to modern offices in Kematen with a high design and feel-good factor, the Tyrolean team has also had a new manager in Andreas Tschigg since last year. We are currently looking to strengthen our sales force, a Sales Manager (m/f/d) for Tyrol and Vorarlberg, ideally an "insider" from the lighting industry. We would also like to take this opportunity to thank Bernhard Stampfer once again for his many years of development work at XAL. The pioneers of the first hour are very important for every company. 🔝😊 Branch manager Andreas Tschigg on working in the Tyrolean team: "At our branch in Kematen, you benefit from a great working atmosphere and flexible working hours. You will be part of an exciting environment that offers new challenges every day. It is particularly fulfilling to observe your work in reality and see how your own projects develop." Details and application for the Sales Manager (m/f/d) Tyrol | Vorarlberg www.xal.com/career #xal #tyrol #change #sales #career #lighting

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    Kitchens today are no longer dark back rooms. Rather, they are the central hub where people cook together and chat. Versatile lighting is important. When cooking, bright, wide-area lighting provides sufficient light. Spotlights or downlights, elegantly solved as insets in the suspended MOVE IT 10 track in chrome, can illuminate the kitchen island appropriately. While your dishes are simmering, the light can be dimmed to create a relaxed atmosphere for you to enjoy the moment in the kitchen. Find all details about our MOVE IT 10 System on https://lnkd.in/d7xA4QF9 Photographer: Kurt Kuball Product: MOVE IT 10 | TARO

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    The architecture of the innovation and competence centre for companies, researchers, and students in Bruneck is clear and spacious. The lighting should be functional, flexible, and as discreet as possible. The combination of MINO profile luminaires with the flexible MOVE IT 25 system and dimmable JUST 55 spotlights is an ideal solution for the vibrant technology campus. Find all details about the project on https://lnkd.in/eNDXdvsT Architect: KUP – ARCH Lighting Designer: VONLUTZ Photographer: Oliver Jaist Product: MINO, MOVE IT 25, JUST 55

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    Welcome Summer! ☀🌻 🎉 Neuer Ort, gleicher Spaß. Unsere „Partywiese“, auf der wir bislang die Sommerfeste feierten, beheimatet nach der Standorterweiterung am Headquarter Graz nun die hochmoderne neue Elektronikproduktion und das High Tech AutoStore Lagersystem. Doch flexibel wie wir nun mal sind, zogen wir mit den Festzelten einfach um, ein Stück weiter auf die Wiese neben unserer XAL Kindertagesstätte. Und auch dort war das Fest mit Mitarbeiter:innen und ihre Familien und Freunden, gutem Essen, Musik, einer Ansprache des Firmeneigentümers, einem spielerischem Wettkampf, Spaß für die Kleinen und Austausch abseits des Arbeitsalltags ein voller Erfolg. Danke an alle, die das schöne Fest ermöglicht haben und an alle, die mit uns gefeiert haben. Mehr unter www.xal.com/karriere ____________________________________________ Welcome Summer! ☀🌻 🎉 New location, same fun. Our ""party meadow"", where we used to celebrate the summer parties, is now home to the state-of-the-art new electronics production facility and the high-tech AutoStore storage system following the expansion of the Graz headquarters. But flexible as we are, we simply moved the marquees a little further to the meadow next to our XAL daycare centre. And there, too, the party was a complete success with employees and their families and friends, good food, music, a speech by the company owner, a playful competition, fun for the little ones and socialising away from the daily work routine. Thank you to everyone who made this wonderful party possible and to everyone who celebrated with us. More www.xal.com/career #xalpartyzone #xalinmotion #xal #lighting #xalbenefits #bestteam #xalinfunmode #summer

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