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ROXALL Group is an international pharmaceutical company based in Hamburg, Germany. Our core business is pharmaceuticals for allergen immunotherapy – the only causal allergy therapy renowned by the World Health Organization (WHO) that not only has the capacity to prevent an allergy turning into asthma but can also block the growth of new sensitizations. At ROXALL, we strive to constantly improve our treatments and to manufacture the highest quality products. As a result, we have made several and many of the most important innovations in this field. ROXALL Group has subsidiaries in Europe, Asia and Latin America. The acquisition of the allergy-line of a pharmaceutical company in Bilbao, Spain, opened us a solid basis for future growth. Research in immuno- therapy has been the main focus of this company for more than 70 years. Our team in Bilbao works closely with leading research institutes, providing us with greater potential for developing new treatments. In addition to our allergen immune therapies, our subsidiary company DR. BECKMANN Pharma offers medical products that help ease many allergy symptoms. Our products range from nasal showers and ointments for sensitive skin to high quality allergen encasings and peak-flow meters.

201–500 Beschäftigte
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Spezifische Immuntherapie und Allergology


Beschäftigte von ROXALL Group


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    Insect sting allergies – wasp venom hypersensitivity Insect venom allergy is one of the common and most dangerous summertime allergies. Insect bites and stings lead to different symptoms in susceptible individuals, from local pain and redness to severe systemic reactions up to life-threatening anaphylaxis. A common wasp is another widespread Hymenoptera insect, which is native for the Northern Hemisphere, but can also be found in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Unlike honeybees, common wasps can sting their victims multiple times during their lifetime.   Currently, 6 wasp allergens are characterized on the molecular level. Ves v 1 and Ves v 5 are the most common triggers of wasp venom allergy. Ves v 1 belongs to phospholipase A1 enzymes with the absence of cross reactivity with Api m 1, a phospholipase A2, from honeybee venom. Ves v 1 is responsible for developing allergic symptoms in over 60% of sensitized individuals. Ves v 5 triggers allergy symptoms even more efficiently, up to 98 sensitized individuals experience signs of venom allergy in response to Ves v 5.   The European hornet is found mostly in Europe and Asia. Stings of European hornet are quite occasional, yet dangerous as they can induce severe and even fatal reactions such as anaphylaxis. Hornets build their colonies on ground or in shelters and sting their victims for self-defence. Three hornet venom allergens have been characterized: Vesp c 1, Vesp c 2, and Vesp c 5, the most allergenic component of hornet venom.   As complete avoidance of contact with stinging insects is almost impossible and could not be fully controlled, the only efficient way to get rid of the cause, not the symptoms, is allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT, or venom immunotherapy (VIT) in case of allergy to insect venoms). ROXALL pays a particular attention to the research and development of vaccines against Hymenoptera venom allergy, one of the most common causes of severe allergic reactions. In our developing and manufacturing process, we implement the latest scientific findings that comes from the deep understanding of insect biology and biochemistry of venoms combined with state-of-the-art technologies to ensure the highest quality and safety of our vaccines. Improving Your Life with ROXALL! #roxall #roxallgroup #allergy #allergenimmunotherapy #venomallergy #VIT

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    Insect sting allergies – bee venom hypersensitivity   Insect venom allergy is one of the common and most dangerous summertime allergies. Insect bites and stings lead to different symptoms in susceptible individuals, from local pain and redness to severe systemic reactions up to life-threatening anaphylaxis.   Honeybee can sting its victims only once leaving the sting with a venom sac in the skin of an animal of a human that disturbed an insect (which is eventually lethal for a honeybee itself). Thus, a sting should be removed very carefully to avoid sac squeezing and letting even more venom enter the skin. As honeybees are easily found in nature and cultivated worldwide for honey and pollination of cultured plants, contact with these insects is quite common during summer. Beekeepers are of greater risk of developing allergy and anaphylaxis due to bee stings.   Honeybee venom contains different proteins including enzymes, biogenic amines, phospholipids. 12 allergenic proteins from honeybee venom have been characterized. Api m 1, Api m 2, Api m 3, Api m 5, and Api m 10 are considered as major allergens of honeybee venom, but their prevalence can vary considerably depending on geographic areas, patient population.   Among them, sensitization to Api m 1 and Api m 10 are the most prevalent. Some allergens, such as Api m 4 (mellitin) can act as toxins. From the molecular point of view, Api m 1 is an enzyme phospholipase A2 that plays roles in numerous cellular processes such as phospholipid metabolism, signal transduction, and immune and inflammatory response regulation.   As complete avoidance of contact with stinging insects is almost impossible and could not be fully controlled, the only efficient way to get rid of the cause, not the symptoms, is allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT, or venom immunotherapy (VIT) in case of allergy to insect venoms).   ROXALL pays a particular attention to the research and development of vaccines against Hymenoptera venom allergy, one of the most common causes of severe allergic reactions.   In our developing and manufacturing process, we implement the latest scientific findings that comes from the deep understanding of insect biology and biochemistry of venoms combined with state-of-the-art technologies to ensure the highest quality and safety of our vaccines.   Improving Your Life with ROXALL! #roxall #roxallgroup #allergy #beevenomallergy #venomimmunotherapy

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    From ROXALL we are pleased to share our latest publication. The ARES study is an observational, prospective, multicenter study that evaluated the efficacy and safety in the treatment of polyalergic patients with respiratory allergic diseases. This subcutaneous immunotherapy contained different combinations of polymerized allergen mixtures of pollen or house dust mite extracts. The treatment led to significant improvements in patients' symptom and medication (SMS) scores and quality of life. SCIT with polymerized allergen mixtures from either pollen or mite extracts proved to be an effective and safe treatment option for polyallergic patients suffering from allergic respiratory diseases. Improving Your Life with ROXALL! #roxall #roxallgroup #allergy #immunotherapy #allergyresearch

    Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous immunotherapy with polymerized allergen mixtures in polyallergic patients – ARES observational study

    Efficacy and safety of subcutaneous immunotherapy with polymerized allergen mixtures in polyallergic patients – ARES observational study

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    Allergy to grass pollen   Grasses are among the most abundant plants in the world. They cover around 40% of land area of the Earth. Currently, more than 12000 plant species are known. Due to wide distribution and easy access to this source, grass has always been playing an important role in human life.   Grasses (bot. family Poaceae) is one of the most economically important food and crop sources for humans being cultivated for over 6000 years.   Unfortunately, grass impact is not always positive. Together with a huge economic impact, they provide health issues to the persons that suffer from grass pollen allergy. Currently, up to 30 % of the human population suffer from grass pollen allergy. Due to the wide distribution, it is extremely hard to eliminate contact with this allergen source. Many grass species are wind-pollinated with the ability of pollen grains to travel over long distances.   Grass pollen allergy symptoms are typically expressed as allergic rhinitis or rhinoconjunctivitis (hay fever) with runny or blocked nose, sneezing, throat irritation, red and watery eyes in susceptible persons. Individuals with asthma can suffer even more, as grass pollen may serve as a flare-up for thunderstorm asthma. Often, pollen allergy symptoms are developed during grass pollination period, from April to July, depending on a certain region, climate, temperature and environmental conditions. However, due to cross-reactivity, affected persons can experience the same or similar symptoms when ingesting raw fruits and vegetables (so called, oral allergy syndrome, OAS, or pollen-food allergy syndrome).   Grass pollen contains 11 groups of allergenic proteins, causing either genuine allergy or cross-reactivity to other plant pollen and food. Group 1 and 5 allergens are the main triggers of grass pollen allergy, being at the same time cross-reactive with allergens from other plant sources. Among the most widespread allergenic grasses are Timothy grass (a marker species for grass pollen allergy), Ryegrass, Kentucky Blue grass, Bermuda grass, Orchard, Fescue, Bahia.   Currently, allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT) is the only reliable treatment to combat not only allergy symptoms but eliminate the cause of allergy over time.   At ROXALL, we develop and manufacture AIT for grass pollen allergy, both species-specific and mixes of grass pollen, to cover most possible triggers of grass pollen allergy.   Our AIT was confirmed as safe and effective in the EU, Middle East, and Southern America countries. Our never-ending research and development process is aimed to deliver the best AIT to improve life quality of the millions of people sensitized to grass pollen worldwide. #roxall #roxallgroup #allergy #allergenimmunotherapy #grass #grasspollen #grasspollenallergy #IgE #asthma #hayfever #rhinitis #conjunctivitis

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    Jefe nacional de marketing y ventas en ROXALL MEDICINA ESPAÑA S.A. | Ldo en Bioquímica y Ldo en Biología

    📽 Desde El Padrino II quedó demostrado que a veces, las segundas partes no solo cumplen con las expectativas, sino que pueden superar a sus predecesoras. Este hecho ha sido confirmado con películas como Terminator II, Toy Story 2, Shrek 2... y ahora también con  ¡¡ la Edición 2023 de los Cursos #BIRA !! 👨🔬 📋 💙 Desde #ROXALL, queremos agradecer la participación de los alumnos en el Curso 2023 y felicitar a los 85 autores 👩⚕️ 👨⚕️ que han contribuido a la elaboración de los casos clínicos del libro, donde se ha utilizado #inmunoterapia 💉 para resolver problemas alérgicos de los pacientes 🌼 🕷 🐶 😺 🍄 🐝. 🔊 Aviso: El Señor de los Anillos: El retorno del Rey es la tercera película de la trilogía y una de las tres películas con más premios Oscar en la historia. 👩🏫 En #ROXALL ¡continuamos realizando los BIRA 2024 y ya estamos recopilando casos clínicos 📚 para superar esta 2ª edición! #alergia

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    ROXALL has years of expertise in the development and manufacturing vaccines for AIT from highly purified allergen extracts. Knowing the needs of our patients worldwide, we are passionate to make the best treatment to combat allergies and asthma. The ARES study was an observational, prospective, multicentre study that assessed the efficacy and safety of Allergovac Poliplus® (Roxall Medicina España S.A) in the treatment of polyallergic patients with respiratory allergic diseases. This AIT vaccine contained different combinations of polymerized allergen mixtures from either pollen or house dust mite extracts. The treatment caused significant improvements in symptom and medication scores (SMS) and quality of life of patients. The safety profile observed for the product was very good, reinforcing the extensively proven safety benefits associated with the polymerization of allergen extracts. #roxall #roxallgroup #researchinallergology #eaaci #roxallresearch

    #Fungi are one of the 𝗺𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗴𝗲𝗿𝘀 of IgE-mediated respiratory #disorders such as 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗰 𝗿𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗰𝗼𝗻𝗷𝘂𝗻𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗶𝘁𝗶𝘀 (AR) and 𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗰 𝗮𝘀𝘁𝗵𝗺𝗮 (AA). Within the fungal kingdom, Alternaria species are considered the most clinically relevant, being 𝘈𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘢 𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘢 the greatest exponent of these. Considering the great #allergen variability observed in fungal #extracts, in recent years allergen-specific immunotherapy with preparations containing the major allergen of this #mould (Alt a 1) isolated emerged as amore standardized and efficient #treatment option. This retrospective analysis of 14 cases carried out in the allergology service of Hospital de la Vega Baja of Orihuela (Alicante, #Spain) assessed the clinical impact and safety of 1-year of subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) with a polymerized molecular allergoid of Alt a 1. The study showed significant improvements in both AR and AA symptoms and a resulting 𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗹 𝗿𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗲𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗽𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. The treatment appeared to ameliorate the global clinical status of patients showing a good #safety profile. While waiting for these results to be confirmed by controlled trials, this strategy aims to be the 𝗿𝗲𝗳𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘁𝗺𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿𝘀 for patients allergic to 𝘈. 𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘵𝘢. Author: Angel Ferrer Torres

    Clinical evaluation of subcutaneous immunotherapy with a polymerized molecular allergoid of Alt a 1 in patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and/or allergic asthma caused by the mould Alternaria alternata

    Clinical evaluation of subcutaneous immunotherapy with a polymerized molecular allergoid of Alt a 1 in patients with allergic rhinoconjunctivitis and/or allergic asthma caused by the mould Alternaria alternata

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    World Allergy Week 2024   In frames of World Allergy Week (June 23-29.2024) with this year’s focus on childhood food allergy, we inform you about food allergy in children. Today, we are highlighting oral allergy syndrome as a common cause of allergic reactions to food.   Oral allergy syndrome (oAS), or pollen-food syndrome, is an IgE-mediated immediate allergic reaction in pollen-sensitized people after consuming fruits, vegetables and nuts. The symptoms are comparatively mild and usually include itching, oedema, urticaria in the lips, mouth and pharynx. However, gastrointestinal symptoms are also reported. In some cases, even systemic reactions including anaphylaxis can occur.   The diversity in the symptom range is explained by the stability of trigger allergens. Numerous allergens from fruits and vegetables are quite labile and easily loose their structure when cooked with heat. A classic example is the major apple allergen, Mal d 1, that belongs to PR-10 allergenic proteins family and cross react with the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1. Birch-pollen sensitized people commonly experience oral allergy syndrome, when consuming raw, unprocessed apples, even outside of birch pollen season. When Mal d 1 is subjected to heat, protein structure is destroyed, and IgE-antibodies cannot bind allergens anymore. As a result, no allergic symptoms manifest.   However, some PR-10 allergens are stable and can keep their structure unaffected even after heating. For example, Gly m 4 of soybean and Api g 1 of celery tolerate heating and retain their allergenic potency after cooking. Severe reactions to soybean and celery are the result of allergenic proteins stability.   Knowing about utmost importance of correct diagnostics in children and adults, ROXALL develops a range of skin-prick tests that allow distinguishing main allergens that contribute to the development of OAS. When a causative allergen is found, correct and precise allergy treatment is requested. The only way to efficiently cure allergy is allergen-specific immunotherapy (AIT). Constant process of research, development and improvement results in subcutaneous and sublingual ROXALL vaccines efficiently and safely treat allergic diseases in the EU, Middle East and Asia, Latin America, further improving quality of patients’ life worldwide.   Improving Your Life with ROXALL! Photo material shared from - #roxall #roxallgroup #allergy #foodallergy #WorldAllergyWeek2024

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    Birch allergy   Birch (genus Betula) is one of the most widespread tree species in the Northern Hemisphere. Birch trees could be found across the whole Europe, in the Northern and Central areas of North America, Siberia, China, Japan and even in some areas of Northern Africa.   Birch is a wind-pollinated plant that pollinates in spring, from March to May. However, in most southern areas pollinating period starts even in January-February, moving from the South to the North with warmth.   Due to its lightness, birch pollen can travel to great distances, affecting allergic people even far away from the tree. Annual pollen seed count can vary considerably depending on a region, weather and environmental conditions.   Birch pollen is highly allergenic and causes hay fever in up to 25 % of sensitised persons. Sneezing, runny nose or nasal congestion, redness, watery and itchy eyes, itchy throat, and wheezing are the common symptoms of birch pollen allergy.   Botanically, birch belongs to Fagales family with alder, hazel, and other trees. These plants are quite similar biochemically and share many proteins allergic to humans. This natural phenomenon is called cross-reactivity, which is based on the similarity of structures of allergenic proteins in related organisms. Allergen-specific IgE antibodies from birch could recognize and bind similar allergens from other Fagales trees. As a result, birch-susceptible persons can experience the same symptoms even outside birch pollination season, for example already in January, when pollination period of hazel and alder begins.   Food of plant origin could also induce itching or swelling in mouth, lips, and throat, with irritation of eyes and nose and, in some cases gastrointestinal symptoms in people susceptible to birch pollen. It also occurs due to the cross reactivity between birch pollen allergens (mostly Bet v 1, a major allergen of birch pollen) and fruits or vegetables from the same botanical family, like apple, cherry, celery, or pear. However, these allergens do not have stable structure and degrade rapidly when cooked with heat.   Treatment of birch pollen allergy requires precise diagnostic and therapeutic tools to distinguish allergy from cross reactivity, define the triggering allergen and prescribe correct treatment. For many years, allergen immunotherapy (AIT) is the only effective treatment that allows to get rid of allergy. ROXALL contributes to research of birch allergy basics and provides diagnostic skin prick tests and vaccines for AIT of highest quality.   We use highly purified birch pollen extract for manufacturing with further modifications of allergens to ensure our patients that allergy can be cured allowing them to breathe again to the full even under a birch tree.    Improving your Life with ROXALL! #roxall #roxallgroup #allergy #allergology #allergenspecificimmunotherapy

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    Directora General: ESAME PBS, ESAME Consultoría, Fundación privada ESAME

    Os informamos que el próximo día 26 de junio, desde ESAME PBS estaremos en el Curso de Verano organizado por el Nagusi Intelligence Center ( (NIC)  en el marco de los cursos de verano organizados por la Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU ( un espacio de colaboración público-privada promovido por la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, que aspira a transformar el reto del envejecimiento poblacional en una oportunidad para el desarrollo social y económico en el territorio. DÍA: 26 Junio 2024 LUGAR del Curso de Verano UPV/NIC será en: Bizkaia Aretoa-UPV/EHU. Abandoibarra Etorbidea, 3; Abando 48009 Bilbao. PROGRAMA: 09:15 – 09:30 REGISTRO 09:30 – 09:45 INAUGURACIÓN INSTITUCIONAL Gorka Moreno Márquez | UPV/EHU - Vicerrector del Campus de Bizkaia ¿Qué es la Economía de la Longevidad y qué Oportunidades ofrece? Naiara Artaza Aristondo | Diputación Foral de Bizkaia -Gabinete de la Diputada General 09:45 – 10:00 La Cantera de Profesionales de la Industria BIOPHARMA y HEALTHCARE. La Oportunidad de Economía de la Longevidad: Proyecto BioSilver Gonzalo Hernandez Herrero | Presidente ESAME PBS Pharmaceutical Business School y CEO ESAME BIOMEDICAL 10:00 – 12:00 MESA REDONDA – El Camino del Grado en Ciencias de la Salud a la Industria BIOPHARMA y HEALTHCARE - La Oportunidad de la Economía de la Longevidad. Moderador Gonzalo Hernandez Herrero | Presidente ESAME PBS Pharmaceutical Business School y CEO ESAME BIOMEDICAL Ponentes: -Paula Arranz | Head of Clinical Operations en FAES FARMA -Manuel O. | Project Manager en CLOVERTY -Laura Martínez de la Calle | MSL en The JANSSEN Pharmaceutical -Carlota Boix | Regional Market Access Manager en ANGELINI Pharma -Daniel Molina Vives | Structural Heart Sales en MEDTRONIC EMEA -Lucas Oraa Arbeo | Quality Assurance & Deputy QP en EQUICORD Turno de Preguntas 12:00 – 12:30 COFEE BREAK & NETWORKING 12:30 – 14:30 MESA REDONDA - ¿Qué Oportunidades Profesionales ofrece la Economía de la Longevidad en las Empresas BIOPHARMA y HEALTHCARE?. Moderador: Laida Amelibia Hernández | Directora General de ESAME PBS Pharmaceutical Business School Ponentes: -Paco Quintanilla | Director General en FAES FARMA -Asier Albizu | CEO en BIOLAN HEALTH Microbiosensors. BASQUE HEALTH CLUSTER -Silvia Soto del Río | Directora de Personas en VIVEbiotech -@Manuel Muñoz | Director Ejecutivo en i Med -Eider Larrarte Lázaro Larrarte | Directora Área Pharma Lab Services TECNALIA Research & Innovation -Iñigo Pagoaga | General Manager Spain, Portugal & Italy en ROXALL Group Turno de Preguntas 14:30 Cierre de la Jornada | NETWORKING FINAL PARA MÁS INFORMACIÓN Y REGISTRO:

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    ROXALL Research Updates at EAACI 2024   As a company with the full cycle of allergen-specific immunotherapy products, ROXALL runs extensive research to understand the nature of allergy better for the development of leading vaccines. This year, at EAACI Congress 2024, ROXALL researchers shared some of their recent results in the development of AIT to wasp venoms, house dust mites, and cat allergens.   Since 2010, the yellow-legged hornet has spread in the northern part of Spain causing multiple anaphylactic reaction in sensitised persons. Defining a specific sensitisation is an essential step to develop allergen preparations for AIT. In the study «Determination of Sensitisation Pattern in Patients with anaphylaxis to Vespa vetulina in the north of Spain», 68 patients with anaphylactic reactions after hornet stings were selected for the study. Pure venom was obtained in ROXALL laboratory in Bilbao, Spain. Specific IgE level analysis measured using ImmunoCAP 250 system demonstrated that all patients were sensitised to hornet venoms with the prevalence of Pol d 5, Ves v 5, and Ves v 1 allergen components. Immunobloting with our pure venom resulted in the positive reactions to Ves v 2, Ves v 1, and Ves v 5 allergen components. This profile helps us to understand the key allergens that should be paid the highest attention during development of new vaccines.   House dust mites are among the most important perennial allergens worldwide. In a «Clinical Evaluation of Subcutaneous Therapy (SCIT) Containing a Mixture of Mites, in Depot Polymerised Formulation, Without Dilution Effect. Results from a Prospective Multicenter Study», ROXALL studied the effect of the mixing of 2 mite allergoids without dilution in the subcutaneous immunotherapy (SCIT) formulation. After finishing 12-months SCIT treatment course, the vast majority of patients (around 97%) significantly improved their symptoms with no systemic adverse reactions. The study demonstrated the high efficacy and safety profile of the new SCIT treatment with undiluted mixed mite extracts. Developing an improved formulation for SCIT aimed to treat patients is another promising approach that can bring relief to more patients for whom a classical immunotherapy would not be helpful.   One of the most frustrating allergies is the allergy to furry animals that requires limiting contact for sensitised people. At EAACI 2024, ROXALL presented a study «Allergen-specific Immunotherapy Based on Purified and Modified Fel d 1 Allergen from Cat Dander», aimed to develop a safe and efficient AIT based on the major domestic cat allergen, Fel d 1. In the current study, Fel d 1 allergen was purified from cat dander extract with monoclonal antibodies and then modified to the form of allergoid with 1% of allergenicity. #roxall #roxallgroup #allergenimmunotherapy #allergology #eaaci #eaaci2024

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