


Wien, Wien 6.348 Follower:innen

Algorithmic trading platform for short-term power markets


Algorithmic trading platform for short-term power markets

11–50 Beschäftigte
Wien, Wien
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Autotrading, Intraday, Intraday Strom, EPEX, Power Exchange, Algotrading, Nord Pool, HUPX, BSP Southpool, XBID, SIDC, Energiewirtschaft, Power trading, Software-as-a-Service, Energy Trading, Elecricity Trading, Intraday Power, Intraday Electricity, Energy Trading, Microservice und API first


Beschäftigte von PowerBot


  • Unternehmensseite von PowerBot anzeigen, Grafik

    6.348 Follower:innen

    It has been some time since the launch of Intraday Auctions last month, so let's look into the traded quantities of Germany's most liquid market area. Not surprisingly, the largest share of 77% of the total volume is traded in IDA1, followed by 19% in IDA2 and only 4% in IDA3. While we all experienced a rough start concerning Intraday Auctions with cancellations and delays from the launch date on June 13th, some further cancelled auctions and other hiccups along the road, we hope for smoother sailing moving forward. In the first 30 days of trading, nearly 1000 GWh have changed hands in intraday auctions. This is an increase from the previous DE 15min Intraday auction, for which EPEX reported 794 GWh for May and 737 GWh for April 2024 - roughly the same as we now see on IDA1. For comparison, for June 2024 EPEX reports a monthly volume of 27,648.5 GWh for DE/LU - outnumbering the IDA quantity by a factor of nearly 29. Feel free to suggest other market areas you are interested in and we will be happy to share some insights.

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  • Unternehmensseite von PowerBot anzeigen, Grafik

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    It is the 16th of July and this means that as of today, power exchanges in Europe are legally obliged to also share their order book in the SIDC system in the last hour before delivery, where no cross-border trading is possible. While Nord Pool and ETPA have implemented this, EPEX SPOT has yet to technically adopt this highly anticipated change.

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  • Unternehmensseite von PowerBot anzeigen, Grafik

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    Goodbye Bulgaria! We‘re leaving lovely Burgas today. It was great to network with energy trading peers in a lovely destination at the sea-side, where we really found time to go deep into business topics, exchange ideas and to set the path for future projects. Greetings to all of you in the hot exhibition halls at busy Intersolar 😉 Burgas is also the last event in the calendar before Summer season kicks in, we are now looking forward to a few weeks of focus in the office 🧑💻

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  • Unternehmensseite von PowerBot anzeigen, Grafik

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    Syneco Trading GmbH leads new ways in intraday trading   Syneco, Germany's largest municipal energy trading company, has established a partnership with Austrian PowerBot GmbH and will rely on its modern algotrading software to enhance its capabilities in short-term power markets. In conjunction with the ETRM system "Coral", developed by Previse Systems, this creates an innovative and high-performance trading and optimization platform for short-term trading.   The five-member algotrading team of Syneco is responsible for the development and operation of the new trading and optimization platform as well as the development of intelligent algorithms for fully automated intraday trading on EPEX SPOT. "With PowerBot, we have a modern and highly flexible platform that enables us to develop our own algorithms and optimally integrate the data volumes necessary for automated trading," says Reto Heller, who is responsible for the newly founded algotrading team at Syneco.   Syneco Trading GmbH is expanding its product portfolio with this step and will, in addition to pure market access, also offer customers algorithm-based closing of open trading positions on the intraday market. In addition, algorithms will be used to market large-scale battery storage systems and flexibilities of power plants at EPEX SPOT and on the balancing power markets. "The importance of short-term trading will continue to increase with the expansion of renewable energies and the flexibilization of consumers. With our new platform, we and thus also our customers are well equipped for the future," says Luisa von Lonski, who heads the short-term trading division at Syneco.

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    Unternehmensseite von Axpo Polska anzeigen, Grafik

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    Dziś bilansowanie na rynkach energii w Polsce przechodzi z rozliczenia godzinowego na 15-minutowe. Pierwszą, historyczną transakcję na instrumencie 15-minutowym na Nord Pool przeprowadziło Axpo Polska. Zmianę komentuje Krzysztof Ryszkiewicz, Head of Portfolio Management, Board Member.   – Mamy nadzieję, że możliwość korzystania z produktów 15-minutowych na polskim rynku dnia bieżącego pozwoli zarządzającym aktywami produkcyjnymi – szczególnie OZE – lepiej prognozować i bilansować swój portfel. Dodatkowo liczymy, że zmiana ta pozytywnie wpłynie na zwiększenie płynności na rynku giełdowym – powiedział Krzysztof Ryszkiewicz.   Nowe 15-minutowe okresy rozliczeniowe niezbilansowania umożliwią bardziej precyzyjne dostosowanie cen energii bilansującej do rzeczywistego popytu i podaży. Do tej pory ceny były ustalane w oparciu o godzinną granulację, co skutkowało mniej adekwatnym odzwierciedleniem dynamiki rynku. Krótsze okresy rozliczeniowe pozwolą na szybsze reagowanie na zmieniające się warunki, takie jak nagłe wzrosty popytu czy fluktuacje w produkcji energii odnawialnej. #energia #energy #trading #EnergyTrading #EnergyMarket #EnergyExchange

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  • Unternehmensseite von PowerBot anzeigen, Grafik

    6.348 Follower:innen

    Mark your calendar for 18 June at 15:00 CET (14:00 UK) when Ewout Eijkelenboom from KYOS Energy Consulting B.V. and Maximilian Kiessler from PowerBot will host a free live webinar discussing the latest advancements in battery technology in Europe, and presenting a new software model. Discover how the KYOS real-time battery optimizer can be used as a ‘trading bot’, enabling back-testing and benchmarking of trading strategies with actual intraday order book data, and how it integrates into our algorithmic trading platform. Sign up for the event to find out how you can access and test the model.

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