Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB

Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB


Wien, Wien 5.567 Follower:innen

Financing our shared future.


Die OeEB - Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG ist die Entwicklungsbank der Republik Österreich. Wir finanzieren Investitionen privater Unternehmen in Entwicklungs- und Schwellenländern. Wir vergeben Kredite zu marktnahen Konditionen, stellen Kapital bereit und verstärken mit projektbezogenen Programmen die entwicklungspolitische Wirkung unserer Projekte.

51–200 Beschäftigte
Wien, Wien
Kapitalgesellschaft (AG, GmbH, UG etc.)
Entwicklungsfinanzierung, Privatsektor-Entwicklung, Private Equity und Investitionsfinanzierung


Beschäftigte von Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB


  • We are pleased to announce the closing of our new USD 10 million #investment with the Regional MSME Investment Fund for Sub-Saharan Africa "REGMIFA". The fund provides innovative financing for #MSMEs in Sub-Saharan Africa as well as support low- and middle-income households in financing essential goods and services, such as affordable housing and clean energy. 🌿   We are proud to have invested in REGMIFA since 2010 and look forward to continuing this successful partnership.   For more information click here 👉 https://lnkd.in/e69tX-V2   #fin4dev #regmifa #symbiotics #financialinclusion Photograph: unsplash/Frederik Schweiger

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  • Large parts of the global private sector rely on natural resources either as part of their core business or in their supply chains. For development to be sustainable, global environmental and climate protection as well as resource efficiency are key and targeted by several #SDGs. 🌱   This is why OeEB places a strong emphasis on environmental stewardship in its impact report. In the latest edition it is shown that 43% of OeEB's portfolio in 2023 was invested in climate-relevant projects.   For more information take a look at our Impact Report 2023 👉https://lnkd.in/d-KDnQY6 Stay tuned for more highlights in the upcoming weeks!   #impactreport2023 #environmentalstewardship #fin4dev

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  • In the Impact Report 2023 we showcase our efforts in the field of #development of markets and sectors. Investments and their impact must be viewed from different angles, depending on the investment needs of the country and the sector. Similar business activities can therefore lead to very different development effects. We are proud to announce that 247 million Euro of our portfolio is currently invested in least developed countries #LDCs. For more information click here 👉 https://lnkd.in/e7pQ3nTg Stay tuned for more highlights in the upcoming weeks! #impactreport2023 #fin4dev

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  • Wir erweitern unser Team! 💼 Sie möchten an Bestandsprojekten im Private Equity Bereich einer Entwicklungsbank mitarbeiten und einen Beitrag zur Umsetzung der SDGs leisten? Dann sind Sie bei uns genau richtig! ✔️ Ihre Aufgaben beinhalten unter anderem das Monitoring sowie die Kundenpflege von Private Equity Fonds in Entwicklungs- & Schwellenländern in den Sektoren Green Finance, SME Development und finanzielle Inklusion. Mit Ihrem abgeschlossenen betriebswirtschaftlichen Studium oder vergleichbare Studienrichtung, Interesse an entwicklungspolitischen Fragestellungen und Ihrem sicheren Auftreten mit hoher Kommunikationsfähigkeit sind Sie eine wertvolle Ergänzung für unser Team. Wir bieten Ihnen flexible Arbeitszeiten mit Home-Office und Gleitzeitregelung ohne Kernzeit. Eine wertbasierte Unternehmenskultur und Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten für alle Mitarbeitende machen uns als Arbeitgeber aus. In unserem inklusiven Team im bestens angebundenen 1. Bezirk Wiens haben Sie die Möglichkeit, mit sinnstiftenden Aufgaben zur Verbesserung der Situation von Menschen in Entwicklungs- & Schwellenländern beizutragen. Neugierig geworden? Weitere Informationen zu unserem Angebot finden Sie hier: https://lnkd.in/dHGwc7uT Wir freuen uns über Ihre baldige Bewerbung! #karriere #fin4dev Photograph: Freepik/rawpixel.com

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  • An increase in #localincome provides an increase in opportunities for self-determined decisions of individuals and institutions in developing and emerging countries. 👫   In 2023, OeEB placed a strong emphasis on our impact in this crucial area. 4.2 billion euro in personnel expenses were paid locally by OeEB’s clients, showcasing our dedication to fostering economic opportunities on a local scale.   For more information take a look at our Impact Report 2023 👉 https://lnkd.in/dCtGd-bc Stay tuned for more highlights in the upcoming weeks!   #impactreport2023 #fin4dev

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  • Gute Neuigkeiten! 🎉 Du studierst idealerweise im Bereich angewandter Umwelt- oder Ingenieurswissenschaft und möchtest dich für die Transition zu einer klimaneutralen Welt in einer weltweit agierenden Entwicklungsbank einsetzen? „Paris Agreement“ und „Klimarisiko“ sind keine Fremdwörter für dich? Dann haben wir genau den #Job für dich, um deine Ausbildung zu ergänzen! Ab September 2024 bieten wir ein Pflichtpraktikum im Bereich ESG und Klima an. 🌱 Deine Aufgaben beinhalten unter anderem die Weiterentwicklung eines Excel basierten Tools zur Bestimmung von Klimarisiken in Zusammenhang mit konkreten Finanzierungsvorhaben der OeEB, sowie die Beurteilung von Finanzierungen in Bezug auf Klimarisiken. Klingt interessant? Bewirb Dich jetzt, wenn dir Klimaneutralität wichtig ist! 👉 https://lnkd.in/eM23X84J #karriere #praktikum Photograph: Freepik/Freepik

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  • In our series on the publication of the Impact Report 2023, we want to show you how OeEB creates impact that matters. 🌍   Creating jobs is an urgent priority as they are the main path out of poverty. #Jobs are the cornerstone of development and boost living standards, raise productivity and foster social cohesion. 👨💼   That’s why 49% of OeEB’s projects in 2023 made a main contribution to #SDG8 “Decent Work and Economic Growth”.   Further information can be found here 👉 https://lnkd.in/exMmhPVi Stay tuned for more highlights of our Impact Report in the upcoming weeks!   #impactreport2023 #decentjobs #fin4dev

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  • OeEB as member of the #EDFI Sustainable Finance Task Force extends its thanks to the European DFIs - EDFI Association for organizing the special seminar last week, exploring the links between the European sustainable finance regulatory framework, development policy and #GlobalGateway. Martin Gauss – Head of Strategy, Impact and Sustainability at OeEB actively participated in the event and took the chance to exchange views with many attendees.🤝

    Unternehmensseite von European DFIs - EDFI anzeigen, Grafik

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    EDFI thanks the more than 100 people from the #EDFI community, partners, experts, and policymakers who attended this week a special seminar that explored the links between the European sustainable finance regulatory framework, development policy, and #GlobalGateway. We came together to explore: ☑ Strategies for scaling up sustainable finance in emerging markets and developing economies. ☑The importance of sustainable finance regulations, innovative financing mechanisms, and targeted investments in priority sectors. ☑Challenges of the regulations for European investors operating outside the EU, and the consequences for attracting private investment into developing countries and for the EU Global Gateway approach. ☑There was broad agreement on the need for robust standards, as well as a recognition that these standards can be better tailored to support international development and the EU’s strategic priorities. The seminar takeaways and next steps to explore are: ✔ Examine how existing international standards could be better leveraged within the EU regulations. ✔Ensure the definitions of sustainability are appropriately adapted where they must be applied to developing countries. ✔Adapt the Green Asset Ratio to better account for sustainable activities outside the EU. ✔Consider ways to improve interoperability between #EU and other country taxonomies to increase private capital flows. ✔Review the Global Gateway project list and select priority sectors/projects going forward. ✔Explore options to better recognise transition finance and address assurance challenges in developing markets. Many thanks to Koen DOENS, Director-General at DG INTPA within the #EuropeanCommission, who gave the keynote and took questions afterward. Special thanks as well to guests who led the highly interactive talk: - James Brenton, Sustainable Finance & Impact Advisor, EDFI - Nancy Saich, Chief Climate Change Expert, European Investment Bank (EIB) Investment Bank - Yvonne Bakkum, Impact Expert - Helmut von Glasenapp, Secretary-General, European Association of Long-Term Investors (ELTI) Association - Michael Jongeneel (he/him), CEO, FMO - Dutch entrepreneurial development bank - David Kuijper’s moderation kept the conversation moving and meaningful and brought in comments and questions from the audience. 📃 EDFI has put considerable work into the EU sustainable finance regulatory framework. To learn more about that work, check out our just-released statement https://lnkd.in/gBKzZyQc as well as a newly published EDFI-commissioned mapping report. https://lnkd.in/gfJYvw9N ☀ Thanks as well to attendees for making the EDFI Annual Reception a success, and a welcome chance to continue the seminar conversation while enjoying the sunny weather!

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  • In Entwicklungsländer investieren - aber wie? Gemeinsam mit der AUSSENWIRTSCHAFT AUSTRIA lud die OeEB diese Woche erneut zum Workshop „Bankable Projects“ und beantwortete darin Fragen heimischer Unternehmen zu Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten der OeEB, Kreditvoraussetzungen, Umwelt- und Sozialaspekten und Projektprüfungen. 🤝 Wir haben uns sehr über das rege Interesse gefreut und bedanken uns herzlich bei unseren Vortragenden Ortwin Wendl, Reinhard Zeitlberger, Lukas Hecke, Fritz Kleemann, Zarko Kukrkic und Ivaylo Kassabov, sowie bei Bernhard Bös und Frau Rieper von der WKÖ für die Organisation. #zusammenarbeit #workshop #fin4dev

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  • Unternehmensseite von Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank AG - OeEB anzeigen, Grafik

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    Creating lasting development effects such as decent jobs, local income or access to clean energy are at the core of what we do. Together with our partners, we were able to make a significant contribution in all of these areas in 2023. 🌍   Today, we are publishing our annual impact report. In it, we report on the development effects of our investments and their contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).   Sophie-Marie Hofer, responsible for impact measurement at OeEB, gives insight into the topics covered in our report which we will highlight here on LinkedIn over the coming weeks. Stay tuned!   Further information on our impact report 2023 can be found here 👉 https://lnkd.in/dnRFHvQx   #impactreport2023 #SDGs #fin4dev #MSMEDay #MSME2024

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