
JA Alumni Austria is part of JA Alumni Europe (, the official European umbrella organization that unites over 20 active member countries. The more than 4’000 active members are successful entrepreneurs, volunteers, leaders or young professionals from numerous disciplines, such as tech, business, finance, education, IT and medicine. By means of diverse activities, like for instance, leadership conferences, entrepreneurship competitions, inspirational campaigns and professional events the “Network of Opportunities” empowers and supports its members to unfold their personal potential and extend their entrepreneurial mindset. By doing so, the network fosters future game changers and promisingly contributes to the fight against recent social and economic challenges such as youth unemployment and indebtedness. In the past, JA Alumni Europe has partnered with meaningful institutions and impactful corporates such as the World Economic Forum, American Chamber of Commerce, the EU, Microsoft, Bata and many more.

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51–200 Beschäftigte


Beschäftigte von JA Alumni Austria


  • Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    Am 22. Mai fand der jährliche Höhepunkt des Junior-Jahres statt: der Wiener Landeswettbewerb im WIFI Wien Die Juniorenfirmen mussten bei diesem Wettbewerb vier Aufgaben bewältigen: einen Geschäftsbericht erstellen, den Bericht beantworten, in einem Juryinterview Fragen zu wirtschaftlichem Wissen und unternehmerischer Erfahrung beantworten, Verkaufsgespräche an ihrem selbst gestalteten Messestand führen und ihr Unternehmen in einer vierminütigen Präsentation vorstellen. Den ersten Platz belegte "Rebloom", ein Unternehmen, das sich auf die Produktion von Trockenblumensträußen aus geretteten Restblumen spezialisiert hat, und erhielt ein Preisgeld von 400 Euro. Der zweite Platz ging an "Little Chefs", die Kindergeburtstage für Kinder im Alter von 6 bis 12 Jahren organisierten, bei denen die Kinder unter Anleitung frische Pizza oder selbstgemachte Pasta zubereiten konnten. Sie erhielten ein Preisgeld von 300 Euro. Der dritte Platz wurde von "Lampenfieber" belegt, die formschöne Flaschen in nachhaltige Lampen verwandelten und dafür 200 Euro erhielten. Zudem wurde ein Sonderpreis für Nachhaltigkeit an "Paperihoch2" vergeben, die anpflanzbare Geschenkanhänger herstellten. Im Namen von Junior Achievement Austria und JA Alumni Austria möchte wir uns auch bei der Wirtschaftskammer Wien, insbesondere bei Herrn Ralf Artner für die tatkräftige Unterstützung und die zur Verfügung gestellten Räumlichkeiten für diese Projekte bedanken. Wir möchten uns auch bei unserer Jury bedanken, die sich die Zeit genommen hat, jedes Unternehmen zu bewerten! Thomas Rumpelmayer Annelie Sattler Stout-Frühwirth Margarete Florentina Müller Silvia Malak Firas Saedaddin Riheb H. Karina Schnabl Matthias Nemes Ein großer Dank gebührt unserem Präsidenten Nikolaus Gebhard für seine tatkräftige Unterstützung und Moderation des Wettbewerbs. Der gesamte Wettbewerb wäre ohne die Unterstützung von Junior Achievement Austria und den großzügigen Sponsoren wie der Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry Wien, VWG Wien, WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) , Kawea und Ströck nicht möglich gewesen. Ein herzliches Dankeschön an alle Unterstützer! Presse: Fotos (© Max Slovencik)

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  • JA Alumni Austria hat dies direkt geteilt

    Profil von Tarek Faraj-Allah anzeigen, Grafik

    MSc. Student Export and internationalization management | Project Manager at JA Austria

    On April 30th, the Lower Austrian state competition took place in which 11 companies competed in the criteria business report, sales pitch and pitch. The company Ecolution with ecologically degradable cups won 1st place and is qualified for the national competition 🎉 Thank you for the great organization by Lisa Rottenschlager and the opportunity to present the buddy program as a representative of JA Alumni Austria, which serves to pass on the experience of the students to the next generation. Junior Achievement Austria

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  • Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    🌟 Inspiring Tomorrow's Leaders 🌟 Last Monday, April 15, 2024, marked a milestone as the inaugural Inspire Event, in collaboration with Junior Achievement Austria, unfolded at the Vienna Chamber of Commerce and Industry. Proudly part of the european initiative "Re-Power Your Future," spearheaded by the UniCredit Foundation and JA Europe, this event was designed to ignite the passion and purpose of transitioning youth from secondary education into apprenticeships or further schooling. Gathering 80 bright minds from selected secondary schools across Vienna, the afternoon was enriched with invaluable insights. Margot Leithner-Hofbauer, Apprenticeship Officer at UniCredit Bank Austria AG, generously shared real-world application tips, accompanied by Dilshaan Singh Thind, a first-year apprentice at Bank Austria, who candidly recounted his journey through the application process. In the latter part of the program, youth ambassador to the european union Ali Mahlodji took the stage, whose keynote stirred hearts and emboldened spirits. As a refugee and former school dropout, Ali's life narisrves as a beacon of hope, illustrating the transformative power of belief in one's potential and the courage to forge one's path with unwavering self-assurance. A heartfelt thank you extends to all involved in orchestrating this resounding success. Together, we pave the way for a future brimming with inspired, resilient leaders ready to embrace their journeys with boundless determination. #InspireEvent #YouthEmpowerment #JAAlumniAustria #JAAustria #RepowerYourFuture

    Unternehmensseite von Junior Achievement Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    326 Follower:innen

    Am Montag, 15. April 2024 hat das erste Inspire Event in Kooperation mit JA Alumni Austria im WIFI der Wirtschaftskammer Wien im Rahmen der internationalen Initiative „Re-Power Your Future“ zwischen der UniCredit Foundation und Junior Achievement Organisationen in zehn europäischen Ländern, stattgefunden. Dieses Event hatte zum Ziel, Jugendliche beim Übergang von der Sekundarstufe I in die Lehre oder eine weiterführende Schule zu inspirieren, ihre wahre Leidenschaft zu entdecken und die eigenen Ziele im Hinblick auf ihre berufliche Zukunft zu verwirklichen.   80 Schülerinnen und Schüler aus jeweils zwei Neuen Mittelschulen und polytechnischen Schulen bzw. Fachmittelschulen in Wien (MS Grundsteingasse, NMS Max Winter Platz, FMS/PTS 4 Schaumburgergasse, FMS 20 Stromstraße) profitierten an diesem Nachmittag von wertvollen Tipps in Bezug auf die reale Bewerbungssituation von der Lehrlingsbeauftragten der UniCredit Bank Austria AG, Margot Leithner-Hofbauer. Unterstützt wurde sie von Dilshaan Singh Thind, Lehrling der Bank Austria im ersten Lehrjahr, der mit den Jugendlichen seine persönlichen Erfahrungen aus dem Bewerbungsprozess für die Lehrstelle teilte.   Im zweiten Teil des Nachmittagsprogrammes wurde den Jugendlichen mithilfe einer Keynote von Ali Mahlodji Mut gemacht, die eigene Zukunft in die Hand zu nehmen und mit Selbstvertrauen ihren Weg zu gestalten. Als Flüchtling und Schulabbrecher zeigte Ali Mahlodji mit seiner Lebensgeschichte auf, dass man alles schaffen kann, wenn man an seine Potentiale glaubt und sich auf diese fokussiert. Wir bedanken uns bei allen Beteiligten für die erfolgreiche Austragung dieses Events! #juniorachievement #JuniorCompany #OneJA #RePowerYourFuture #entrepreneurship #education #inspire

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  • JA Alumni Austria hat dies direkt geteilt

    Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    🌟 Journey through a Spectacular JA Marketplace Vienna 2024 🌟 Look into the vibrant world of entrepreneurship and creativity! On a thrilling Saturday, March 16th, Junior Achievement Austria and we, in collaboration, transformed Lugner City into an epicenter of innovation and ingenuity at the dazzling JA Marketplace Vienna 2024. More than 160 enthusiastic student entrepreneurs from Austria and beyond took center stage. They revealed months of hard work and dedication as they presented their visionary products to an eager audience. The showcase included creative products catering to various interests, such as art from recycled glass bottles, plantable gift tags, and anti-stress metal puzzles. With 36 teams from diverse backgrounds, including 21 from Austria and 15 from seven European countries, the event promoted international unity and collaboration. A thunderous round of applause echoed through the venue as the winning teams, brimming with pride and excitement, claimed their well-deserved recognition and prizes. In a cherished tradition, the prestigious Alumni Leadership Award was bestowed upon a company. It recognized their exemplary leadership and problem-solving prowess, which is a testament to their dedication and innovation, and went to the Junior Company Markess from Tyrol. The JA Marketplace 24 wasn't merely a showcase of products but a melting pot of ideas and connections. Thanks to an engaging icebreaker activity we organized, students formed new friendships and partnerships, enhancing the overall experience with shared visions and aspirations. Additionally, Accenture DACH hosted an electrifying pitch workshop, equipping students with the tools and confidence to articulate their business ideas with flair and conviction, ensuring they stood out in the competitive entrepreneurial landscape. But wait—the adventure continues! Calling all new junior company graduates: Join our alumni network and become part of a community dedicated to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Your Journey doesn't end at the Marketplace; it's only just beginning. 🚀 As the curtains closed on this exhilarating event, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the army of volunteers Emily Koch, Tristan Leiter, Tobias Frank Manuel Weißböck, Lorenz Kothmayr, Yasmin Baier, Lisa Brezina, Johanna Mösenbacher, Nikolaus Böhm, Florian Pöll, Sophie Radosztics, Matthias Nemes, Gabriel Bernthaler, Caroline Mair, Julina Raggautz and co-organizers Milica Markovic, Tarek Faraj-Allah, Elfi Bajraktaraj, Nikolaus Gebhard whose tireless efforts elevated the Marketplace to unprecedented success. Your unwavering commitment to youth entrepreneurship is a beacon of hope for the future of innovation. 💚 Together, we've ignited a spark that will illuminate the path to a future defined by boundless creativity and groundbreaking entrepreneurship. Join us as we continue to shape tomorrow's world, one innovative idea at a time! 🚀 #JAViennaMarketplace #JAAlumniAustria #alumnispirit

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  • Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    It is amazing to have such dedicated volunteers always striving to make a difference in a students life! 💚 #alumnispirit #jaalumniaustria #jaalumni #JAMarketplace

    Profil von Emily Koch anzeigen, Grafik

    Law(ful) Student

    It's always amazing to be part of the Junior Achievement Austria and JA Alumni Austria trade fare!🥳 Last weekend young students presented their companies and ideas in the Lugner City. The excitement and drive of the volunteers is something I don't see anywhere else! We want to make the best experience for the students and have fun in between🫶 A big thanks to the organising Team Milica Markovic, Tarek Faraj-Allah, Elfi Bajraktaraj and Nikolaus Gebhard who made this Event not only possible but well organised! Also a big thanks to the volunteers Tristan Leiter Tobias Frank Matthias Nemes Florian Pöll Nikolaus Böhm Johanna Mösenbacher Yasmin Baier Manuel Weißböck

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  • Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    🌟 Journey through a Spectacular JA Marketplace Vienna 2024 🌟 Look into the vibrant world of entrepreneurship and creativity! On a thrilling Saturday, March 16th, Junior Achievement Austria and we, in collaboration, transformed Lugner City into an epicenter of innovation and ingenuity at the dazzling JA Marketplace Vienna 2024. More than 160 enthusiastic student entrepreneurs from Austria and beyond took center stage. They revealed months of hard work and dedication as they presented their visionary products to an eager audience. The showcase included creative products catering to various interests, such as art from recycled glass bottles, plantable gift tags, and anti-stress metal puzzles. With 36 teams from diverse backgrounds, including 21 from Austria and 15 from seven European countries, the event promoted international unity and collaboration. A thunderous round of applause echoed through the venue as the winning teams, brimming with pride and excitement, claimed their well-deserved recognition and prizes. In a cherished tradition, the prestigious Alumni Leadership Award was bestowed upon a company. It recognized their exemplary leadership and problem-solving prowess, which is a testament to their dedication and innovation, and went to the Junior Company Markess from Tyrol. The JA Marketplace 24 wasn't merely a showcase of products but a melting pot of ideas and connections. Thanks to an engaging icebreaker activity we organized, students formed new friendships and partnerships, enhancing the overall experience with shared visions and aspirations. Additionally, Accenture DACH hosted an electrifying pitch workshop, equipping students with the tools and confidence to articulate their business ideas with flair and conviction, ensuring they stood out in the competitive entrepreneurial landscape. But wait—the adventure continues! Calling all new junior company graduates: Join our alumni network and become part of a community dedicated to fostering innovation and entrepreneurship. Your Journey doesn't end at the Marketplace; it's only just beginning. 🚀 As the curtains closed on this exhilarating event, we extend our heartfelt gratitude to the army of volunteers Emily Koch, Tristan Leiter, Tobias Frank Manuel Weißböck, Lorenz Kothmayr, Yasmin Baier, Lisa Brezina, Johanna Mösenbacher, Nikolaus Böhm, Florian Pöll, Sophie Radosztics, Matthias Nemes, Gabriel Bernthaler, Caroline Mair, Julina Raggautz and co-organizers Milica Markovic, Tarek Faraj-Allah, Elfi Bajraktaraj, Nikolaus Gebhard whose tireless efforts elevated the Marketplace to unprecedented success. Your unwavering commitment to youth entrepreneurship is a beacon of hope for the future of innovation. 💚 Together, we've ignited a spark that will illuminate the path to a future defined by boundless creativity and groundbreaking entrepreneurship. Join us as we continue to shape tomorrow's world, one innovative idea at a time! 🚀 #JAViennaMarketplace #JAAlumniAustria #alumnispirit

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  • Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    🎉 Exciting News Alert! 🎉 Join us this Saturday, March 16th, at Lugner City in Vienna for a remarkable event showcasing the entrepreneurial spirit of tomorrow's leaders! 🚀 🌟 Junior Achievement Trade Fare 🌟 This is not just your average trade fair—it's an opportunity to witness young minds in action. Students from across Europe will step into the world of business and showcase their innovative products and ideas. From 10:00 onwards, these budding entrepreneurs will take center stage, ready to impress with their creativity and determination. 🤝 Co-Organized by JA Alumni Austria 🤝 We're thrilled to announce that JA Alumni Austria is stepping up as a co-organizer for the very first time! Having supported this event for years, we are honored to take on a more significant role in fostering the next generation of business leaders. But the excitement doesn't stop there! On Friday, March 15th, before the event itself, the students will receive an exclusive pitching workshop in collaboration with Accenture DACH. This workshop will equip them with invaluable skills to effectively communicate their ideas and captivate potential customers and investors. 📢 Calling All Supporters and Enthusiasts! 📢 Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur, a passionate mentor, or simply curious about the future of business, this event is for you! Come witness the power of youth entrepreneurship and show your support for these talented students as they embark on their entrepreneurial journey. Mark your calendars, spread the word, and join us at Lugner City this Saturday for a day filled with inspiration, innovation, and endless possibilities! Together, let's celebrate the bright future of entrepreneurship. See you there! 🎉✨ #JA #JuniorAchievement #Entrepreneurship #Vienna #LugnerCity #FutureLeaders #Alumnispirit #JAAlumni

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  • Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    Profil von Nikolaus Gebhard anzeigen, Grafik

    President of JA Alumni Austria

    🎉✨ Reflecting on a phenomenal year with JA Alumni Austria 🚀 From impactful events to numerous achievements, our community has truly thrived in 2023. 🌟 As we transition to a Happy New Year, I want to extend my heartfelt gratitude to the backbone of our community—our INCREDIBLE volunteers! 🙌 Your unwavering dedication has molded success stories, propelled educational initiatives, and defined the dynamic spirit of JA Alumni Austria. 🌐💼 🙏 To every volunteer who invested time, expertise, and passion—THANK YOU! 🎁 Your commitment to nurturing the next generation of leaders is the driving force behind our collective success. Let's carry the torch of volunteerism into the New Year, continuing to inspire and uplift one another! 🚀🌈 I wish everyone a fantastic start to 2024 and look forward to achieving even greater heights together! 🎊🥂 #alumnispirit #amazingpeople #jaalumniaustria

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  • Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    🌟 Embracing the festive spirit with our incredible JA Alumni Austria community! 🎄✨ Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas filled with moments of joy, connection, and the warmth of shared experiences. May the upcoming year bring continued success, growth, and collaboration. Grateful for the journey we’ve shared and excited for the opportunities ahead! 🚀 #jaalumni #alumnispirit #alumnichristmasspirit

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  • Unternehmensseite von JA Alumni Austria anzeigen, Grafik

    279 Follower:innen

    🌍✨ Let's discuss the incredible power of collaboration and networking! Last weekend, I had the privilege of participating in the National Coordinators Meeting (NCM) organized by JA Alumni Europe and JA Alumni Estonia in Tallinn, Estonia. 🇪🇪 The NCM serves as a platform where Alumni Leaders from various European countries come together to exchange ideas, deliberate on new initiatives, and strategically plan projects that will positively impact our local networks. It's all about fostering innovation, camaraderie, and unity among Alumni Leaders across Europe. 💪🤝 During this dynamic gathering, we engaged in thought-provoking discussions, brainstormed creative solutions, and departed with a well-defined vision for the future. The enthusiasm and passion in the room were truly inspiring! 🚀 It's not just about personal growth; it's about elevating our local JA Alumni networks and making a lasting impact. The knowledge and experiences gained at NCM are the seeds that will sprout into new opportunities for every Austrian Alumni and alumni across Europe. 🌱 I extend my heartfelt gratitude to JA Alumni Europe and JA Alumni Estonia for bringing us together, providing a platform for meaningful discussions, and fostering these connections. 🙏 I am eagerly looking forward to witnessing the incredible projects that will emerge from this meeting and sharing them with the global community. Stay tuned for updates, and get ready to be part of something remarkable! 💫✨ #ncmfall23 #JAAlumni #Innovation #AlumniLeaders #alumnispirit

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