Gemeinnützige Organisationen

Tierschutz. Weltweit.


VIER PFOTEN ist die globale Tierschutzorganisation für Tiere unter direktem menschlichem Einfluss, die Missstände erkennt, Tiere in Not rettet und sie beschützt. Die 1988 von Heli Dungler in Wien gegründete Organisation tritt für eine Welt ein, in der Menschen Tieren mit Respekt, Mitgefühl und Verständnis begegnen. Im Fokus ihrer nachhaltigen Kampagnen und Projekte stehen Streunerhunde und -katzen sowie Heim-, Nutz- und Wildtiere – wie Bären, Großkatzen, Orang-Utans und Elefanten – aus nicht artgemäßer Haltung sowie aus Katastrophen- und Konfliktzonen. Mit Büros in Australien, Belgien, Bulgarien, Deutschland, Großbritannien, Kosovo, den Niederlanden, Österreich, der Schweiz, Südafrika, Thailand, der Ukraine, Großbritannien, den USA und Vietnam sowie Schutzzentren für notleidende Tiere in elf Ländern sorgt VIER PFOTEN für rasche Hilfe und langfristige Lösungen. Weitere Jobmöglichkeiten bei VIER PFOTEN finden Sie hier:

Gemeinnützige Organisationen
501–1.000 Beschäftigte
Animal Welfare, Animal Husbandry, Companion Animals, Farm Animals, Laboratory Animals, Animal Sanctuaries, Animal Protection, Animal rights, Veterinary, Non Profit, Animals, Sanctuary, NGO, Disaster Relief, Animal Rescue, Policy, Animal Cruelty und Animal Welfare Education


Beschäftigte von VIER PFOTEN


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    🎉 Welcome to your retirement home, elephant Charley! 🐘 The sight of Charley arriving in his new forever home, in his custom-built elephant-sized travel crate, was a sight to behold – and something that no-one who was present will ever forget! 🚚 Charley can now officially call the 10,000-hectare species-appropriate Shambala Private Game Reserve in Limpopo, South Africa home. 🌳⛰️ Now in his adaptation enclosure, Charley will begin his acclimatisation period. FOUR PAWS, in partnership with the #EMSFoundation in South Africa and Shambala Private Game Reserve, worked closely behind the scenes to ensure the best retirement plan for the 42-year-old African bull. It was of utmost importance that the whole process has Charley's best interest at heart, and that the transportation to his new home is as safe and stress-free as possible. 💔 Years performing in a traveling circus and living in a zoo means he has already endured years of loneliness. 💛 Welcome to your second chance Charley - we wish you a wonderful retirement! #AnimalWelfare #ShambalaPrivateGameReserve #Elephant #FOURPAWS 📸 © FOUR PAWS

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    Rescued sparrowhawk makes a full recovery! 🌟 Recently, a beautiful female sparrowhawk was found in a weakened and emaciated state, likely grounded for several days following a crash trauma that left her unable to hunt or eat. 🦅 Sparrowhawks are particularly vulnerable to starvation due to their petite physiques and minimal fat reserves, making this a life-threatening situation. Fortunately, she was rescued just in time and taken to our OWL AND BIRDS OF PREY RESCUE STATION in Haringsee, where she immediately began eating and received the care she needed from our dedicated team on site. After just a few days of expert care, we are happy to report that this resilient sparrowhawk regained her strength and was ready to take to the skies once again. 🌳✨ #WildlifeRescue #AnimalWelfare #Conservation #Austria 📸 © FOUR PAWS

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    #WorldAnimalDay is here! 🎉 Let’s celebrate animals and animal lovers - today and every day.    🐾🌍 Animals are our why, the heart of everything we do. Even when unexpected challenges hit us, we look them in the face with unshakeable dedication. 📢 We speak for those who can’t, revealing their suffering and rescuing the mistreated. Thanks to our relentless rescue teams, many animals now thrive in sanctuaries, rediscovering trust and hope through the loving care of our vets and caretakers.   Your unwavering support transforms the lives of animals around the world. Together, we will continue to protect them, no matter what. Thank you for standing with us, for the animals, and for a kinder world. ❤️

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    Finding a Forever Home 🏡 Our colleague, Elodie Suard, had a lifelong passion to work with and for animals. Tying in animal welfare with her career progression, she has worked in shelters and rescue centers before working with us at FOUR PAWS.🐾 On her journey, she realised how hard it is for certain animals to get adopted, especially for dogs and cats of an older age or with chronic illnesses; she adopted her first dog Teo when he was 10 years of age. After being with many animals in their final months and days knowing that they do not have the warmth of a loving family, Elodie fostered two pets welcoming them into her home. Cat Lousy had a heart condition leaving her with only a few months to live and no adoption prospects. However, Elodie made the most of those months playing outdoors.🐈 Lousy explored the house and received many cuddles before passing away. Dog Hardy was abandoned due to having myocarditis (a hole in his heart).🐕 After Elodie cared for him for 8 months and in a turn of events, the hole had disappeared. Elodie continued to play with affectionate little Hardy before his official adoption one year later. An advocate for adoption, Elodie mentioned that offering a last home to an animal condemned to go too soon remains a challenge, but a beautiful one: “There is nothing sweeter than letting go of an animal who knows they are treasured.” We have exceptional colleagues who we get to work side by side with, and are so happy to hear and share stories like Elodie's. ❤️ #MakingAnImpact #StoryTelling #FOURPAWSLife 📸 © Elodie Suard

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    Our exhibition in Brussels, co-hosted with Eurogroup for Animals shined a light and gained the interest of decision-makers on the silent suffering of animals across the EU. 🇪🇺    For decades, FOUR PAWS has been dedicated to improving the lives of animals throughout Europe. Our Director of FOUR PAWS Belgium, Joe Moran, introduced FOUR PAWS and our work, tying together the importance of working for better animal welfare in Europe:   “Suffering should never be silent. It’s our job here in Brussels to make sure that we give voice to the voiceless” The EU is currently the home of many cruel practices...  From the harsh realities of farming, where billions of animals are confined to cages and transported long distances to a cruel slaughter, to the sick, young puppies sold across the continent. 🐄🚚➡️💔🐕  From the cruelty of fur farms, where animals are killed for their coats to the exploitation of wild animals kept in unsuitable conditions as pets.🦊🧣➡️⛓️🐅 Every year, billions of animals endure brief, distressing lives, deprived of their natural needs. We are committed to working with policymakers to bring about meaningful change that affects the lives of many animals who have no voice to defend themselves. Discover more about our mission to improve innocent lives:  #DoBetterForAnimals #AnimalWelfare #AnimalWelfareLegislation #StopFactoryFarming #Farming #LiveAnimalTransport #ProtectPuppies #FurFreeEurope #RuthlessTrade #EU  📸 FOUR PAWS | Iris Haidau

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    🌍 On World Vegetarian Day, let’s celebrate the positive impact of choosing plant-based. 🌱 Every vegetarian meal helps reduce meat consumption and pushes back the date of Meat Exhaustion Day. A dietary shift towards plant-based foods, that for example replaces meat with legumes and nuts, will help reduce the climate change impacts of the global food system by 17%. By making compassionate choices, we’re not just improving the lives of animals—we’re also contributing to a more sustainable future. 💚 Join us in making a difference today and every day. Your choices matter! For more information, check out our Meat Exhaustion Day Report:   #WorldVegetarianDay #MeatExhaustionDay

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    Last Chance: Visit our Bear Sanctuaries before hibernation season begins 🐻💤 We have 7 bear sanctuaries and cooperation projects that are open for visitors. However, many are closing soon with winter on its way in the northern hemisphere. 🇦🇹 Austria: BEAR SANCTUARY Arbesbach open until 30 Nov 🇨🇭 Switzerland: Arosa Bear Sanctuary open until 24 Nov 🇧🇬 Bulgaria: BEAR SANCTUARY Belitsa open until 30 Nov 🇺🇦 Ukraine: BEAR SANCTUARY Domazhyr: please check for the latest updates: However, bear sanctuaries that are open all year round include: 🇩🇪 Germany: BEAR SANCTUARY Müritz 🇽🇰 Kosovo: BEAR SANCTUARY Prishtina 🇻🇳 Vietnam: BEAR SANCTUARY Ninh Binh Providing our rescued animals with species-appropriate homes would not be possible without our dedicated colleagues. ❤️ We ask that before you visit, you check the sanctuary's website or social media before to find the latest updates on opening hours and guided tours, as circumstances may change or vary. #Sanctuary #AnimalWelfare #Bear

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    🚨 We are in shock: Bear Mitko can no longer be saved by us! 💔 After living for years in a small and dirty cage next to a hotel and restaurant complex in Slovenia, the poor bear has been euthanised! Earlier this year bear Felix also passed away. He was kept for over 30 years in a concrete enclosure next to a hotel & restaurant where he passed away. Despite our relentless efforts to relocate five captive bears in Slovenia over the 2.5 years, only three remain alive. This is another tragic loss which could have been avoided! We hold the Slovenian Ministry for Natural Resources and Spatial Planning and their lack of action accountable for the tragic death of bears Mitko and Felix! Mitko was euthanised one day before the deadline to improve his living conditions ended. This week an inspector should have checked Mitko’s living conditions and pronounce the confiscation process. Mitko died before he could ever experience a bear-worthy life. 💔 Once again, we demand that the responsible Ministry for Natural Resources and Spatial Planning takes urgent and decisive action regarding the conditions in which the remaining captive bears Mascha, Mici, and Tim are kept! 🐻 They continue to live in cruel, substandard conditions and need specialised veterinary care. If no concrete action is taken to relocate them soon, they will share Mitko’s and Felix dramatic fate and die painfully in their small concrete cages. 💔

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