Ars Electronica

Ars Electronica

Museen, historische Sehenswürdigkeiten und Zoos

Linz, Oberösterreich 11.682 Follower:innen

It's not about technology. It's what we do with it.


We don't deliver the future, we help develop future viability. We work for and with our clients from business and industry, science and education, art and culture, to create experiential spaces and communication formats that address the big questions of the 21st century. With the expertise, creativity and passion of artists, designers, developers, technicians, scientists and activists, we explore how technology can be part of the solution.

Museen, historische Sehenswürdigkeiten und Zoos
51–200 Beschäftigte
Linz, Oberösterreich
Einzelunternehmen (Gewerbe, Freiberufler etc.)
Media Art, Technology, Innovation, Digitization, Transformation, Education, Digital Humanism, Workshops, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Robotics, Drones, Exhibitions, Interaction Design, Sustainability, Hybrid Events, Research, Open Call und Artificial Intelligence


Beschäftigte von Ars Electronica


  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

    11.682 Follower:innen

    Ars Electronica 2024 will take place in Linz from September 4 to 8 and will be dedicated to the title “HOPE – who will turn the tide”. Like never before, the Linz Festival for Art, Technology and Society will focus on artists, researchers, developers, activists, and entrepreneurs from all over the world. The main location will once again be POSTCITY, which is due to be demolished and will become a hotspot for the international media art scene for the seventh time. For more information about this years Ars Electronica Festival visit #arselectronica24

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  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

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    Like activists fighting for a fairer world, animation artists at the Ars Electronica Festival use modern technologies for self-reflection and criticize the social and technical aspects of the systems used. In 2024, the Ars Electronica Animation Festival, a collaboration between Ars Electronica and the University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria - Hagenberg Campus, once again invites you to an exciting program in the field of digital animation. Curated by Juergen Hagler and Daniela Duca De Tey, several screening programs follow the overarching theme of the Ars Electronica Festival “Hope – Who Will Turn the Tide?” and aim to inspire with a selection of artistic productions at the intersection of animation, art and technology. For the full article visit #arselectronica24 #whowillturnthetide

    • Last, Credit: Anna Bubenicek, Flora Kirnbauer
  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

    11.682 Follower:innen

    The Cifo | Cisneros Fontanals Art Foundation x Ars Electronica Awards 2024 are honoring innovative media art from Latin America for the third time in a row. More than 100 submissions by artists from 15 countries made it through the selection process – Federico Gloriani (AR) and Guely Morató Loredo (BO) have prevailed with their concepts and can look forward to prize money totaling 45,000 US dollars. This year’s winning projects use modern media technologies to address the ecological (im)balance and the use of raw materials in Latin America. The common link: a reflection on sustainable alternatives. Federico Gloriani discusses the recycling cycle of electrical appliances with his installation "Mutualidad de Fantasmática Electrónica" and receives 30,000 US dollars for his innovative concept. With "Triangle of Sacrifice", Bolivian artist Guely Morató Loredo focuses on the ongoing lithium mining in the “lithium triangle” between Argentina, Bolivia and Chile and receives prize money of 15,000 US dollars. Learn more about CIFO x Ars Electronica Awards here:

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  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

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    From hyperpop to rap to techno – with the support of the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia, this year’s Ars Electronica Nightline once again presents various artists from Switzerland who are creating innovative music in the midst of global challenges. The performances promise not only musical highlights, but also a powerful message of transformation and set an example for renewal in the industry with creative and trend-setting sounds. To learn more about the Ars Electronica Nightline visit Get your ticket for the Ars Electronica Fesitval 2024 here: #arselectronica24 #whowillturnthetide

    • Photo: Jessy Machetti
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    Unternehmensseite von Garamantis GmbH anzeigen, Grafik

    541 Follower:innen

    🔹 Eröffnung des neuen Hauses der Wirtschaft in Oberösterreich: Interaktive Raumgestaltung im Fokus 🔹 Wir freuen uns, ein spannendes Projekt im neuen Haus der Wirtschaft der Wirtschaftskammer Oberösterreich (WKOÖ) vorstellen zu dürfen. Im Juni 2024 wurde der Innovation Hub eröffnet, der durch die Kombination von Spiegelverglasung und interaktiven Screens ein besonderes Erlebnis bietet. Gemeinsam mit Ars Electronica Solutions haben wir einen Raum gestaltet, der durch moderne Technik und künstlerische Elemente interaktiv erlebbar wird. Hier einige Highlights: ✨ 40 integrierte Bildschirme hinter Spiegelglas: Digitale Inhalte reagieren auf die Position und Bewegung der Besucher*innen und schaffen so ein dynamisches Erlebnis. 🌍 Interaktive World Map: Ein animierter 3D-Globus entfaltet sich zu einer detaillierten Weltkarte, die das globale Netzwerk der WKOÖ mit über 170 Außenstellen darstellt. Besucher können durch das Abschreiten entlang der Spiegelwand dynamische Zeitzonen aktivieren und lokale Daten sowie Statistiken erkunden. 📊 Animierte Diagramme: Umrahmt wird die Weltkarte von interaktiven Diagrammen, die relevante lokale Daten visualisieren. Die Kombination aus spiegelnden Oberflächen und digitalen Inhalten verändert die Raumwahrnehmung und macht den Besuch im Haus der Wirtschaft Oberösterreich zu einem besonderen Erlebnis. 🔹 Alle Fotos und Infos zum Projekt: #Innovation #InteraktiveRäume #WKOÖ #HausderWirtschaft #ArsElectronica #Garamantis #Technologie #Kunst #Digitalisierung Fotos: Mario Schmidhumer, Isabel Schölmbauer / Ars Electronica, sowie Andreas Röbl

  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

    11.682 Follower:innen

    Launched in 2022 by the Bundesministerium für europäische und internationale Angelegenheiten (MFA Austria) and Ars Electronica in response to Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the State of the ART(ist) initiative will once again be awarding prizes to artists who take a stand against political, social or ecological threats. Out of 311 submissions, two projects have been selected to receive the 2024 main prize and 3,000 euros each: Nina Bulgakova (UA), Anastasiia Mostova (UA) and Kateryna Zhuravlova (UA) are awarded the “State of the ART(ist) – Main Prize” for Fertility Performance. The dance performance explores the ritual connections between femininity, eternal earth and fertility, focusing on individual life stories. Said Ahmed Mohamed Alhassan (SD) receives the “State of the ART(ist) – Main Prize” for his installation Haawriya, which uses visual and auditory elements to trace the civil protest for freedom, peace and justice during the Sudanese revolution (2019). In addition, the pan-European and EU co-funded Digital Deal initiative presented the Digital Deal Award to Rafiul Alom Rahman (IN), Rachita Sai Barak (IN) and Maniza Khalid (IN) for The Queer Muslim Project. All award-winning works can now be experienced in a virtual art gallery here: For more information visit

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  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

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    The Cello Octet Amsterdam and a robot ensemble by Nick Verstand, Maki Namekawa – the Big Concert Night in POSTCITY’s train hall will (once again) be a highlight of the festival! For more information visit #arselectronica24 #whowillturnthetide

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  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

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    At this year's Ars Electronica Festival, we are presenting the protagonists of hopeful developments in the field of art-science collabortion in the Theme Symposium. On Friday, 6 September, we will discuss sustainable futures in a program co-funded by EU in the context of the STUDIOTOPIA project. To find out more about STUDIOTOPIA vist #Studiotopia #ArtandSciences #Symbiocene

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  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

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    Melt, melt, baby! This is the motto of the climate-activist artist group Aggro Climate, which is launching its exaggerated campaign about the melting of the glaciers in the Enter_Tainer on Linz's main square. The Ice Age is over, as Alpine glaciers are expected to lose 91% of their surface area and 94% of their mass by the end of the century. But what will happen to the public landscapes of the glaciers when they melt? Sitting in a deck chair, sweating slightly and swaying to the hottest party hits, Aggro Climate wants to know what the coolest ideas of the people of Linz are for the time after the melting. Be critical, be provocative, be surprising and philosophise with Aggro Climate about red-hot concepts for the melting of the glaciers. You can easily become part of a competition of ideas that will melt hearts and expectations. Get ready for a cool celebration as Aggro Climate launches their bold new campaign that takes a provocative look at the future of our glaciers on 23 July, 2024 from 2-6 PM at Enter_Tainer, Hauptplatz Linz. For more information visit

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  • Unternehmensseite von Ars Electronica anzeigen, Grafik

    11.682 Follower:innen

    From September 2-4, the CIMUSET Conference 2024 will take place in Vienna. Attendees of the conference have the opportunity to purchase discounted day passes for the Ars Electronica Festival 2024 and participate in guided tours of POSTCITY and the Ars Electronica Center. Start with the conference and then enjoy the festival's innovative and creative atmosphere. Don't miss this opportunity to expand your knowledge and experience. For more info visit

    You are invited to register for the annual ICOM CIMUSET conference, which focuses on Technical and Scientific Museums and Collections. This year’s event will take place at the Technisches Museum Wien with Österreichischer Mediathek from September 2nd to 4th. It presents a great chance to reconnect and discuss the digital age's impact on museums, exploring both opportunities and challenges. Join speakers like Sarah Davies, Dragan Espenschied, Ceren Güneröz, and others for insightful reflections, stimulating provocations, and engaging debates.

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