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Rumour mill

Chapter 5: Broken hearts don’t mend here

Chapter Text

Andor gives the alliance co ordinates with ill grace, biting them out and refusing to even look at Jyn. The moment the course is plotted he storms away, face a mask of belligerence. Jyn watches him go and then throws herself into the pilots seat to stew.

Han gives both of them up as a bad job and decides to play Saabac with Chewie.

As it turns out their destination isn’t the rebellion, when the planet comes into view Han realises that Andor had brought them to an intermiedary. He’s a little insulted, even though he understands.

He stays in tbd cockpit as Andor grabs his supplies. Jyn stubbornly stays in her seat until quite literally the last second. Andor has one foot on planet the other on the landing ramp.

Jyn pulls up short halfway,


“I won’t tell command who extracted me,” He says shortly, his tone gruff and to the point.

“Thank you,” Jyn says, he’s keeping her secret, allowing her freedom, letting her go.

“I’m sorry,” she offers, because she is, for everything she’s said and not said, for all the could have beens.

“Yeah. Me too.” He shoulders his pack, begins to walk away before half turning.

“May the force be with you,”

The memory of Chirrit almost elicits a sob. She misses her friends, but she’s made her bed. Now she has to lay in it.

“And with you,”

She doesn’t look back as she ascends the landing ramp, pays far too much attention to the controls as it slams behind her. Separating her. Closing her off. It sounds final.

Because it is final, Jyn thinks. And heads back to the cockpit.