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Loki's Sacrifice
More - guess what - fan art of Coneycat's Thor-Being Human crossover series, 'Housemates', from her story Brother's Keeper.
- For Coneycat.
- Inspired by Brother's Keeper by Coneycat
This is a scene at the end of chapter 33, and anyone who follows her series can probably guess just which scene this is. It's such a major moment I couldn't not draw it, so... here it is.
For anyone who hasn't read her fic yet or isn't the whole way through, WATCH OUT SPOILERS BELOW.
Yeah, so this is the Loki death scene. For some reason, pencil just felt more appropriate for the gravity of the situation than pen.
Series this work belongs to:
Lynds, LadyInNightlyBlue, CreAtura38, AndyTheBooksnake, Sadly_sleepy, ciris_vesperi, WVrambler, leebeloola, ellen_ofx, writernotwaiting, Pictsiepanda, Funky_Twins, bunnypeach, Evilkitten3, HorribleDoomedMenace, tehren, depresso_bakugou, SerendipityBlue, Endless_Plains, vegalphalyra, artbear, RyuuLusca13, LoricFool, blue_braces, Outsider_Queen_23, Who_might_this_Bee, rainoverthemountains, PeaceLily, WeiWuqian, PreachingtotheQuire, endlessblankpages, brilliant_and_intolerable, DjAjFresh, Ga1903, KentukaZash, Zaniida, HingerLivi, ReadByRain15, AnyMoreBrightIdeas, raven_fett2020, PicotheZorin, PawnsVictory, AWalkingParadox, Arrownessalt, Kn1ght0wl5, bulgecursed, EagleCall, NPennyworth, crecasty, Red_Dragonn, and 43 more users as well as 113 guests left kudos on this work!