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Voltron to the Voltronth Power

Chapter 6: Not a Chapter, but Read it Anyways.


A little update on what is going on and plans for this story.

Chapter Text

Hey y’all, it’s ya boi, chatonfils, here. Now as many of you may know, I am a disaster. You’ve probably all seen that joke of an author’s note that said I was attempting to update monthly. It is funny how wrong I was. This story was originally posted on December 5th, 2016. I have not updated this story since July 21st, 2018. It is September 26th, 2019 as I am writing this. There are exactly 5 chapters and there are 11809 words. At this moment in time there are 59 comments, 172 kudos, 3218 hits, 79 subscriptions and 25 bookmarks. 


Anyone who follows my other fanfictions may note that my writing has vastly improved in the time I’ve not been writing this story. Which means chapter 6 is going to be horrendously different than the other 5 chapters. It’s not a cute look. Now, this is not me saying that this story is done for. Far from it actually. I mean, we still have to round up the rest of the paladins and get through to the end!


So here’s the game plan:


Step One: Rewrite/Heavily Edit chapters 1-5 to flow better and fall more in line with my current level of writing. Bonus points because I have already started this step. 


Step Two: Start putting the fixed chapters up in place of the old chapters. The story isn’t changing. Still the same plot, but it will be a far better read, and give more characterization and actually make this fic even longer than it already is.


Step Three: Publish Chapter Six. I am aiming to do this by January of 2020. I don’t know how well that is going to pan out. But I have been wanting to get a move on with this story for the longest time. After all this is the longest work I have ever written and it deserves to make its way to the end of the story.


Step Four: Try to write and upload the rest of the story by 2021. It is a tall order, but I believe in myself and I have been a lot better in the past month than I was for the previous year and a half. 


I don’t know if I will be adding more in between chapters or not. I seriously doubt it since this story mostly flows day to day, there isn’t much in between to write. And as I said before, it’ll be the same story, just better written. So when chapter 6 does get posted, all the previous chapters will have been updated to fit my current level of writing ability. I don’t know if I will delete this note or not, honestly. I think random authors notes in the middle of a fic are kind of messy, and I know I personally don’t like thinking there are more chapters done than there actually are. So if anything, I will end up copying and pasting this note into the note section of chapter 6 when it is updated.


I sincerely hope all of you amazing people can forgive my lack of updates. I feel awful having not updated every time I read your lovely comments. And I hope to rectify the long wait when I start updating this fic properly. 


Anyways, that’s the low down. Keep a look out for the word count changing to something other than 12400. That includes the words written in this note. 


Thank you for sticking with me for this long, and hopefully you’ll continue to stick around. :)



If you’d like to join my discord server for fun chats and chaos, I now have one! It makes it a little easier to see when my stories will be updated instead of being left in the dark to wonder.

Contact Me:
I’m chatonfils everywhere again

Attempting to update at least once a month. I'm not great with update schedules but I am trying super hard and this is already the longest fic I've got here.

Beware of tempting me with writing angst because I'm evil and I'll do it.