Chapter Text
Snow did this adorable illustration of Phil in his Juicy pants and Clint pulling him out of the dumpster!
Art by Snow of Phil in the Juicy pants!
Snow did this adorable illustration of Phil in his Juicy pants and Clint pulling him out of the dumpster!
Many thanks to [REDACTED] for amazing beta work!
Now that the challenge is over, I can reveal that Kathar was my amazing beta!
The prompts for this story:
- you found me in the dumpster (i thought i was dead and you're one disgruntled angel)
- cuddling (maybe with lucky too)
- having breakfast or eating (domestic)
- on a date
- with lucky the pizza dog
moonys_chocolate, Llinuss, j0yJ0Yj0yJ0Y, AlianaS, DashingHero, Cup_aTea, StarlingTree, wastedflowerfeilds, Lateo, Asitha, MangoIndigo, NiranjanaNyn, lookieloo856, Coffeeandotp, elletrishele, ButteryToast, HGRHfan35, Oneeyeddiva, Rospergs, Formerly_Sovereign, alrun, Elmerain, Emy_99, StoneQuill, TheCauldron, GoodGodHenry, thinkofanamelater, talkativeclouds, el1331, Brownhairandeyes, persephassax, coshiemonie, b_ananas, skeddy_kat, notalwayshiding, JackLuvsDaniel, tb92, sapphicndemonic, Dayglo, Longerthanexpected, CuteKneazle, writehandman, currentlykt, Readallthethings498, Rsbry_Beret, magpie_of_the_silver_princess, succulentlesbians, FunLover, thehomeplanet, Spatz, and 979 more users as well as 429 guests left kudos on this work!