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Cid Wars III: Return of the Thundergod

Chapter 5: Epilogue


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Rufus and Elena took their seats inside the theater for the premiere of When Chocobos Attack!. Once Uka Uka had been destroyed, Sakaguchi had returned to normal, and had even been so kind as to provide Rufus with some helium to suck on to return his head to normal. Sure, there was still the door scandal to deal with, but after he had been kidnapped, nearly trampled by chocobos, and had his head shrunk, it didn't seem so bad.

"Wow, this movie sure sounds exciting," Elena said.

"Please, Elena, I'd really like to stay in the theater this time," Rufus whispered.

The lights dimmed and the previews began. "Cute Animal Pictures presents.... from the creators of When Chocobos Attack!... World's Most Dangerous Call Spells!." The screen cycled through a rapid series of scenes of Bahamut blasting some soldiers, Leviathan creating a tidal wave, and even the newbie Quetzalcoatl shooting waves of lightning. "Coming soon to a theater near you!"

"That really looks like something!" Elena babbled. "World's Most Dangerous Call Spells... sounds pretty scary! Maybe we should go see that when it comes out. What do you think, Rufus? Uh, Rufus?"

Rufus looked at her with a pained expression. "Please," he said.

"Rufus? Rufus, why are you staring at the chair in front of us like that?"



"Chocobo Insanity" Lyrics By: James Gowdey
Grahf's Wardrobe By: Black Knight Design Co.
Assistant to Mr. Starr: Linda Tripp

A big thanks to Clyde Hudman for allowing me to make fun of him.

Special Thanks To:
Martha Fraundorf
Neil Hughes
Ken Fraundorf
Andrew Vestal
Corporal Dan
Patient Cosmo Canyon fans

Brought To You By:
The letter J

Frighteningly enough, the Hello Kitty car actually exists. And they really can't serve peanuts on airplanes anymore.

This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to or appearance of actual people, places, or events is intended only for purposes of political and social satire. The events in this story are entirely fictional. Based on the games by Square, Contrail, and Capcom.


Coming soon to your PlayStation... A Bug's Half-Life

Series this work belongs to: