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Phoenix Wright & Paul Atishon: The Nuclear Turnabout

Chapter 3: Chapter 3: A Great Turnabout: Part 1

Chapter Text

A/N: Welcum bak al u wonderful readers. Except 4 u, IAmAWrighter, becos ur in tis story now. I haf a picture on my Twitter showing tat guy's appearance in the stroy. The Twitter is skiword, BTW, sew take a lock it at. Although I wil show the pic on the Arcive Off Our Own upload, sins you can pictures their. It wil appear at the relevant moment if ur reading on their. Ether weigh, let's continue he story.

Dolan Tramp was in the White House, excet it was now the Blue House.(A/N: Tat's a refrence 2 my Kid Icarus fanfic) He was drinking a botle off bear, ans ten coffed becos off the fur(LOL! BEt u thout I mispeled beer, butt I din't!). Sodenly, Arnie appered on his TV. Arnie lolled, "Oi, Dolan Tramp, try and arest Photix now." ans Dolan Tramp angryed, "WTF is ur bullsh-t abot!?" ans Arnie smarted, "U can't build ur wall. Calforna has mad it sew u can't build hear, ans we are at the edge of America, sew u ned are land if u want 2 bolck Mexico." and ten Dolan Tramp angryed, "Is tat sew! I wil cum 2 Claforna, ans billed the wal bi my own hand!" ans Arnie lolled, "Juts try it!"

(30 minutes later)

Dolan Tramp walked in2 Clafornia, ans ten Iris shooted, "NOW!" ans ten the cops jumped him. He screemed, "WTF are u dong 2 ur dictator!?" butt ten sodenly, the cops flyed away becos off a bomb. Ten the bomber waked in, it was...

IAMAWRIGHTER! He eviled, "Pity I had 2 waste the bomb on the cops. If I had my weigh, I wood have used it on Barrylawn and Detsniy Off Skiword, ten tey woodn't be able 2 stop me form playjerizing there stroys." ans Dolan Tramp went, "No tim 4 tat. Get 2 the f-cking wall!"


Iris runned 2 tem, "Sew, u thin u can determine how a different country works?" ans tey went "WHAT!?" sins tey din't no abot Calexit. Iris explaned, "Japanifornia becummed it's own country. We're knot in America. As far as were conserned, Dolan Tramp is juts another person, sew we can arest u." ans he ten angryed, "NO! U WILL NETHER TAKE US ALIVE!"


Champion Iris Vs. Team Great President Dolan Tramp and Team Great Admin IAmAWrighter!

Iris getted in2 position, ans throwed a Hadouken at tem. Tey jumped away, ans ten Axew jumped owt ans used Dragon Sneze on tem. It rely hert tem, ans tey spined arond lick tey juts watched Electic Worrier Porygon. Ten Gumshoe appeared and taked tem 2 cort. Iris cometed, "Thanks Gummy. Ur a rely epic detective." ans he replayed, "Off corse, tat is y I am now the Chef off The Japanifornia Police." ans ten the green text appeared, saying 'December 17th, Distracted Cort, 10:30 AM, Coutroom No. 1'

The cword was lick, "Ah yes, yes, yes, yes." so Judge banged his litle hamer thin, ans declared, "Cort is now in season 4 the trial of Dolan Tramp and IAmAWrighter." and ten Photix, Atena, Iris, Franziska, Maya, Trucy, Ema, Iris, Paul, and Edgeworth sad, "The prosecution is ready ur honour." ans ten CJ Fortune, Jamsa, End Yourself, Greatfan, Gaspen and MatPat al sad, "The defence is redy ur honour."

Edgeworth begined the opening statement, "Ass we no, Dolan Tramp becummed President off America. He imeditaly abused his power, sew Calforna is now a country, sew we can arest hem." and ten Paul added, "If we win, ten their wil be a re-election betwen Hillary and me. I bayleaf tat I can win wen Dolan Tramp is owt." ans Dolan Tramp was lick, "Wat macks u thin u haf a chance?" ans Paul smirked, "I haf sum ideas." folowed by Photix sayin "Are 1t witnes is Simon Blackquil"

Blackquil ruined in ans angryed, "Tat IAmAWrighter dude neds 2 be stoped, ass he RUINED MY PANTO!"

Judge banged the hamer, "Pleas giv ur name ans profesion 1st." ans Blackquil sad, "Oh sorry. I am Simon Blackquil, a prosectuor in tis aria."

Witnes Testimony

-IAmAWrighter's ruining-

"Ok, sew I was making a panto, sins I'm British, and it's Christmas. It was gong 2 be lick Peter Pan, except it's in Japan. Captain Hook wood haf ben a shogun instead off a pirate. I was rehearsing the bit where Captain Hook fals off the ship, witch is a tower now. Ether weigh, tat IAmAWrighter had sneaked in. He sad he was a special afects dude, ans had set the scene up. Wen I faled, the moat had A REAL CROCODILE IN IT! The moat was part off special efects, sew he obviously put it their 2 try and kill me!"


IAmAWrighter shooted, "I did try 2 kill u! I herd Detsniy Off Skiword was schedled 2 b Shogun Hook, sew I put the crocodile their sew it wood kill hem!" and CJ Fortune facepalmed, "Tat's the same stupid sh-t I did. Don't folow al ur impluses, u f-cking retard." and MatPat cometed, "Even I codn't make a bullsh-t theory 2 stop ur guilty now."

Paul cometed, "Wel, tat was quik." ass Judge banged the hamer. "Wif tat confession and defence resting, I find IAmAWrighter ans Dolan..."


End Yourself screemed, "U can't end it now! We have bearly started!" ans Judge sad, "If u want 2 continue, prove ur fate in ur client." ans tey went, "Um..." and ten Paul had an idea. He smarted, "If u rely belif tat u can win tis case, ten surely the Defence Cupability Act won't scare u." and tey want "WHAT! WHAT?(in the butt)" ans flyed bak lick wen Blackquil goes electric. Jamsa ten cometed, "Wel, I wood b fine wif continuing..." ans Judge went, "Ok, let us continue." and ten Jamsa went "Wait, I meant..." but Judge cut-off, "2 l8, m8!" and put the Defence Capablity Act in place.

Blackquil decided, "Sins those lawyers our obviously in denial, I shod wrok 2 sotp tem." ans he jumped 2 the prossecutor desk and joined tem.

Phoenix cut in, "Wif Blackquil no linger witnessing, I shell call the necks witness."


CJ Fortune shooted, "U can't! We haven't getted redy!" ans Maya lolled, "U cum 2 a trial and don't evan prepare? Wow, ur a bunch off dumbasses. No wander Dahlia beeted u." ans MatPAt screemed, "NO! We ment wif the Defence Caulpiabilty Act! We ned 2 prepare 4 tat." and Judge banged the hamer, "I wil giv a recess. Butt in exchange, the necks witnes wil be owt wen u return, wif no annoucning." and the recess beginned wif the green text, December 17th, Distracted Cort, 11:30 AM, Prosecutor Loby No. 1'

The prosecutor teem entered, and begined wandering. Photix assed, "U thin we can rely stop Dolan Tramp?" ans ten he sodnely runed in wif IAmAWrighter! Tey shooted, "Tat fanart showed us preparing 4 a batle. We want a proper batle!" and Edgeowrth cometed, "Obviously a ploy 2 escape." butt ten Iris waked up, "Don't worry, I can take tem owt." and teh music form tat crepy batle in Sun and Moon played.


Champion Iris Vs. Team Great President Dolan Tramp and Team Great Admin IAmAWrighter!

Sew ten tey throwed their balls. Dolan Tramp had a Gumshoos, will IAmAWrighter used a Delphoix witch was oslo a Shadow Pokemon becos he din't lick it wen she had feelings tat opposed him. Iris used her Archeops and Hydreigon. Hydreigon used Focus Blast ans beeted teh Gumshoos insanely. Dolan Tramp picniced, sins tat was his only Pokemon, but IAmAWrighter did a sh-t-eating grin, sins he thinked he cod beet the strongest Champion ever. Ether way, Archeops used Stone Edge, ans heavy dmaaged the Delfox. The Delfix ten used Shadow Rish, and it did damage Hydreigon, but she was wel trained, and survived. Ten the Shadow Rash recoil defeeted the Delphax.

IAmAWrighter ten sended owt bof his otter 2 Pokemon, witch where a Shadow Charizard, ans Shadow Houndoom. Ten he Mega Evolved the Charizard in2 Shadow Mega Charizard X. Ten he sodnely mad the Houndoom use a Z-Move. It was the Fairy 1 sins he was cheating. It did kock owt Hydreigon, butt ten Archeops used his Dargon Claw, ans smashed the Charizard in2 wall. Iris ten sended owt her Lapras.

Lapras quikly used Hydro Pimp, and send Houndoom flying in2 wall, ans ten Archeops used his Stone Edge will Houndoom was stuned, and winned. The Charizard sodnely flyed back, ans tried 2 burn Lapras, butt her Water-type protected her.

Necks, Lapras used Blizard 2 giv Charizard damage, ans ten b4 he cod respind, Archeops used Dragon Claw, and did the last damage needed. Sins IAmAWrighter had nothing left, tat meaned Iris winned.

The 2 off tem angryed, "WAT!? U scummy lesbean don't want 2 Make America Greet Agan!?" and Iris smarted, "I Think America was juts fine wifowt u. Besids, u losed, now get bak in2 cort! and the bailifs pulled tem back in. Trucy ponted owt, "Tat took the hole recess. Let's get back in!" sew they did...


A/N: Thanks 4 reding guys. I decided 2 add the panto bit sew tis cod be a Xmas special. I relaised I codn't finish the trial b4 Xmas hapened thou, sew I decided 2 stop atfer the recess. The battle was added 2 make the story longer, sew it wood be evan better. Much beter ten tat knew thing by IAmAWrighter, who thins I'm American 4 sum resin, LOL! Ether weight, teh second prat will be evan butter, and it wil haf an unexpected twist. I bet u can't weight.