Chapter Text
Alot - There is no such word! It is two words . . . a lot (of sweets, bicycles, warriors etc.).
Allot - to share out, to give a portion. As in, 'We were each allotted a bedroll, a saddle and a horse when we joined the cavalry.'
I would of / I wouldof - there is no such phrase. It should be 'I would have', don't do it unless you are reflecting the way a character speaks, if they are lower class.
I could of / couldof - as for 'would of'; this should be 'could have'.
Course - You steer a course. Some games, like golf, are played on a course. You follow a course of action.
Coarse - Poor cloth can be coarse. Language can be coarse. Hair can be coarse. The coats of animals can be coarse. You go coarse fishing (for fish that are not game fish, not salmonids).
Decimated - That word 'decimated' . . . It's a bugbear for me! I inherited my loathing for it from my boyfriend, who always ranted when it got misused. Now I rant. It is a term from the Romans. It means to kill one tenth of a force or a community or group. It was a punishment the Romans used to keep their own and other armies and groups in check. People use it all the time when they want to suggest great havock and many deaths being wrought, but in doing so they use it inaccurately! It was a punishment the Romans used to keep their own and other armies in check. People use it all the time when they want to suggest great havock and many deaths being wrought, but in doing so they use it inaccurately!
Descent / decent It is a long descent into darkness for Loki when he falls (jumps?). Thor is a decent enough man, but not all that perceptive. (Okay, I admit it, I found this error in one of my own works).
Here / hear - You hear with your ears, you come here of your own volition.
Piece/Peace - You give someone a piece of your mind when you want to make your point. You seek peace of mind when you go on a retreat or fix things with a cup of tea, or try to relax and forget it all.
Rain/reign/rein - It rains a lot where I live. We get wet. Natives of the city always carry umbrellas. You hold the horse's reins. You rein the horse in. If you are royalty you might get to reign over your subjects. Tyrants reign. Clouds rain. Animals are led on reins. Silence reigns, and we all get wet.
Stylus / stylist - A stylus is a metal tool akin to a pen, or sometimes can suggest a pen, pencil, pointer or other implement used to scratch onto a surface or to make marks. A stylist is a hairdresser (usually) or someone who advises on how to dress, or decorate somewhere (less commonly used this way in the UK - more people have hair stylists than have interior design or fashion advisors)..
Stylish Someone who has flair in how they dress and leads fashion trends rather than following the. Can also be applied to things.
She has a stylish handbag. His home is stylishly decorated.
There / their / they're - There is spelled like here, and indicates place. Their indicates that something belongs to 'them'. They're is a shortened version of the phrase 'they are'.
You can only travel there by bantha. Their coats are thick and coarse. They're going to be tough to learn to ride. See / sea - See with your eyes (two eyes, two ees in see). You see the ships that are sailing on the sea, which crashes as waves on the beach (also 'ea').
Beach / beech - The waves crash on the beach. The forest comprises of beech trees and oaks.
Two / too / to - 'Two' is a number. 'Too' is a stressing word; it emphasises a quantity. 'To' indicates movement from one place or state to another, a preposition - a word that shows how things are related in space or otherwise.
The two elves were carrying bows. They were too far away, yet, to tell what type of elves they were. We went to meet them.
Too much, too soon, too far, too many.
I threw the ball to her. I went to the bathroom. I was definitely going to tell on her!
Which / witch - Which indicates a choice has to be made. A witch is a person reputed to be capable of casting spells or using magic to make things to happen how they want them to.
Which child stole the lollipop? Which way should we go? Which shoes have you chosen to wear? Watch out for the witch, she might be nice to you!