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Chapter 23: It All Adds Up


Shepard is still angry, but they need the Quarians - and the Geth.


I know it’s been a ridiculously long time, but I kinda got stuck. I haven’t forgotten this.

Chapter Text

The mission to aid the Quarians in taking back Rannoch was not something Shepard had wanted to get involved in.  Their war with the Geth had rather unfortunate timing.

Or so she thought.

after finding Legion plugged into a hub server on a Geth dreadnought, Shepard had discovered that the Quarian attack on Rannoch had driven the Geth to take drastic action: a portion of the Geth collective rewrote their code and rejoined the Reapers.  It was a tactical choice for survival.  Only one of the Quarian admirals has been open to the possibility that the Geth hadn’t been at fault for the rift between creator and creation.  The Quarians now living had been raised to believe that the Geth has achieved sentience entirely on their own and had risen against their creators to expel them from their home world with no provocation, leaving them adrift in space, scavenging to survive.

When Shepard had met Legion shortly before going to take down the Collectors, she got her first hint that the story everyone had been told wasn’t entirely accurate.  After the admirals had made a string of decisions that nearly killed her crew Shepard had begun to suspect that Han’Gerrel, at the very least, knew.  Now, as she walked back on board the Normandy, she knew for certain that he’d attacked the Geth dreadnought with her inside on purpose.

Shepard pulled her helmet off and shook out her hair, sweat flying from her soaked blonde locks.  The move unwittingly sprayed Vega, who flinched slightly.

”Wow,” Vega whistled.  “I’m wearing the sweat of the great Commander Shepard.  I may never shower again!”

”locked in that armor with your own B.O.?”  Garrus chuckled.  “You have fun with that.”

”Hey, I’ve been blessed!”  Vega joked.  “This is better than that time Tali thought she saw Shepard’s face in her soup!”

”True story,” Tali quipped.

”I just got my Commander Shepard pajamas,” Steve Cortez cracked as the crew finally walked toward the lift.

”I’ve got my Commander Shepard cereal,” Garrus added.  “Dextro-friendly, because Shepard loves everybody!”

”I heard that Liara wears Commander Shepard panties,” Tali continued.

”Nah,” Vega shook his head with a mischievous grin.  “That was just a rumor.  Doctor T’Soni doesn’t wear panties.”

”Vega, do I need to kick your ass again?” Shepard warned.

”You can kick my ass any time, Lola,” Vega chortled.  “Just let me take holos so I can show my grandkids!”

”No, see, you should get another tattoo, Vega,” Garrus intoned as they filed into the newly-arrived lift.  “A print of Shepard’s boot on your right ass cheek.”

”Damn, that’s a good one!” Vega guffawed.

”Suck it, Vakarian,” Shepard glowered.  “This boy needs no encouragement.”

”Oh, but it’s so much fun,” Garrus laughed.

When the lift stoped at the crew deck, everyone filed out.  Practically on autopilot Shepard turned toward Dr. Alani’s Office.  The door slipped shut behind her and she looked up to see Liara sitting comfortably in a chair next to the ship’s counselor.

”When you plugged into the Geth mainframe I felt it,” Liara said almost apologetically.

”You felt it?” Shepard repeated, puzzled.  “I’m not sure I really felt anything.  Well, my nose tingled, but other than that...”

”Your nose tingled?” Liara giggled.

”You know,” Shepard remarked as she dropped into the remaining chair.  “That feeling you get when someone smacks you in the back of the head?”

”That makes your nose tingle?” Liara chuckled.

”Okay, maybe that’s just a human thing,” Shepard muttered.

“Why did you plug yourself into the Geth mainframe?” Dr. Alani asked, redirecting the conversation.

”Legion needed to show me something,” Shepard sighed.  “The Geth are not the villains we’ve been led to believe.  Not by a long shot.”

Liara’s jaw dropped.  “Show me.”

Dr. Alani slowly initiated a meld with the pair, facilitating a replay of everything Shepard had seen.


*     *     *


Tali was confused.  All her life, she’d Been taught that her people had been violently expelled for no viable reason.  Rannoch had been lost because the Geth were able to make themselves sentient and rose up against their innocent creators.  The cause of her people was just, they’d said - and one day they would see their homeworld again.

Everything she’d ever known had just been upended.  Shepard, her friend and Captain for some time, the woman who had taken her under wing and taught fighting and strategy, had discovered another side to the 300-year-old struggle.  It did not paint a pretty picture.

Tali’Zorah had joked with her squadmates upon returning to the Normandy.  She tried to keep her spirits up.  As she exited the lift in the CIC and turned toward the aft of the ship - where Admiral Raan was firmly entrenched - her mind turned into a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions.

A familiar voice brought her back to the present.  “Tali?  Are you alright?”

Tali turned to Shala’Raan.  “What really happened with the Geth, Auntie Raan?”

”What do you mean?” Raan queried.

”I have always been told that the Geth found sentience on their own,” Tali replied.  “That their own actions led to their rebellion.  Is that the truth?”

”Why would you ask such a question?” Raan asked, sounding wounded.

”Shepard was able to enter the Geth collective,” Tali said.  She slowly descended the steps and moved to stand directly in front of her family’s oldest friend.  “Their side of the story is very different.  We gave them sentience.  Then we tried to shut them off.  They wanted to live.”

”Would you truly believe those machines over the history of your own people?” Raan sounded absolutely scandalized.

”The Geth May be sentient, but I doubt they have concocted such a grand story for entertainment,” Tali challenged.  “We could lose everything if the truth were known.”

”Such as?” Raan retorted.

”The one thing that remains completely and universally illegal in Council space is experimentation with artificial intelligence,” Tali replied.  “Discovery of the Geth being the total creation of the Quarians could bring crippling sanctions down on us.  Our refugee status could be revoked, aid from Council races would dry up, and we would have no support in retaking the homeworld!”

”We already have no support,” Raan hissed.

Just then, Shepard arrived.  “If it weren’t for the intel I’ve retrieved, that statement would be true,” she growled.  She was still in her armor and Liara was ever present, barely two steps behind.  “I would pull chocks and hit FTL before you had time to wonder what was going on.  As it is, there’s a serious problem on the planet’s surface, and I can’t leave it the way it is.”

”Captain Shepard,” Raan greeted the Commander by a rank above her station, as all Quarians did.  “What have you found?”

”There is a base about a hundred klicks from the ruins of the Quarian Capitol,” Shepard announced.  She worked the haptic interface until a three-dimensional schematic of the base appeared on the holo.  “Most of the main structure is Quarian, although it has been heavily altered by the Geth.  The Reapers are broadcasting their signal from this base.”

”With the cannons offline it should be safe to approach the base,” Raan thought aloud.  “Do we know what kind of defenses are on site?”

”Heavily fortified by multiples of every known Geth combat platform,” Shepard replied.  “Including primes.  This is an extremely high-value target. All hands on deck.”

”You’re going now?” Raan said incredulously.

”The Geth haven’t had time to recover from the destruction of the virus in their operating code,” Shepard replied.  “Now is our best shot.  The longer we wait, the closer we get to this mission becoming impossible.”

”I will coordinate the fleet response,” Raan promised.

Tali followed Shepard and Liara out of the room, mentally promising to finish the discussion later.  If we take Rannoch, we are going to need all the help we can get rebuilding, she thought.  If it is true that we are responsible for the Geth becoming self-aware, then we have to be prepared for anything the Council decides.


*     *     *


Two short hours later, Shepard and the entire ground crew was sweeping the Geth base.  Their movements were methodical; Tali would hack rocket troops for help while the rest of the crew picked off distracted attackers.  Pyro troops would appear briefly but were mercifully susceptible to small-arms fire.  The major problem came when Shepard activated the override panel.  Three Geth primes came up from the lift, cannons and missile drones rapidly driving everyone to cover.  It had taken a great deal of coordination and slow fighting, but they’d been able to beat back the giant killers and Shepard and Tali returned to the panel.

”It shouldn’t take long,” Tali said, going to work on her omni-tool.  “The reaper signal is originating from under the platform at the edge of the walkway.  I’ll open the blast doors so we can destroy whatever is down there.”

Shepard, Vega, Garrus, and Liara made their way to the edge of the walkway.  Shepard twitched her chin upward at Vega; in response, he pulled a large rifle-type device from the lower hardpoint on the back of his armor and handed it to her.  Shepard switched the device on and allowed it to power up.  A few seconds later the blast doors opened and Shepard aimed the device into the cavernous blackness of the hole below.

”Shepard to Normandy,” she called.  “Are you receiving targeting coordinates?”

“Affirmative,” came EDI’s reply.

”Fire,” Shepard ordered.

Seconds ticked by.  It felt too long.  Finally, Shepard heard the whine of a missile careening from the sky.  She listened to it draw closer until it screamed past the crew, through the hole, and exploded.  The walkway shuddered beneath their feet but there was a surprising lack of smoke above ground.  She stared down into the pit, wondering how deep it was to see little more than a tiny trail of smoke whisping upward.

Then she saw it.  The familiar glow of a Doomsday cannon.  It was quickly joined by the frightening hum of everyone’s worst nightmare.

”It’s an actual Reaper,” Shepard yelled.  “GO!  Everybody, DOUBLE TIME!”

Shepard tore off without a second thought, grateful to hear several sets of footfalls clanging and banging on the walkway behind her.  She ran as fast as her legs would move, never stopping to look back.  She could feel the rhythmic rumble of the massive ship stirring below ground.  Getting as far away as possible was priority number one, and she couldn’t hesitate.  Every life behind her counted on that.

she got close enough and took a flying leap into the back of the transport, skipping across the long back section and vaulting into the front seat.  Upon seeing a drive interface that wasn’t organic-friendly, she moved away from the driver’s seat.

”LEGION!”  Shepard bellowed.  He had already made his way to the driver’s side and quickly climbed in, losing no time interacting with the device.

”Oh, thank the Spirits,” Garrus loudly prayed.  “She’s not driving!”

Shepard turned to do a head count and was relieved to find Liara directly behind her.  Vega, EDI, Tali, Garrus, Jarvik, Alenko...the gang was fully accounted for.  “Everybody hang on!  We have to move and I don’t wanna lose anybody!”

Legion took off at a perfectly-measured rate of acceleration.  At nearly the same moment, the ghastly siren of the Reaper’s horn reverberated around the canyon.  Shepard stood in her seat, carefully braved herself against the frame, and raised the targeting laser.

”EDI, release targeting information to the Quarian fleet!”  Shepard ordered.  “I need all the firepower we have locked into this thing!”

”Aye, aye,” EDI replied.

a quick moment later, a welcome voice sounded over the comm.  “This is Han’Gerrel.  We are receiving the targeting signal, but it won’t hold steady!”

Shepard looked around and quickly found what she was looking for.  The canyon that the base had been built into was enormous, but there was a perfect spot from which to target the Reaper: a shelf overlooking a giant set of rock stairs with a wide-open view of their enemy.  There was plenty of room to run if she needed to get away from the cannon.

”Legion, drop me there!” Shepard yelled, pointing toward her objective.

Legion steered back around and and came to a halt at the top of the ridge.  Shepard jumped down and took one step before she “heard” Liara.

{There has to be another way!}

Shepard turned and locked eyes with her.  “Legion, get them to safety.”

She couldn’t afford to stop and talk.  There was a Reaper trying to kill them, and if they took the time to say goodbye it could end up costing the fleet.  She took up a position on the ridge and aimed right at the Doomsday cannon, painting it with the laser.  The cannon opened and began to fire, the giant red laser tearing a path from the canyon floor all the way up to the ridge.  It was as if the Reaper couldn’t actually see her exact location.

Shepard held her position as long as she dared.  When she could feel the heat of the beam, she broke off and ran, following the ridge until she was far enough to stop and take aim again.  The Reaper recovered quickly, but Shepard’s targeting laser locked in faster.

The fleet reacted quickly.  Shepard heard the order for all ships to open fire; the Reaper was hit by a massive volley of orbital fire, cutting off its cannon.  The beam clipped the ridge on which Shepard stood, and the ground beneath her began to give way.  One moment’s hesitation was all it took.  She looked down to see the top of the next step on the ridge.  

Shit, she thought.  That’s an awful lot further than I thought.

She tried to surf the debris, but ended up tangled in it.  She felt her stomach flutter as she free-fell for at least four seconds, fully expecting to be crushed.  She could hear the deafening blast of the Reaper’s call after landing and moved to stand - only to find her left leg pinned.  She looked up at the ship and saw it preparing to take off; rather than fighting to free herself, Shepard turned the targeting laser on her foe and held steady.  At first, it didn’t notice.  As soon as she heard the beeping of a lock, the Reaper stopped and turned back to her.

This is it, Shepard thought.  I can’t get away from it this time.

it happened in slow motion.  The Reaper turned.  The cannon began to glow, the fire.  Shepard took a breath and stared down the monster.  Hold steady.  There was no rising panic, no pressing need to escape.  There was no escape to be had.  She’d always hoped that she would be prepared to look death in the face without flinching.  As the beam approached, she thought of the one person she wished she could live for.

{I love you.}


*     *     *


From their position in cover, Liara felt a sudden sense of peace and acceptance.  She was confused at first, but the truth quickly dawned on her.  The aches and pains she’d felt were from Shepard, and her liver was in a situation that her years of training and experience told her was inescapable.

”Legion, turn us around,” Liara commanded.

”Negative,” Legion replied.  “Shepard-Commander -“

”Is in danger!”  Liara cut him off.  “Take us back!”

”Legion, she’s right,” Garrus followed.  “If the Commander needs help, we’re the closest.”

Legion turned the transport and raced back to the ridge.  To Liara, every second that slipped by was an eternity.  She wanted to yell at Legion to go faster, but her logical mind knew he was already going as fast as he could.  As they approached, Liara could see a massive cloud of dust.  The Reaper dreadnought that had previously dominated the landscape now lay in a heap.  Liara reaches out for Shepard’s mind but found only hazy disbelief.  The crew reached their destination to find that most of the upper ridge was gone, collapsed around scorched troughs where the Doomsday cannon had cut into the rock face.  Shepard was nowhere to be seen.

”Shepard!”  Liara called, hoping to hear something.  The crew disembarked and everyone with an omni-tool activates then to begin searching.  

They carefully picked their way down the landslide until finally, Garrus’ omni-tool softly pinged.  “Over here!”  He called, instantly getting the attention of everyone nearby.  They all converged on his location, making sure not to trample the area.

”Everyone back!”  Liara yelled.  Her hands lit with the blue glow of her biotics and with a generous helping of concentration, she lifted a jaw-dropping layer of rock and dirt straight up.  She tossed it up and over, as far away from the crew as she could.

There, barely conscious but breathing, was Commander Shepard.

Everyone went to work, pulling rocks away to free her.  Once she was finally loose, Liara activated Shepard’s medi-gel dispenser.  Within a few seconds Shepard’s eyes shot open; she frantically looked around as she struggled to stand.

Liara helped her to her feet and held her steady.  “Everyone is safe.  The Reaper is down.  The mission is a success.”


A deep, digitally-tinged voice boomed throughout the canyon, making a liar out of Liara.  Shepard’s first step was a stumble but she made her way to the edge of the new ridge and faced her enemy.  Liara felt a swell of pride at the courage on display.  

“You know who I am?”  Shepard called.

”Harbinger speaks of you,” the Reaper rumbled.  “You resist, but you will fail.  The cycle must continue.”

”Bullshit.  We stopped Saren and the Geth.  We stopped Harbinger and the Collecters.  I think we’ve earned the right to know why you want to destroy us.”

”It is not a thing you can comprehend.”

”We might surprise you.”

”You represent chaos.  We represent order.  Every organic civilization must be harvested to bring order to the chaos.  It is inevitable.  Without our intervention, organically are doomed.  We are your salvation.”

”You’re killing people to save them?”

”The cycle must continue.  There is no alternative.”

”This is insane.  Organic sand synthetics don’t have to destroy each other!”

”The battle for this planet disproves your assertion.  Finish your war.  We will be waiting.”

With that, the cannon went dark and the ship slouched into the dirt.  Shepard swayed on her feet.  Liara wrapped both arms around her just before her strength failed.  She lowered Shepard to the ground and supported her with her own body as Legion approached.