Chapter Text
"You know I like having dinner here," Harry laughed, perplexed by Severus's nervous behavior. "We've probably eaten here a hundred times in the last six months." He stepped inside, enjoying the familiar aromas of noodles and duck and spices.
"I thought you might enjoy an evening out with your friends."
"Did they pester you, too?" Hermione had sent Harry three owls that week, suggesting that he and Snape both come to dinner with her and Ron. And he'd meant to, really he had, but he saw Ron plenty at work and had visited Hermione twice in her office and as soon as he could get away from the Ministry, the only thing Harry could ever think about was getting home and shagging Severus on the nearest piece of furniture. Several months together hadn't dulled that desire at all.
Whenever Severus suggested a visit to The Fortune Cookie, though, Harry felt like going there together would feel like a homecoming of sorts. He was giving Harry one of those smiles that, if they'd been alone, would have landed them right back in bed. They'd moved into Harry's house together with remarkable ease and into Harry's bed with a gratifying reluctance to get out of it every morning. Probably he should have invited his friends to dinner, but Hermione was still a bit awkward, calling Severus sir no matter how many times he told her it wasn't necessary, and Ron still blushed when Harry took Severus's hand or gave him a casual kiss on the cheek.
"It was Malfoy who pestered me," Severus said. "Though I think less from a desire to see me than because he likes the food here and none of his pureblood friends will be seen in the place." Harry smirked at this. Unlike with Hermione, Severus had not told Draco to stop calling him sir, claiming that students who had been in Slytherin House were required to show the proper respect.
"Well, I'd have invited them, but I thought I'd wait till everyone was around. Luna's gone off to investigate monsters in Scotland. And Neville's visiting Ginny in Belize -- she's doing a Quidditch exhibition there."
Severus looked as relieved that Ginny Weasley would not be attending as Harry felt about the unlikelihood of Lucius Malfoy ever setting foot in the restaurant. Something funny was up; he could tell from Severus's expression. But before he could ask, Daiyu arrived, giving him a big smile as she offered to show them to their table. Her boyfriend, whose name had turned out to be Jim, arrived to take their order. He had cut off his ponytail in the months since Harry had first met him...likely at the behest of Mr. Li, Harry guessed. They spent the time before the food arrived comparing notes on the latest round of Ministry reorganizations.
It wasn't until Daiyu brought the roast duck that Harry noticed she was wearing an engagement ring.
"It looks like congratulations are in order," he said, scarcely noticing that, at his side, Severus had frozen, his hand gripping Harry's with sudden strength. Harry slipped his grip free and gave Daiyu a brief hug. She too looked startled but pleased, lifting her ring finger for all to see.
"My uncle wants a big wedding," she told him. "All friends of Harry are invited."
There were warm handshakes all around, and Severus even consented to be hugged. Then there was tea to serve and gossip to catch up on, and Harry wondered how he'd ever enjoyed being alone in this place when he now had friends who worked there and a lover to share his roast duck. Even as he thought it, Harry knew that having Severus in his life had made him happy and whole in a way that nothing else ever had.
Sliding his hand under the table, he groped for Severus's hand and gave it a squeeze. Severus's head turned, giving him a private smile, the one that had never failed to warm Harry's blood. They shared the duck and an order of crispy pork mostly in silence, which was mostly companionable and intimate though Harry still thought Severus seemed distracted. Well, Severus would tell him what that was about when Severus was ready.
They had jian dui with lotus paste for dessert, then Severus signaled Daiyu for the check. Strangely, it arrived with only one fortune cookie.
"See? You stop doing magic for them and they run short on the thing they're named after," Harry joked. "Here -- you can have it."
But Severus pushed the cookie back toward Harry. "This one is for you."
Cocking a bemused eyebrow, Harry broke the cookie in half. His eyes were still on an oddly blushing Severus as the slip of paper inside fell into his hand. Harry looked down to read the message on it.
Will you marry me?
"Is this -- did you -- " He took a deep, exhilarated breath. "Yes, of course I'll marry you!"
He hadn't meant for his voice to carry, but Jim whooped and began to clap, followed by Daiyu, who raced over to give Harry a hug. From the back near the kitchen, Mr. Li stepped out with a thunderous expression, though he held his tongue when he saw Harry being applauded by the restaurant staff.
It was several minutes before everyone left him and Severus alone again, though Harry felt as if he'd been smiling for days at that point.
"You planned this," he said, stating the obvious.
"I thought you might find it appropriate." Severus was smirking.
"Oh yeah, except for one thing." Now Severus's brow furrowed. "A question isn't really a fortune. A fortune is more like, 'You're going to get married and live happily ever after.' I've been meaning to tell you."
"Suddenly you're an expert on fortune cookies?" The growl in Severus's voice made Harry shiver. "I had thought of 'You're going to have fantastic sex tonight' or 'Your honeymoon is going to be the longest on record', so if you prefer one of those..."
"I think I should get all of them." Harry was still grinning. "And so should you. We're going to be the two most fortunate men in the world."