Work Text:
Fanart of Edith and Lucille for Femslash Exchange 2016. Contains some nudity, too many curtains and a little bit of tea.
NasiaCollins, Doppelganger1, Rarilee6, Lost_DeadBoi, Horror_Banshee, PanDelRey09, plushiehue, HetaKiba, ReferenceSlut, mothsnhourglass, donkeyskin, Ambrosia29, QueenIryB, hiddencait, Nelja, TheReclusiveStoryDreamer, Yinzadi, Calysta, Lullabies3232, foxxay, Destiel_4_Life_61, Arowen12, nymeria, theonlyoneshetrulyloved, 84dragons, Nymue, VerbToBeYours, girlzilla, Sharpey, rosecake, Aaronlisa, Lilith, yuuago, fenellaevangela, hypocorism, willowcabins, scintilla10, thesleepingsatellite, gwenfrankenstien, Calliatra, dreamiflame, UniversDesReptiles, The_Wavesinger, Zdenka, biglizard, afterism, pantsoffdanceoff, lionessvalenti, wishfulclicking, and merryghoul as well as 10 guests left kudos on this work!