Work Text:
Building super computers, rescuing super-soldiers, all normal teenage things.
For the Cap_Ironman Reverse Bang. Twill wrote Snow White and Sleeping Beauty to go with this art. :D
Tall_ChickenLover, Lifeisokay_1, mellowjazzANDbongodrums, HadesDragon, Dreyrugr, Xanxas20V, childofsquidward, Demonmya, anonybunny, Delta_1701, Starkthespark98, kella, vamty, mysandwich, Pipamonium, ChibiChula, Tenshura, PeaceLily, Nerdalot, PokeeArt, Darkflames_Pyre, Tigae, CArtemisT, kmeetsevil, Teyke, krysalys, sonysakura, paraka, scrollgirl, moon01234, moscatete, jkbat, Constantly_Oscitating, IamShadow21, shimmoril, jesabele, Tito11, Morena_Evensong, AnnabethTheUnicorn, timkon, Caecus_Sentius, gingerchews, sodoesrachael, Scoobert0, thatsweetmysteryoflife, Dishonored, tastielikecookiedough, lil_grl_lost, coffeewing, VerboseWordsmith, and 8 more users as well as 33 guests left kudos on this work!