Work Text:
Watch on YouTube:
“Four Dirks In Search Of an Author”
“The Unbearable Lightness of Being Four Dirks”
“Dirkencrantz And Gildensdirk And Two Other Dirks Are Dead”
I had a really fun time making this. I hope you enjoy it too.
(also, if anyone has a need for a couple dozen identical pink Barbie-scale chairs, let me know - I am currently well-stocked in that department)
Watch on YouTube:
Droogster, ButterscotchBaron, ediblenapkin, WheelCoveredInEyes, ssootsprite, mostlycyanide, 75hearts, asdfghjhkjlk, Shesamaiden, quadrant_advisor, Owl___Feathers, Bibliophallic, GrayShade, sinking_like_a_stone, bulgecursed, shudder, Lyasa, Tofutti, BeneathSilverStars, WingedSea, Not_Quite_an_Enigma, Swirlingflight, MermaidMayonnaise, FerreFolkLurking, Woloowl, tomadew, TurtleKidtheWoolgatherer, voidEnthusiast, Horny0nMain, perpetual_vertigo, Mideanon, MoonGoddex, DetectiveSpaceCore, melongumi, Intsia, MaRuX, avacoucou, meetzemonsta, Mina_ao3, diaryofageekgirl, denOden, radiantlantern, DaddlingCackleberry, Strange_Is_Normal, notsoheadless, manthem, LiesRungTrue, Opacifica, bookcatterpillar, Erie, and 411 more users as well as 524 guests left kudos on this work!