Chapter Text
hello so umm ... is anyone still here and wants to read the next chapter ???
Liah_nave7, EsmerayWolf14, The_Bisexual_Otaku_Slytherindor, Olympe_Nott, Nanami_Takuto, animelovingcrazycatlady, Kat_jays, Ariz_Arizona, Globus, Thekla_Pavlou_Anime, Ccove999, JiminieBoi, TheYoungHarbinger, xXx_ImagineXRose_xXx, Dusk45, SamLovesHam1234, Morgenpor100SXS, lokisan, hello_im_vico, Ladyanime100, PenguinGravely, Wednesday_Addams, SplendidFox, Sadalsuuld, Water_cloud26, Lunasnownature, dachshundsruletheworld, IrinaClaude, LiteraryChemist, Yandere_fever, CaptainKotori, Cesta, DemonicShipper, ketchup_puppy16, GardenMary, HakubiRen, Duelada, CelestialKitsune, ninja_asha, Life_in_flames, Junakko, FloweFeildSys, Undercover_fox, Awsomeangel, Chillingshadow, CloudAshford, Chicchan, ElitaPond, losthymns, Akalagirl23, and 42 more users as well as 88 guests left kudos on this work!