
Work Header

Hearing aids


C.B looking for hearing aids and Dinah cooking for some party.


Sorry if it sucks lol, def need to re write this later.

Work Text:

He groaned as he sat up, he could smell..something…burning, or cooking? He didn’t know. He silently fumbled for his hearing aids, his face contorting as he couldn’t find them. The alarm clock said 10:00 am. He overslept but oh well he’s done that before. New problem was hearing aids. Standing up, his wood creaking and his eyes slowly flicking on to light up his room better as he began searching for the stupid buggers.

Dinah hummed in the kitchen, listening to music while she mixed up the stuffing, almost dropping it as she turned to the oven remembering the burning turkey. Almost dropping that as she heard a familiar voice screeching.

“WHERE THE ABSOLUTE @!&$# ARE THEY!?” C.B’s curses being useless static as his code censored it out. Dinah sighed, setting the turkey down and rolling to her and C.B’s bedroom. Flicking the light on and off to catch his attention.

“They broke yesterday, remember? The new ones are still on the way.” she signed the second she got C.B’s eyes on her. He was already a tired mess, and the room might as well have had a tornado run through it. “Oh.” he huffed, slowly clambering back into bed. He wouldn’t have been much use because he couldn’t hear, so it’s best he stayed home. The freights would understand, at least Dinah did. She had simply chuckled and turned around and returned to the turkey.

Probably for some party.