Work Text:
Born to the Hart of the East End. New Gate prison's straw and walls my early days.
Then a copper's nest. I missed the straw and walls. The bed was warm and the songs unfamiliar.
The noise the same.
Lost to me a father, another mother and then a gilded cage.
The rules and punishment. An education of sorts. He knew the nameless smell of the straw at the end.
When my mother returned and was again my protector, she flitted and faded. Too good and bad and pretty for this world. Only told of, when the whiskey was flowing and the moon was full. So, my home became a fairy tale. Only Miss Reid, of old, would be familiar.
A name I never took. A change of fortune. A promise to take after a father's father not mother's.
Judge once more
Wait here darling boy, they are just yonder.
Take blanket and get her warm.
I will be back with the other. Be brave boy.
Both survive.
Their rescuer buried under. A stone with name of his wife and names of his life.