Work Text:
“Please John,” Sherlock Holmes said through gritted teeth, “tell me you put the DVD from hell in Sterling’s bag!”
“Abso-fucking-lutely!” John Watson had the biggest fake smile pasted on his face as they stood in front of 221B, waving to the departing vehicle containing the Holmes parents, he and Sherlock’s son Sterling, Sterling’s dog Gilligan and, most importantly, the DVD from hell.
“My parents so fucking deserve this!” Sherlock stopped waving as the car moved out of sight. “They have no one but themselves to blame.”
A week earlier….
“Look Sterling,” John turned to his son, “Grandma and Grandpa sent you an early birthday present. Do you want to open it now or wait?” He held the package out to Sterling with a questioning look.
“Or you could use this opportunity to try out your deductive skills!” Sherlock chipped in from the kitchen.
Sterling stared at the package intently then shook his head. “It’s not working, Grandma is taking steps to make it harder to read her gifts. All I’m getting is it’s not food.”
“How’s she doing that?” John was honestly curious. The deductive abilities still amazed him. He turned to his husband, who’d entered the room, “are you getting anything?”
Sherlock glanced at the package, “DVD of some sort but not sure which one. My mother is getting better at camouflage.”
“A DVD?” Sterling asked excitedly. “I hope it’s Madagascar! Will you watch it with me Daddy’s?” Gilligan barked helpfully.
“Of course!” said both parents happily.
A little later….
“John, why are there dancing lemurs?” Sherlock helped himself to a handful of popcorn. “Oh wait, now they’re singing.”
John helped himself to the popcorn. “Kinda trippy. But catchy.”
“I like it!” Sterling piped in. “So does Gilligan.”Gilligan barked in agreement.
A little more later…
“I like to move it, move it.” Sterling and Gilligan were dancing (in a sense) and singing/ howling. “I like to move it, move it. Come on daddy’s! Join us!”
Both daddy’s happily stood.
And still later…
“Go back to the beginning of the song!” Sherlock demanded of his spouse. “Come on Gilligan, you’re out of step!”
Gilligan barked indignantly.
And even later…
”Boys, whatever are you doing?” Mrs Hudson stood in the open doorway.
”Come and join us!” Sterling said happily. “We’ve got the dance down!” All three human Holmes-Watson’s (or Watson-Holmes), plus one happy dog, welcomed her in. “Let me start the music again.”
”No twerking!” Sherlock warned.
”Oh really Sherlock, stay off YouTube!” Mrs Hudson paused to watch the video. “OK, I think I got this. Start again Sterling?”
”Absolutely!” Sterling adjusted the video and hit play.