Chapter Text
"May i offer a more direct option, Amy?" a purple cat asked.
"Of course!" the pink hedgehog said.
"I could confront Neo Metal Sonic as Burning Blaze"
"Who's that?" Whisper wanted to know.
"Well," the purple cat said, "as most of you know, if Sonic can manage to gather up the seven Chaos Emeralds, he can use their power to transform into Super Sonic. On my world, we have similar gems called the Sol Emeralds. With their power, i can become Burning Blaze" with these words, she summoned seven gems in a ring of fire."
"Oooo" Slinger cooed, mesmerized.
"Um, 'scuse me" a white bat said from where she was standing near Blaze. "But who are you?"
"We're the-" Slinger began.
"DIAMOND CUTTERS!" Whisper yelled, interrupting the feline.
"I wanted to say it" he whined.
"Wait a minute" Lexi hopped off the crate she had been sitting on. "Did you just... make fire?" both Whisper and Slinger turned toward the purple cat, and gasped.
"Eheheheheheheh" Smithy grabbed the younger two by their cloaks. "Sorry 'bout that miss. Slinger and Whisper are kinda... excitable"
"Come's with being young" Mimic commented, striding over. "And, anyway, we're getting offtrack, we're getting offtrack."
A blue cube wisp appeared next to him, A cyan wisp, a pink wisp, a green wisp, an orange wisp, and a white wisp flew in after the blue one. Lexi purred as the white one nuzzled her cheek.
"There you are, Blue" Mimic tickled the wisp under it's chin(?). he turned to Amy Rose. "You look smart. Any ideas on how to defeat this 'Neo Metal Sonic'?"
"I've got it!" Claire exclaimed. "Eggman created Neo, right?"
"Yeah..." Sonic said.
"So, Eggman can call him off! or at least stall him while we take out the Eggfleet"
"Yeah, um" the bule blur said. "Egghead's... not available"
"So, we don't use the real Eggman..." the green female pointed at her indigo teammate. "We use Mimic"
"Does that really work?" Slinger asked, eyes wide. his teammate chuckled nervously.
"Maaaaaaaaaybe?" she rested a hand on her temple. "It's all kind of... foggy".
Everybody (except the Diamond Cutters) exchanged a confused look, but before anyone could say anything, Smithy spoke up.
"Wait" the Lion said. "Neo's a 'bot, right? So, we could take him out with an EMP."
"A who-what-now?" Slinger tilted his head to one side, expressing his confusion.
"An Electro Magnetic Pulse" Tails explained. "It overloads any tech within range"
"So, we hit the Eggfleet with an EMP..." Slinger began.
"Then we BLOW 'M UP!!!" Whisper cheered.
"An' send 'm to the surface of the sun!" Lexi cheered. the white wisp said something in their bizarre dialect.
"I might have a better idea" Amy said. "Burning Blaze will be Team 1, Sonic and Knuckles are Team 3, which means the rest of us are Team 2. Sorry, but from what i understand, you have powers that be would only make Neo Metal Sonic stronger"
The Diamond Cutters exchanged a look