Work Text:
Monday October 25 2023, 12:08 am
MK: Hey Jules, you online?
Julia has joined the chat
Julia: Yes, fuck off.
MK: Aww, I definitely won’t!
Julia: I am the only one who can text you!
Julia: First, I mean.
MK: Is there a setting for that?
Julia: Well, no.
MK: Then I am allowed to initiate conversations with you.
Julia: My phone buzzes 24/7 because of you.
MK: And you don’t complain about your social media notifications blowing up your phone, baby?
Julia: …
Julia: You do not bring social media into this.
MK: 👌🏼 m’kay babe
Julia: And please don’t call me babe.
Julia: And let me sleep.
Julia: And shut the fuck up.
MK: Whatever, babe.
MK is offline
Julia: Bye~ ✌🏼
Monday October 25 2023, 7:47 am
Julia: MK?
Julia: Do you have class now?
MK is online
Julia: Answer. Me.
MK has joined the chat
MK: Good morning to you too. You woke me up.
Julia: Do you have class today?
MK: Not until noon.
Julia: So you wanna chat?
MK: I thought you hated me
Julia: Well, you thought wrong.
MK: But you still woke me up.
MK: Wait…
MK: Are you seriously at Maggie’s Cafe?
Julia: How did you know?
MK: I tracked your IP address.
Julia: …
Julia: What do you not know?
MK: That you stole earrings from your grandma
Julia: But then again, everyone knows that! Hey, that’s something that you do know, not that you don’t!
MK: [image]
Julia: HOW DID YOU GET THAT?! I thought I deleted that one!
MK: You did, but you did not delete it from your trash, so I hacked your phone and got it. I saved it to my computer.
Julia: I didn’t finish reading that, (because it’s boring), but, of course you did.
Julia: Delete it from your computer, MK.
MK: No.
Julia: MF.
MK: Don’t use my name to your advantage or else I’ll post your IP address AND that photo you want me to delete!
Julia: Try and stop me, MF.
MK: Five…
MK: Four…
MK: Three…
Julia: So?
MK: Two…
MK: Bye!~
MK has left the chat
Julia: …
MK has joined the chat
MK: My god! I was joking. Was it really necessary for you to beg?
Julia: I hate you!
MK: Shut up baby girl, I’m tryna say something.
Julia: I won’t let you now.
Julia is offline
MK: You gotta learn to deal with her shitty attitude.
MK has left the chat
Julia has joined the chat
Julia: FYI, my attitude is NOT shitty!
Monday October 25 2023, 3:59 pm
MK: Hey Julia, just wanted you to know, if your reading this in the afternoon, we'll then good afternoon 🙏 🌄! Hope you have a good rest of your day!
Julia has joined the chat
Julia: That’s so fucking cliche, is it from that website where you can copy and paste messages?
MK: You wish, baby girl.
Julia: Ah, so you’re the one who doesn’t know how to use words.
MK: Bitchy much?
Julia: What?! No!
MK: You’re just jealous that I can type big phrases!
Julia: You literally can’t see me gasping! Of course I can write long phrases! Watch me type this entire message out and tell me IT ISN’T LONG! Don’t even start telling me how much of a bitch I am, that ruins that aura for my newest blog, which is all about embracing your true colors!… Click to read more
MK: Jesus, sheesh that is long! Also, the only true colors YOU need to embrace is the fact that you like me how I like you!
Julia: But I don’t. It would ruin the whole vibe. I’m straight and I’ve always been straight.
MK: Except you are lesbian as fuck. Does it look like I’m stupid?
Julia: YES!
MK: Yes what?
Julia: Yes, it does look like you’re stupid.
MK: Oh really? For a minute I thought you meant, “Yes, lesbian as fuck”
Julia:… You little asshole.
MK: You love me.
Julia: Smartass.
MK: Admit it.
Julia: But I’m straight. And being straight means I like boys. This wouldn’t be normal.
MK: Who said being gay was bad or not normal?
Julia: Fuck you, you make this seem normal.
MK: It is.
Julia: Not.
Julia has left the chat
Monday October 25 2023, 8:26 pm
Julia: MK? MK..?
MK has joined the chat
MK: Yeah baby girl?
Julia: How do I tell someone I like them?
MK: Just enter their DMs, have a normal conversation with them, and then slip an “I love you” somewhere. And then hack their phone wallpaper a little bit, and put an “I love you” wallpaper. Why?
Julia: Oh ok, thanks, I love you baby
MK: See, like that!
MK: Wait a second, did you just use my own tips on myself?
Julia: Not exactly, I have no idea how to hack your phone.
MK: So you did?
Julia: Yes.
MK: You fucking baby girl.
Julia: So, turns out I am lesbian.
MK: Interesting.
Julia: Wanna go out with me?
MK: Like, where do you wanna go?
Julia: I dunno, Maggie’s?
MK: Sure,
MK:… Wait, doesn’t like, every couple go there on dates?
Julia has left the chat
MK: I’m hacking your IP address.